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A Crumpled Note can be found wrapped around a key, located on a dead body in Coracavus's Front Corridor, the ancient Tevinter prison situated in the Western Approach. In the note Crassius Servis demands that the excavation continue without further complaints of darkspawn emerging and threatens his laborers with some drastic measures if they do not.

Note text[]

A Crumpled Note

Note: A Crumpled Note

There was nothing to indicate this place was built over an old Deep Roads entrance. While the complications with darkspawn were unfortunate, we've dealt with the pack that emerged and I will hear no further talk of it. We have enough to secure the south dig site. You will continue work in the corridors and you will do so without complaint.

Alternatively, we could use you as a distraction should more darkspawn hinder our efforts. You serve Corypheus either way.



  • This note is not included in the Codex.