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Dragon Age Wiki
For the information on the darkspawn, see Hurlock and Hurlock emissary.

An enthralled hurlock emissary is a potential party member available in The Darkspawn Chronicles DLC.


Templatetools This section is incomplete and requires expansion.


Elven Alienage Elven Alienage (Denerim)


Arcane Bolt Arcane Bolt
Flame Blast Flame Blast
Flaming Weapons Flaming Weapons
Fireball Fireball
Rock Armor Rock Armor
Stonefist Stonefist
Winter's Grasp Winter's Grasp
Frost Weapons Frost Weapons
Cone of Cold Cone of Cold
Heal Heal
Walking Bomb Walking Bomb
Death Syphon Death Syphon
Mind Blast Mind Blast
Drain Life Drain Life
Bug icon Bug! Major Magic and Massive Magic are bugged and grant Cunning instead.

Initial equipment[]

Weapons Darkspawn Staff Darkspawn Staff
Armor Darkspawn Plate Armor Darkspawn Plate ArmorDarkspawn Plate Boots Darkspawn Plate Boots

Plot skills[]

Note: Unlike the main game, the approval bonuses in The Darkspawn Chronicles are cumulative.
Skill Name Benefit Requirement
Inspired: Major Magic +3 to Cunning* 25% approval
Inspired: Massive Magic +4 to Cunning* 50% approval
Inspired: Massive Willpower +4 to Willpower 75% approval
Inspired: Massive Constitution +4 to Constitution 90% approval