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Isabela values fun, money, freedom and getting ahead; she responds well to sarcasm but actually responds best to sweetness. She likes jokes, flirting and Hawke trying to squeeze a little extra coin out of the people they help or solving problems in particularly clever and devious ways, but in direct interactions with her, being kind rather than irreverent gains the most approval. She also approves if you seem a bit selfish in your dealings with other people.

Act 1

Act 2

  • A Bitter Pill: Choosing "We go after them." Friendship (+5)
  • A Bitter Pill: Choosing "Not our problem" when talking to Orana Friendship (+5) or choosing to give Orana coin Friendship (+10)
  • A Bitter Pill: Allow Fenris to decide Hadriana's fate Friendship (+5)
  • A Ship for Isabela: All options lead to Friendship (+10)
    Note: This may be for Friendship path, see below when on Rivalry path.
  • All That Remains: Kill Gascard in Darktown after completing the quest Friendship (+10)
  • Demands of the Qun: If you say "You can't have her" to the Arishok Friendship (+15)
  • Fool's Gold: Refuse to help Yevhen Friendship (+5)
  • Hawke Estate: Sleep with Isabela (requires previous flirt, and existing friendship) Friendship (+10)
  • Isabela's Ongoing Search:
    • Choosing all peaceful, all humorous, or all aggressive responses Friendship (+5)
    • Choosing the humorous response "Are you sure?" or the aggressive response "Give it up." and then choosing the peaceful response "I'll do what I can." Friendship (+15)
    • Choosing the peaceful response "You don't need it." and then choosing the flirt option "I'll do it for a kiss." Friendship (+15)
    • Choosing the humorous response "Are you sure?" or the aggressive response "Give it up." and then choosing the flirt option "I'll do it for a kiss." Friendship (+25)
      • Note: This may be due to friendship path; untested for rivalry path by editor. Confirmed that the above is the same approval received on rivalry path (PC patch 1.04)
  • Isabela's Apology: "I forgive you" (doesn't matter what else you choose) Friendship (+10)
  • Night Terrors: When being tempted by the desire demon, choose "I can't beat that" Friendship (+5)
  • Questioning Beliefs: If you choose the peaceful/humorous/flirt options Friendship (+20). If you choose the aggressive/flirt option or all aggressive options Friendship (+10)
  • Talk to: In Hanged Man when she comments on romance with Merrill, choose "I am" or "You've noticed?"Friendship (+5)
  • Talk to: In Hanged Man when she comments on romance with Fenris, choose "What do they say"Friendship (+5)
  • Talk to: In Hanged Man when she comments on romance with Anders, choose any response other than "None of your business" Friendship (+5)
  • The Long Road: Tell Aveline "No excuses! Arrange a patrol." Friendship (+10)
  • To Catch a Thief: Tell her she can keep the relic Friendship (+15)
  • Viscount's Keep: When you talk to Saemus, choose "I don't like or hate Qunari." Friendship (+5)

Act 3

Legacy DLC


Getting involved in other people's business tends to annoy Isabela, so helping an NPC just for the sake of helping and not asking for a reward will often earn her ire. She also generally disapproves of rules and authority and attempts by Hawke to enforce rules on other people (especially her).

Act 1

  • Bait and Switch: Agree to help Fenris without accusing him of tricking you Rivalry (+5)
  • Enemies Among Us: Hand Keran over to the templars Rivalry (+5)
  • Enemies Among Us: If you don't kill Idunna Rivalry (+5)
  • Finders Keepers: Refuse to tell Martin the location of his cargo Rivalry (+10) (Unless you follow with "I'll tell you for a price, which results in Friendship (+10) total)
  • Get Back to Work: Offer the workers a raise Rivalry (+5)
  • Grand Cleric Elthina: Choose the pious reply when discussing the blight (do not Investigate) Rivalry (+5)
  • Isabela's Contact: When accepting the quest choose "I'm not a charity" Rivalry (+10)
  • Magistrate's Orders: Take Kelder back to the city Rivalry (+15)
  • The First Sacrifice: Agree to help Ghyslain Rivalry (+5)
  • The First Sacrifice: When talking to Emeric after the fight in the meeting place, choose "Can I help in any way" Rivalry (+5)
  • The Wounded Coast: By defending the human in the confrontation with the Dalish elf. Otherwise, a diplomatic Hawke has a special option to convince the elf to spare the human. Rivalry (+5) This encounter is available only if the Werewolves were killed or cured during the events of Dragon Age: Origins.

Act 2

  • A Bitter Pill: After the ambush, tell Fenris "Now they're dead" or "Calm down" Rivalry (+5)
  • A Bitter Pill: Tell Orana to come work for you and tell Fenris that you plan to pay her or "Do you want help or not?" Rivalry (+5)
  • A Ship for Isabela: All options lead to Rivalry (+10)
    Note: When on Rivalry path, see above for Friendship path.
  • All That Remains: Let Gascard go after completing the quest Rivalry (+10)
  • Demands of the Qun: If you say that "We will punish her" to the Arishok Rivalry (+10)
  • Following the Qun: By choosing the diplomatic dialogue option while talking to Mother Petrice outside the Chantry at the end of the quest. This can take place only if Petrice is still alive Rivalry (+5)
  • Fool's Gold: Agree to help Yevhen Rivalry (+5)
  • Hawke Estate: Sleep with Isabela (requires previous flirt, and existing rivalry Rivalry (+10)
    Note: Choosing to end the romance with the broken heart "Maybe you're right." option results in no approval change (PC v1.04). This works for Friendship path too.
  • Isabela's Apology: "You backstabber" (doesn't matter what else you choose) Rivalry (+10)
  • Isabela's Ongoing Search: Choosing the peaceful response "You don't need it." and then choosing the humorous response "Rats." or the aggressive response "We'll see." Rivalry (+5)
    Note: See Friendship approval above for results when using flirt option "I'll do it for a kiss." while on Rival path.
  • The Long Road: Have Isabela in your party when you meet Donnic at the Hanged Man. Choose "A friendly ultimatum" when talking to Aveline Rivalry (+10)
  • If you visit Sundermount before starting Night Terrors and if you sent Feynriel to the Dalish or let him choose at the conclusion of Wayward Son, you may encounter Templars demanding a group of Dalish hand over Feynriel. During the conversation you can side with either the Dalish or the Templars in in the following fight Rivalry (+5) (leaving the conversation has no Friendship/Rivalry affect)
  • Night Terrors: When the desire demon is tempting her, choose "Don't turn on me" Rivalry (+5)
  • Prime Suspect: At the end of the quest, allowing Gascard DuPuis to live Rivalry (+5) (PC v1.04 may not occur)
  • Questioning Beliefs: If you choose the humorous or aggressive option Rivalry (+15)
  • Talk to: When she comments on romance with Fenris, any response other than "What do they say" Rivalry (+5)
  • Talk to in Hanged Man: When she comments on romance with Anders or Merrill, choose "None of your business" Rivalry (+5)
  • To Catch a Thief: Demand she give the relic back to the Qunari Rivalry (+15)

Act 3

Legacy DLC
