“The Stone lives beneath Orlais. Mathas gar na fornen pa salroka atrast.”
The Nexus Golem is a unique golem merchant found in the Abandoned Thaig during Act 2 (or in the Hidden Dungeon during Act 3) and is the proprietor of Nexus Golem's Wares. The stone golem randomly talks and emits black smoke when interacted with. It also seems aware of what is happening in other thaigs, as it will mention events that occurred in Amgarrak Thaig.
- "Amgarrak tapped the blood, spilled within the Stone."
- "The Gauntlet is passed. Only a Shaperate can bring the light. Conversion begins..."
- "We were once more than we are."
- "The Stone lives beneath Orlais. Mathas gar na fornen pa salroka atrast."
- "The great stores are open, Shaperate. Exchange for what is needed."
- Tug's axe has "The Stone lives beneath Orlais" engraved on it.
- If you imported a saved game with Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening data in which the Warden sided with the Architect, it may sell Awakening-related items such as Architect's Legacy and The Father's Hand.