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Dragon Age Wiki

Countess Lynette Dionne is an Orlesian noble involved with Josephine Montilyet's mission to free her family from the influence of the House of Repose.


Prior to 9:41 Dragon, the Countess was in a secret relationship with an apostate by the name of Ellerly. Ellerly attended the Divine Conclave, and went missing.

The play[]

There is a play, called "The Heir of Verchiel", performed yearly in Verchiel, that includes a character of "Countess Dionne", discussing a long lost son with Duke Le Seuille. It can be found as Volume III of the Codex entry: A Compendium of Orlesian Theater. It is unknown if the play is about this specific Countess, or perhaps one of her predecessors.


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Dragon Age: Inquisition.


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