A Mature dragon is an adult female dragon that is larger than a normal dragon and somewhat smaller than a high dragon.
In Act 1 a mature dragon can be encountered by traveling through the Bone Pit to the Bone Pit Mines and out onto the Bone Pit Ledge. Another mature dragon can be encountered in Act 2 at the far eastern clearing on Sundermount, past the Sundermount Passage and elven graveyard.
Abilities & Skills[]
- Fire Spit
- Flame Breath: Forward arc that does significant fire damage.
- Wing Buffet: PBAoE that stuns all melee enemies.
- Wing Draft: Draws nearby enemies into melee range.
- Roar
- Tail Swipe
- Summon: Dragonlings
Elemental resistances[]
- Cold: Very weak
- Electricity: Normal
- Fire: Normal (Immune on Nightmare)
- Nature: Normal
- Spirit: Normal
See also[]
Aveline Vallen fighting a mature dragon.