Dragon Age Wiki
Dragon Age Wiki

Fraternities are groups of enchanters who hold the same viewpoints, and band together to make their voices heard. They function as political parties among Circle mages and determine the policy of a given Circle. A Fraternity counts Enchanters from different Circles among their number, and the various Fraternities vie for power in the College of Magi. Any full Enchanter can join one.

Known Fraternities

  • Aequitarians are the dominant faction in Ferelden's Circle. They promote a moderate and popular viewpoint that advocates a set of rules and guidelines for mages to live and operate by. Aequitarians believe that all mages should help people and follow a set of ideals- to this end, they appear to be comfortable working alongside the Templars. Known Aequitarians include: Senior Enchanters Torrin, Wynne, and First Enchanter Irving.
  • Formari - The Tranquil belong to this group and do all the enchanting and trading on behalf of the Circle, however, not all formari are tranquil, such as in the case of Solivitus. Owain and Solivitus are Formari.
  • Isolationists are those who wish to separate themselves from the Templars, Chantry and indeed civilization in order to practise magic without scrutiny. Possibly "on an island somewhere". Niall is the only Isolationist seen thus far, though he merely sympathised and did not consider himself one of them.
  • Libertarians desire that the Circle to become an autonomous, self-regulating order without Chantry involvement at any level. They form the largest opposition to the Aequitarian-Loyalist alliance. A more zealous faction called the Resolutionists are an offshoot of the Libertarians. The Libertarians count Uldred and Anders among their number.
  • Loyalists follow the Chantry's word as it is written. They are often called "Chantry apologists" for accepting the Chantry/Templars ever-present observation. They are allied with the Aequitarians.
  • Lucrosians believe that mages and their talents should be used for monetary gains.

See Also
