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Dragon Age Wiki

An imbued tusket is a variation of a regular tusket; they can be found in Swamp Kuldsdotten in the Frostback Basin.


Tuskets by nature are gentle and non-aggressive creatures, characterized by their short tusks and sturdy front feet. Imbued tuskets differ from their more common cousins in a few different ways: The color of their hide is pink, rather than grey; they are hardier, with more HP; and they are much faster, making them more difficult to kill.


Frostback Basin Frostback Basin

Abilities & Skills[]

Armor: 130
Immunity: Asleep
Immunity: Fear
Immunity: Frozen
Immunity: Paralyzed
Immunity: Panicked
Immunity: Slowed
Immunity: Chilled
Immunity: Confused
Immunity: Stunned

Notable loot[]

Nugskin Nugskin
Tusket Teeth Tusket Teeth
Imbued Tusket Hide Imbued Tusket Hide
Hardened Tusket Skin Hardened Tusket Skin
Fade-Touched Tusket Hide (Veilstrike) Fade-Touched Tusket Hide (Veilstrike)



Codex entries[]

Codex entry: Tusket Codex entry: Tusket


  • The area that the imbued tuskets are found in are also inhabited by randomly spawning Hakkonite enemies.
    • If you're having problem finding one try standing as south of the cave as you can in the swamp while still in water, where the map seems to have the deepest water, stand to the left in the water on the map. (You should have an animal carcass just behind you while facing south, a fallen tree with thorns to your left and on the map and have two big treeroots in a line almost infront of you.) Kill everything that comes up near you and then return to your place.

