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Forums: Index > Lore DiscussionWhy did Knight-Commander Meredith turn against Hawke?
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This doesn't happen until the end of the game, but why does Meredith turn against Hawke? On what grounds were the Templars planning to arrest the Champion? was there even any justification for it or was it just another in a long string of Meredith's abuses of power? --JordanHawker (talk) 03:58, October 18, 2012 (UTC) JordanHawker

she's crazy, and the whole arrest the Champion thing did not make much sense if you side with the Templars, arrest the Champion for what i wonder? (talk) 04:05, October 18, 2012 (UTC)Darkside

Arrest the champion for his possible colaberation with Vengeance's terrorist attack. As the champion is known to consort with rogue elements, including blood mages. it was an abuse of power to be sure, but still... kinda makes sense. (talk) 04:11, October 18, 2012 (UTC)

The exact moment where Meredith turns against Hawke, can't be pinpointed. Its presumably in the gap between Act 2 and Act 3, when she has bought the idol and used it to make the sword. The thing about Meredith is that while we see as a paranoid bigot, there is quite a lot to her. Her own sister was an apostate who became possessed and killed 70 people, her own family included. Not only that, but as the Knight Commander of Kirkwall, she is in effect the most powerful templar in eastern Thedas, with not only the responsibilities of running the Kirkwall and Free Marches Templars, but she also has a hand in the running of Kirkwall, even before Dumar was killed. All of that power would unsettle most people. Bear in mind as well that the red lyrium is quite different to normal lyrium and creates voices in the possessor's head. So all that in someone in a position of power in a city like Kirkwall (where there are hints that the entire city is one huge magically rune and the veil is thinner there than other places in Thedas) and it was a recipe for disaster from day one. As for how she could justify having Hawke arrested, well the easiest way would be to arrest Hawke for aiding an apostate and a blood mage (Anders and Merrill respectively), or perhaps arrest Hawke for interfering in a Templar's "holy" duties (i.e. every time Hawke killed a templar). She has plenty of excuses for trying to have Hawke arrested, some could be seen as legitimate, others total ass pulls because, let's face it, by that stage the woman is a lyrium brand sort of a Tranquil ritual.--Madasamadthing (talk) 04:20, October 18, 2012 (UTC)

To be honest, at this point (thanks to the idol), Meredith is basically insane. TheTeaMustFlow (talk) 06:33, October 18, 2012 (UTC)

Because EA demanded there be two final boss battles for all players. In-game explanation for this: she and Orsino are both crazy. Kestrella (talk) 07:14, October 18, 2012 (UTC)
