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Forums: Index > Game DiscussionWho's the better companion- Allistar or Varric?
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So now playing through DA2 for the 3rd time and having done so with Origins as well, I was wondering what the rest of you thought about who was the better companion- Alistar or Varric? Personally, I can see where both have their place in their respective roles, but Varric seems like less of a wuss than Alistar ever is! And the plot lines want to make this guy king?! Thoughts??? (ViscountHawke (talk) 13:36, October 6, 2011 (UTC))

Alistair. He grows on me and become one of my trusted companions, can't say the same with Varric. That's just me though. Oh and I like people who are complex, Varric: You get what you see, not that it is a bad thing --NobleHumanRocks (talk) 14:28, October 6, 2011 (UTC)

Alistair. I love Varric, I really do, he is my favorite DA2 character. They both fill that perfect example of a ‘best friend a person could have’ but Alistair got there first, and he’s always there throughout the entire game where as in DA2, you get the feeling that when Hawke and Varric aren’t running around together, they’ll meet up for an occasional drink, but they’re not ALWAYS together. True, circumstances are completely different but Alistair was the first companion you met in the first game, if not for love, I’d say Alistair even if it’s just for nostalgia of when you first popped DAO into your respective system. Mrs.AlistairTheirin 15:03, October 6, 2011 (UTC)

This is a hard choice, as they're both great characters. But I'm going to go with Varric, if only because the previous two posters picked Alistair. :) My Wardens have to groom Alistair for the throne and practically force it on him, while my Hawkes and Varric just sit back sharing a pint at the Hanged Man after killing bad guys all day. Gruedragon (talk) 15:21, October 6, 2011 (UTC)
