Construction Report: Death on the Wall can be obtained from the scaffolding located in Skyhold's Main Hall.
Note text[]

Note: Construction Report: Death on the Wall
One of our finishers, Garin, fell from the scaffold and landed on a paving stone. He had breath for an hour, but his eyes were still. He died, and the Chantry sisters wrapped him. What should we do?
Have them commit his body with those we have lost since Haven; I will record his sacrifice for the Inquisition. Move his fellow workers to another site, and allow time off with pay if they request. Ensure that all workers do their jobs safely. We are in a war, not a race. Rushing does no good if we harm ourselves. We are all the Inquisition.Lady Montilyet
Related texts[]
Construction Report: Brickmarks
Construction Report: Mixed Elements
Construction Report: Request to Fight
Construction Report: Scaffolding
Construction Report: Surfacing
- This note is not included in the Codex.