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Forums: Index > Game DiscussionWhich party member do you want to kill the most?
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i've been trying to find out who to get alister to leave or kill him so help and post which party member you want dead

Member as an any it would be Morgana. She starts to tick me off after a bit. As in that choice I pick Al becuase he's who I have worked with.
personally i want to kill Sten, he's annoying and all he cares about is killing darkspawn, it's more annoying than Morrigan. Trust me.
Any chance I could conscript Isolde into the Grey Wardens, then off her? No? Okay, then I'd kill Sten. When he pisses me off in camp I usually throw him in a force field as a sort of time-out. It doesn't do anything, but make me laugh. LVTDUDE (talk) 03:45, July 28, 2010 (UTC)
I personally like Sten. I agree... He annoys me in the start, but after you do his personal quest, he starts to respect you. A member that I want to kill if I had the chance... Zevran and Morrigan. I just can't support them. Morrigan is "an utter bitch" and Zevran is always hitting in my Wardens, even if I am male, now I'm always killing him before I even wake him up. --Rocketai (talk) 03:59, July 28, 2010 (UTC)

I realy hated sten,he bitched about everything!!!

Tower Guard, definitely the Tower Guard. Who does he think he is running up to my PC going all "The Tower, it's been taken!"? Man doesn't know how to do his job, making my work more trouble. Screw you Tower Guard! Plain ruined my day... I had a sweet assignment too, I was just supposed to light the beacon... but no, he and his buddies messes up. I had to fight an Ogre, an Ogre! That's not cool man, just not cool. --Aedan Cousland (talk) 04:54, July 28, 2010 (UTC)

Man, the Tower Guard is a monster in my game!! He always kills my Ogre! He took the final blow and he stabbed the creature with a mace! After that, I respect him. How you stab someone with a mace? --Rocketai (talk) 05:01, July 28, 2010 (UTC)
You can blame nobody but yourself. Take his mace away (and armour, too) - voila, the Evil Tower Guard is neutralised and the Ogre is all yours...or the Evil Tower Mage's/Bowman's.

I hated the tower guard. He got me shot by darkspawn.

(Sigh) If only Anora were a party member. I would have put her head on a spike then shoved it up the Archdemon's arse.--JackfieldsA113 (talk) 06:56, July 28, 2010 (UTC)

It dissapoints me that no one has said Cullen, the ignorant ass, if only u could leave him in the fade--Skyzod324 (talk) 08:25, July 28, 2010 (UTC)

Cullen isn't really a party member, he's not even a temporary party member. As far as the Mage Origin goes though, what about Mouse? I mean sure, he is a Pride Demon and it would probably lead to a spectacular failure, but I think it would be fun. Also when is Cullen ever in the fade? --Aedan Cousland (talk) 10:45, July 28, 2010 (UTC)

Leliana oh she annoys me sometimes. "They shoudl thank the maker" "thank the maker" blah blah blah! SCREW THE MAKER HE IS A JERK!

Oh, and that damn tower gaurd. Bastard. PinkOldShoes (talk) 09:37 28/07/2010

Morrigan. (talk) 09:30, July 28, 2010 (UTC)


But it doesn't matter - I always kill or leave them all alone. Bad, that there's no way to kill Morrigan/Sten/Oghren (talk) 09:52, July 28, 2010 (UTC)

Oghren in Awakening. He turned into a whiny bitch and a creepy stalker. And you think someone who was accepted into the Wardens against all objections could be a little less judgmental about who else I recruit? And Sigrun for being a poor excuse for a thief, but mostly because of her insipid belaboring of the obvious. DokEnkephalin (talk) 11:06, July 28, 2010 (UTC)

I hated Dunkan in origins so much with his recruiting my mage into wardens to die in 10-20 years on deep roads, that I made no wardens in awaking, all addon alone. I hope Avernus will help my character to live as long as he, using blood magic. (talk) 13:04, July 28, 2010 (UTC)

I agree with the statement above(about Orghen), except that i think two characters is worse. Second to last is Alistair he only needs a glory and some wings to be the suppreme white guy. I is stupid, annoying and he cant take dessisions, but. The party member i hate the most and this is a big win is Wynn. She tries to be this nice and wise grandmom figure, but she is very much like allistair and added to that arrogant and annoying. "Why did you become a grey warden?" "I killed the arls son and all his guards because my cousin who is slave like all elfs was raped and some other elfs where killed to" or "My house was betrayed by Arl Howe who took my house and killed my family(Fergus fade is unknown)". Her answer... "its good to know everything is going to be as it is supposed to". All i can say is thank you Wynn and thank you bioware because i am allowed to kill her before she enters my camp. --PeterR (talk) 13:08, July 28, 2010 (UTC)

Myself i would kill Wynne,morrigan or zevren. Wynne because most of the time she dosent really listen to me, and says happy comments about my family being murderd by arl howe also she nags alot. Morrigan becuase simply shes a bitch and zevren because he keeps hitting on all my characters! i dont kill wynne or zevren because all my characters are always good but i can dream... Domlen Cousland, 18:06, July 28 2010

Sten because his face looks like an ass XD and he is so boring......

