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Forums: Index > Game DiscussionWhy is the Black City Closer in the Blackmarsh?
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When in the Blackmarsh in the Fade, the Black City seems much closer than other areas of the Fade. The large tower structure even casts a shadow on the waters. Why do you think this is? King Cousland (talk) 19:38, April 14, 2011 (UTC)

Maybe the Black City is actually an ancient version of Amaranthine or Vigil's Keep that Tevinter or Avvar mages transported into the Fade like the Blackmarsh. Or it's where the mages in Aeonar went when they got killed by Andraste's followers, I dunno. --CommanderCousland (talk) 20:11, April 14, 2011 (UTC)

I always thought the Black City was Arlathan. King Cousland (talk) 20:15, April 14, 2011 (UTC)

Can you give us visual documentation that it actually looks closer, I never noticed it.---rphb- (talk) 21:22, April 14, 2011 (UTC)

My apologies for the poor quality, I had to take it from a YouTube video. I'm not sure if you can see it, but that large black blob across the lake is the bottom of the central tower-like structure. It's almost as though you could sail to it:


Mistake on the part of the developers?Maybe its not the black city. Perhaps since the Baroness did magic to re-create a version of the blackmarsh in the fade it moves the people much closer to the black city for whatever reason? Balitant (talk) 22:20, April 14, 2011 (UTC)

It's definitely the black city. If you go to blackmarsh and look at the sky, all of the black structures from "Trapped in the fade" are there, but much larger. I always thought it was strange because one of the cardinal rules of magic is "All points in the fade are equidistant from the Black City", which would not seem to be the case there. (talk) 00:20, April 15, 2011 (UTC)

Or perhaps by the Baroness using blood magic and becoming a very powerful Pride Demon herself, she was able to draw the Blackmarsh through the Veil, and send it very deep into the Fade, closer to the Black City. Arctistor23 (talk) 00:15, April 15, 2011 (UTC)

one of the cardinal rules of magic also said that magic cant be used to transport yourself from one point in the planet to another, but the eluvians proved that wrong.Bigtemplarmanwithsword (talk) 00:47, April 15, 2011 (UTC)

I believe that rules refers directly to the mage. I think the rule can be bent assuming that an artifact is used as the transport method. In terms of the Black City however, I don't think the Baroness was powerful enough, even with Blood Magic, to actually PULL herself, the Blackmarsh Undying, and many villagers to the edge of the City. King Cousland (talk) 00:51, April 15, 2011 (UTC)

It is entirely possible that the Blackmarsh itself has somesort of connection or rip in the Fade to allow for a closer relation to the Black City. Even with the "rule" being that everything is equidistant. The Blackmarsh being "special" could be why the witch was interested in settling there in the first place. It could also be an explanation for the mystical occurrences after her death as well (re: the epilogue). --Zambingo (talk) 01:10, April 15, 2011 (UTC)

I love when we notice something and then the theories start lol... Notice how the sky is white instead of that sick green normally in the fade? Im still unsure if those things are the black city, or other pieces of Raw Fade floating nearby. Before I read stuff on the wiki I assumed the latter. Subject 14 (talk) 01:15, April 15, 2011 (UTC)

I stand corrected King Cousland, you make a good point. It would take unbelievable power to pull onself through the Fade that far, much less bring the entire Blackmarsh and its inhabitants as well. Zambingo, what would make the Blackmarsh so special that it allowed someone to witness tha Black City closer than ever before, something that has never been witnessed so far? Arctistor23 (talk) 01:18, April 15, 2011 (UTC)

I think you guys are reading into this way too much. The artists who made the sky background for the Fade in Awakening were probably so rushed and uninformed that they didn't bother to make sure the Black City looked to be at exactly the same distance as it appeared in Origins. It isn't some new precedent that powerful mages can break long established rules of the Fade, it's just a minor continuity oversight. DrBeeblebrox (talk) 01:52, April 15, 2011 (UTC)

Key word is "probably". Who cares if we are reading too much into this, that's kinda the fun of having these forums...Arctistor23 (talk) 03:48, April 15, 2011 (UTC) 01:54, April 15, 2011 (UTC)

Who says that even is the Black City? In the Origin's fade section in the Circle Tower, everyone was saying that the Black City was the long horizontal island thing far up in the 'sky'. IMO that's just another Fade-space-filler the artists drew up. We are still to see the Black City.IP no. (talk) 03:18, April 15, 2011 (UTC)
