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The Harrowing

The Harrowing.

The Harrowing is a test that every mage-apprentice must go through to become a full member of the Circle of Magi. Exactly what happens during the Harrowing is kept a secret from apprentices, and apprentices are not given any warning when they are to face their Harrowing.

First, the apprentice enters the Fade through ritual use of lyrium. Once across the Veil, the subject must face and overcome a demon that wishes to possess the apprentice's body and enter the living realm. This involves navigating whatever challenges have been set up and seeing through whatever ruse the demon (usually one of pride or desire) puts on. The demon itself would have been summoned by Circle mages to the same part of the Fade the apprentice enters, lured by the promise of a living body waiting for it. The Harrowing is more a test of will, common sense, and the ability to resist temptation, than one of magical ability.

If the apprentice succeeds in resisting the demon, he or she earns the title and trappings of a mage, becoming a full member of the Circle.

Failed harrowing

A failed Harrowing.[1]

However, if the apprentice is overwhelmed by the demon (or, some say, takes too long to complete the task), he or she is killed by templars, who are standing by to prevent the tragedy of an abomination. One templar (who remains unidentified to the mages present) is assigned the killing blow in advance, while the rest keep danger at bay and stand ready to replace the 'designated slayer' if necessary.

Apprentices may volunteer to be made Tranquil instead of undergoing their Harrowing. Since passing the Harrowing theoretically proves that a mage is capable enough to resist possession, Chantry law forbids mages who passed their Harrowing from being made Tranquil.

Upon successful completion of his or her Harrowing, a mage is traditionally given a ring of lyrium-infused silver.

See also

Codex entry: The Harrowing Codex entry: The Harrowing

Codex entry: The Tranquil Codex entry: The Tranquil

Codex entry: Walking the Fade: A Harrowing Codex entry: Walking the Fade: A Harrowing


  1. Image from Dragon Age RPG Player's Guide, set 2, pg. 63.