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A Letter from Emile de Launcet is received after the completing the quest On The Loose if Emile de Launcet was set free.


Dear Hawke,

Thank you for your trust and giving me the chance to truly live. You don't have to worry about me. The Circle, as strict as it was, taught me well. As long as I keep my mouth shut and stay away from magic, I should be all right.

I've since bedded a woman much better looking than any wench in the Hanged Man. I wrote another letter with all the details, but you probably don't want to hear about it. (I've learned some discretion! Aren't you proud of me?)

Anyway, I've enclosed a little item that helped my studies in the Circle. I no longer need it, and maybe you'll meet someone who can put it to good use.

Ever grateful,
Emile de Launcet


  • The letter from Emile de Launcet is supposed to be received along with the a Filigreed Orlesian Pendant if he was set free during the Act 3 quest On the Loose. However, as of patch 1.04, neither the letter nor the amulet is received.
  • If desired, a mod that restores numerous unobtainable items via normal means can be downloaded here.