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Jana is an elven girl living in Crestwood.

This section contains spoilers for:
Dragon Age: Inquisition.

She survives an attack from the undead on the road thanks to a pair of wondering Grey Wardens, and is thus inspired to join the order. The Inquisitor can encourage her plan, or convince her this is a dangerous time to join the Wardens - in which case she'll join the Inquisition as an agent.

I'm going to see if they need new recruits.
  • "I can see the appeal."
DAIApproval Blackwall Slightly Approves
DAIApproval Sera Slightly Dissaproves
DAIApproval Solas Slightly Disapproves
  • "Why join now?"
No approval change
  • "Dont join the Wardens."
DAIApproval Sera Slightly Approves
DAIApproval Solas Slightly Approves
DAIApproval Blackwall Slightly Disapproves - (does not need to be in party for approval change.)
With all thats happening, I'd like to help people the same way.
  • "Go ahead and join."
DAIApproval Blackwall Slightly Approves
DAIApproval Dorrian Slightly Disapproves
DAIApproval Sera Slightly Disapproves
DAIApproval Solas Disapproves - (does not need to be in party for approval change.)
  • [Nobility Perk] "Dont do it."
DAIApproval Cole Approves - (does not need to be in party for approval change.)
DAIApproval Sera Approves
DAIApproval Solas Approves
DAIApproval Dorrian Slightly Approves
Jana becomes an agent.
  • [Special] "Solas?"
DAIApproval Solas Approves
DAIApproval Sera Slightly Disapproves
Jana becomes an agent.

If Jana joins the Gray Wardens, she will later be used by Clarel as sacrifice for the Blood Magic ritual to end all Blights.

Note: If Solas is in the party, an additional dialogue option will be available, letting him convince Jana not to join the Wardens, and providing additional approval by Solas. However, letting Solas convince Jana also accrues a slight disapproval from Sera.
