Construction Report: Request to Fight can be found on scaffolding located in Skyhold's Main Hall.
Note text[]

Note: Construction Report: Request to Fight
Workers finishing the banner placements are requesting more important tasks. Several wish to train with swords so they can fight, more directly serving the Inquisition. They traveled to join a war, not dress up a keep. Can't say I disagree.
Our enemy cut a hole in the sky seen everywhere. We look upon it from below, but it need not humble us. We may fight because we are many. We are many because the Inquisitor inspires. The Inquisitor inspires because his/her growing legend. Part of this legend is what the masses find on arrival. That is the job of your workers: not vanity, but veneration. Not impulse, but elevation. Their skill as workers is greater threat to the enemy than their number in half-trained soldiers.Lady Montilyet
Related texts[]
Construction Report: Brickmarks
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Construction Report: Mixed Elements
Construction Report: Scaffolding
Construction Report: Surfacing
- This note is not included in the Codex.