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Leonas Bryland is the Arl of South Reach and father to Habren. During the Fereldan Rebellion, he served under Prince Maric in the same regiment as Bryce Cousland and Rendon Howe.


After the defeat of Ferelden's army at Ostagar, the darkspawn horde moved north. In this time of need, the village of Lothering, which belongs to his Arling, was left leaderless with no formal evacuation plan.

Once the Landsmeet starts, he can be found in the Gnawed Noble Tavern, conversing with Bann Alfstanna. During the Landsmeet gathering, he will always support the Warden.

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South Reach heraldry


  • "Habren has done nothing since we've arrived except spend coin on herself. If we stay in Denerim much longer, I'll have to send her to a cloister."
  • "Rendon Howe was no friend of mine. The boy I knew... died at the Battle of White River."
  • "That he didn't die years ago is the only thing worth mourning here."
  • "Some of us are curious, Loghain, about precisely what happened at Ostagar." (If the Warden says "I'm not the one who betrayed Ferelden!" at the Landsmeet).




  1. 7.4 Ferelden Society. Dragon Age: Origins: Official Game Guide. Prima Games.