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Dragon Age Wiki

Everyone who is anyone in Kirkwall lives in Hightown, and they give little thought to what goes on in Lowtown other than to complain when the wind drags up the stench from its foundries or ancient mines. People in Hightown feel safe, not because the city's walls are impregnable, but because an invader would need to scale the stairs from Lowtown in order to reach them. Many bloody battles have been fought on those narrow stairs, and in several wars Hightown has held out for months after Lowtown was taken. The wealthy often forget, however, that those stairs are also their only escape.[1]


Enemies Among Us Enemies Among Us



  • In the Hightown Estates the large rectangular courtyard at the west end of the estates (furthest point west in all of Hightown) contains a hidden alley that doesn't appear on the minimap (easily detected visually though). It is the only area in the game that extends outside of the borders on the minimap. During Act 1 it has random loot during the day and night, no loot during Act 2 and then a Master level (40 cunning) chest during Act 3 at night.


See also

Codex entry: Kirkwall - Hightown Codex entry: Kirkwall - Hightown

