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“My little brother, off to war. And now my sweet Louis, dead.”

Linette is the wife of Louis.


Linette married Louis, the love of her life. When the War of the Lions began, Linette's younger brother, Garde, lied that he would fight for the Empress when he instead intended to flee to Ferelden forever. Louis caught him trying to steal Linette's jewels and accidentally killed him in the confrontation. He never told his wife what had happened, choosing to let her believe that Garde had gone to war. When the Red Templars took over Emprise du Lion, Louis was among the villagers taken to the Sahrnia quarry to become a red lyrium miner.


Linette can be found in Sahrnia, sitting near a fire to warm herself from the cold. She believes that her husband is dead, and worried about her brother, whom she believes to be off to war.

The Inquisitor can free Linette's husband from the Sahrnia quarry. They can also find his confession letter, in which he admits to killing Linette's brother. If Linette is told the truth, she is initially disbelieving, then greatly saddened. She tells the Inquisitor to leave, as she wishes to be alone. If Linette isn't told about the letter, she rejoices over her husband's return, saying she hadn't even dared hope for his survival.


Caged Confession Caged Confession

Note texts[]

Written Confession Written Confession