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My Lover's Phylactery is a side quest in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

A phylactery found on a dead templar belongs to his mage lover, Ellendra. The phylactery could point other templars to Ellendra, and she may welcome its safe return, along with news of her lover.



Note: A Letter Found on a Dead Templar

Head southeast from the Dwarfson's Pass Inquisition Camp, climb up the nearby hill towards the totem to locate the nearby corpse. Loot the letter found on the dead Templar, which also grants a phylactery, and return it to Ellendra, the Templar's lover.


Codex entry: Phylacteries is also granted when looting the letter. Ellendra's location in the Crossroads will then be marked on the World map, offering her the phylactery will complete the quest.

DAIApproval Cole Approves (whether he is in the active party or not)
DAIApproval Solas Slightly Approves

Once the quest is completed, the Herald may have the option to recruit Ellendra into the Inquisition. The following options may be available:

  • (Human Mage) As a mage, I can relate.
No approval changes
  • (Arcane Knowledge) Magic can be a positive force.
DAIApproval Solas Slightly Approves
No approval changes
No approval changes
  • Vivienne can convince Ellendra to join as well.
DAIApproval Solas Slightly Disapproves
DAIApproval Sera Slightly Disapproves
DAIApproval Vivienne slightly approves


Looting Mattrin's letter yields:

  • 50-150 XP

Completing the quest yields:

  • 44 XP
  • Influence 40

Recruiting Ellendra as an agent for Josephine (Connections) yields:

  • Influence 50
  • Power 1

Codex entries[]

Codex entry: Phylacteries Codex entry: Phylacteries

Note texts[]

A Letter Found on a Dead Templar (My Lover's Phylactery) A Letter Found on a Dead Templar (My Lover's Phylactery)

