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Neb is Miriam's twin brother and bodyguard of Magister Rezaren Ammosine.


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Dragon Age: Absolution.

Neb was born in Tevinter with his twin sister Miriam. They were both slaves owned by the matriarch of House Ammosine who raised them as assassins and bodyguards for her son, Rezaren Ammosine. Although Rezaren played with the elven siblings and thought of them as family when they were children, Rezaren's mother liberally beat and mistreated his sister Miriam to remind them that they were their slaves to be used—not their equals.

During Rezaren's Harrowing, he failed to defeat the demon and began to be possessed. His mother in a panic transferred the creature into Neb. Miriam horrified by this, attacked and killed her master, Rezaren's mother, and was later attacked by the possessed Neb whom Miriam was forced to kill. After the incident, Rezaren told Miriam to flee.

Rezaren would later force a demon to possess Neb's corpse; this undead Neb would serve as Rezaren's silent and loyal bodyguard, and was molded by Rezaren to be the perfect soldier.


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Dragon Age: Absolution.

His death was what led Rezaren Ammosine to study the Circulum Infinitus in order to figure out a way to bring Neb back to life.

Neb goes to guard Rezaren in Nessum after Rezaren is given permission by the Imperial Divine to study the Circulum Infinitus. During the Chantry's evening Chant in the Summer Palace, Knight-Commander Tassia approaches Neb and tries to get him to tell her if Rezaren has been up to anything suspicious. Neb however, remains unemotional and silent to any form of conversation. Rezaren leaves the Chantry sermon early and tells Tassia that he would like to stroll around, and she decides to accompany him. Although Neb moves to follow the two of them, Rezaren dismisses Neb and orders him to wait for him at the apartments.

After the Summer Palace's secuity system suddenly activates; Tassia, Neb, and the Tevinter guards escort Rezaren to the Divine's apartments. Tassia orders Neb to not allow anyone in or out of the apartments while he is guarding Rezaren. Despite his initial agreement, Rezaren worries about Tassia, and believes that as a powerful Magister he should be part of the fight. He tries to force Neb to let him leave, but Neb only stares back at him impassively. Rezaren calms down—but after hearing the cries of the dragon in the vault, he uses magic to control Neb. He tells Neb to follow, and they leave the room together.

After Rezaren knocks out a guard threatening to attack Miriam and her friends, Rezaren welcomes his "sister" home. However, Miriam is agitated by his presence, and goes to attack him. Neb quickly separates the two, and Rezaren orders him to focus on Miriam while he deals with her friends. Rezaren's skill and magic makes short work of Roland, Lacklon, and Qwydion despite their best efforts, and he is able to restrain them in magical fields. Miriam and Neb engages in combat but Rezaren orders Neb to cease his attacks before the two could kill each other. While Miriam unleashes a flurry of attacks on Neb, she soon recognizes her brother. Although Rezaren tries to warn her, she lifts off his mask and sees that Neb is her brother's corpse, animated and controlled by Rezaren's magic. She angrily attacks Rezaren again, causing him to lose his concentration and free the others. Neb resumes defending Rezaren, while Tassia and reinforcements arrive before Miriam can land a killing strike. Archers begin shooting at Miriam's group, causing Qwydion to conjure a wall of fire to cover their escape. As they escape however, Miriam is shot in the back with an arrow. After the battle, Tassia chastises Neb for letting Rezaren leave the apartment but Rezaren defends Neb by saying he did so under his orders. Later on, Rezaren assures Neb that their work will be over soon. After Rezaren's meeting with Miriam in the Fade, Rezaren used some form of purple magic to heal Neb's wounds.

Once Miriam is coerced to return to Rezaren, Rezaren gives Neb enchanted handcuffs to apprehend Miriam and casts a glyph on Neb's palm to knock her out if she's uncooperative. Miriam approached the Summer Palace's entrance gates alone as a bluff, while Miriam's friends breached the wall of the other side of the palace; this forced Tassia and Neb to divide their forces in order to defend against both attacks. After Miriam dispatched the remaining Tevinter guards, Neb threw handcuffs at Miriam in order to give her a chance to surrender. Miriam ignored the handcuffs and attacked Neb. After a fierce battle, Miriam subdued him. Before she can inflict the killing blow however, Neb reached his hand out—seemingly to caress Miriam's face—only to utilize the hidden glyph in his palm that knocked Miriam out. By the time Miriam regained consciousness, Neb was dragging Miriam into the Summer Palace. Miriam began stabbing Neb with her dagger and the two tussled until Neb began to choke her. By this time, Qwydion had freed the vault's dragon, who began rampaging throughout the palace. The debris from the palace's collapsing structure fell nearby them, and the force of the impact freed Miriam from Neb's stranglehold. With Neb knocked down from the debris' impact, Miriam took a sword. Finally accepting that her brother was gone, Miriam used the sword to decapitate Neb's undead corpse.

Rezaren, who had been knocked out by falling debris, wakes up to find Hira has escaped and that Miriam had decapitated Neb. Rezaren starts blaming himself for trusting that Miriam could be swayed into willingly joining him and also for Neb's decapitation. He apologizes to Neb and comes to the conclusion that "There can be no master without a slave, and no slave without a master." Rezaren summons a shade demon, uses blood magic to spirit bind it, and transfers it into Neb, which consequently restores the body. When a Tevinter mage arrived to inform Rezaren that Tassia needs him to fix the pedestal to contain the vault's dragon, Rezaren makes the mage a human sacrifice—and also draws the blood of the dead Tevinter guards—to power his blood magic and mind-control the dragon.

Later on; Rezaren, Neb, and the dragon he mind-controlled attack Miriam's group at their safe house. Miriam willingly surrenders herself and the Circulum, and also offers her full compliance in exchange for the safety of her comrades. Rezaren has become ruthless due to Miriam's resistance and now only sees Miriam as his slave. He now seeks to punish Miriam by killing her friends in front of her. But fist, he sheds his, Miriam's, the dragon's, and Neb's blood to do Neb's resurrection ritual with the Circulum. The Circulum summons Neb's alleged spirit. Neb's spirit recognizes Miriam, and Rezaren pleads with the spirit to retrieve its body and complete the ritual. Neb's spirit only looks at Rezaren briefly before floating to the body. Miriam apologizes to Neb for not being able to save him but pleads with him to not ressurect himself and return to a horrible life. Neb's spirit only reassures Miriam that everything will be alright and that he loves her before touching the body and causing it to disintegrate. Roland and Lacklon then shoot a grenade at Rezaren, and its subsequent explosion disrupts the ritual and stuns Rezaren momentarily. As the ritual cancels itself, Neb's spirit looks back at Miriam one more time before fading away.
