The Hurlock Bolter is a variety of hurlock darkspawn.
Hurlock bolters look similar to the standard hurlock; however, instead of wearing a head coif like regular hurlocks, these can be identified by their metal bowl-like helmets and crossbows.
Rather than bows and swords, these hurlocks utilize crossbows as their weapon of choice. They supplement the darkspawn hordes with ranged fire to cover the advance of the common hurlocks and ogres.
Several hurlock bolters are amongst the rest of the darkspawn horde in the Blightlands outside of Lothering and attack Hawke and their family as they flee to Gwaren. They also often appear whenever darkspawn are encountered―most frequently within the Deep Roads.
- Ancient darkspawn
- Hurlock
- Hurlock alpha
- Hurlock archer
- Hurlock battle mage
- Hurlock berserker
- Hurlock Dragon-Tamer
- Hurlock emissary
- Hurlock general
- Hurlock grunt
- Hurlock omega
- Hurlock vanguard