I HATE Leliana! I hate freak people who are all religious and act like an innocent kid, and she also hits in my female Wardens like there's no to-morrow... I wanted a mod that adds a opnion "(Runs away)". Morrigan is always annoying me and complaining about my actions!! And Zevran is useless and, like Leliana, is always hitting in my Wardens, female or not. That kind of people scare me. --Rocketai (talk) 23:04, July 28, 2010 (UTC)

Wow, theres alot of homophobic people here... I would kill Oghren hands down, he tries to be funny, but isn't, he joins you in awakening, which sucks, and he leaves his wife (Felsi) and kids to fight darkspawn. Who cares if your bored!?!?! raise your kids!!! Also jory, who left his family and then wimped out when it came time to step up, (did you expect to become a warden then go back and be a stay at home dad! if you want to be with your family, dont join the army) and jowan (backstabbing prick, I thought we was legit) and shale just for sucking statistically. Favorite (not wanting to kill) characters are Sten for being hilarious an calling me kadan, and soris for being the only guy who actually watches out for his family. (and i guess couslands mom does too, but its lame to like moms) :) --CarloGrimaldi (talk) 06:34, July 29, 2010 (UTC)

I would absolutely kill Loghain Mac Tir. He is a traitor to Fereldon, a murderer, a deserter, a liar, a blackmailer, and a jerk off. Not to mention that his voice made my Human Noble want to punch him in the face.

In Darkspawn Chronicles, the happiest I was after killing Zevran, which is odd, since he is one of my favourites. Probably because that was one annoying fight.

Lords and ladies of Ferelden, hear me. This Warden has slandered and defamed Ferelden's greatest hero in a bid to put an imposter on Maric's throne ;) (talk) 08:02, July 29, 2010 (UTC)

Dishonesty bothers me most, so Leliana is the one I'd kill. All the others are more or less what they claim to be at face value, but Leliana is a murdering spy who pretends to be all pious and doing the maker's work, and she's an attention hound as well. That and horrid accent make it so that I try to never talk to the revolting creature. However, I know very well that in a real world situation, our little party would attract such creatures, so she really does fit in the game, I just despise her. --unregistered user

I think I'd kill Morrigan because she's just such a bitch. She doesn't even attempt to get on with anybody and goes out of her way to hate Alistair, the funniest and friendliest of the party, as much as possible. This may be more out of my liking of Alistair than my hating of Morrigan, but there's the answer. As far as friends go, and I should point out at this point that I always play as a man, I try and make Alistair my best friend. Leliana goes beyond that. I've lost count of the number of times my character has bedded that hot Orlesian. --Thenorthernman (talk) 14:15, July 29, 2010 (UTC)

Morrigan is more tolerable when you get the chance to snark back at her, but you can never tell if she's going to enjoy the sparring or get even bitchier. I don't want to kill her, but I generally leave her in her tent, on her back with ankles in the air, which is when she's at her most pleasant. DokEnkephalin (talk) 14:34, July 29, 2010 (UTC)

Oh, Sigrun, so cute at first, but then her whole contribution is obvious hint-dropping for the terminally imperceptive player. And I do mean player, it's like she was written to nudge the fourth wall as often as possible for shitheads who couldn't figure out from the environment. And to make the single-dimensional moral statements "Oh that's so wrong!" No shit? I happen to object myself, but I don't recall asking for Jimminy-fucking-Cricket! DokEnkephalin (talk) 15:39, July 29, 2010 (UTC)

Bioware know how to make animals, that will be loved by everyone, not humans/elves/... . Nobody wants to kill the Dog. (talk) 18:13, July 29, 2010 (UTC)

I love Dog so much I wish I could have two... no three... one for everyone maybe... four for Oghren, get his masterful Dwarven-made Mabari War Chariots up and running. It would be glorious! Spiked wheels, the symbol of House Kondrat emblazoned on it! Oghren hewing down foes from the sides!! He'd fell thousands! --Aedan Cousland (talk) 18:33, July 29, 2010 (UTC)
I agree. It must be because Dog is innocent and ignorant and he is very playful and your fainful companion no matter what you do. While playing Darkspawn Chronicles, I didn't want to kill Barkspawn... It really hurt me see him dead... --Rocketai (talk) 19:14, July 29, 2010 (UTC)

As party members concern, first Alastair then wynne, The first for his whinning about bad actions as well as responsabilities for an heir to the throne and the other for her lectures, the rest are ok and Morrigan will always be my precious one, as I told Flemeth before heading to lothering, "She won't come to harm with us" but obviously meaning me. As for friends, oghren is the best buddy along with zevran, shameless and funny as friends should be lol, and Leliana...lethal and cute.--Anthonior(talk)
