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Forums: Index > Lore DiscussionWhat is The Wardens and Morrigans child
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This is a question thats been bugging me since DAO came out. What is The Wardens and Morrigans child since it contains the esents of a archedemon is it perhaps a darkspawn human (in my wardens case) hybrid or perhaps something utterly different then anything thats been show

It's NON-CANON... that's what the child is. I just want to state that fact straight away as there are too many people who are so certain that this Old God Baby is going to show up and play a central role in future games. But in answer to your question, it's not fully explained exactly what the child is. In Witch-Hunt Morrigan describes the child as "an innocent" and that it isn't aware of the destiny that awaits it. I think the child just has the essence of the Old God in it, meaning that one day it may gain the powers of the Old God or something like that, I don't think the Old God is fully reborn as such though. I am certain that if you upload a save game where the OGB was conceived then it may be revealed exactly what it is at some point, but for now it is a mystery. (DDragonfly1990 (talk) 20:22, January 28, 2011 (UTC))

Long answer: More than likely it would be a human with the untainted soul of an Old God, and would more than likely have magical powers well surpassing the norm of any known being thus far seen in Thedas. Morrigan probably has inside informantion given to her by Flemeth to what her true plans were for the child, but as far as we know Morrigan(perhaps the Warden as well) has disrupted Flemeth's plans for the time being.

Short answer: We do not know and will probably never know, because the Old God baby is not canon so it is unlikely it will ever appear as a major plot element. DeltaEcho (talk) 20:26, January 28, 2011 (UTC)

Yeah we'll know at some point, it's too interesting to leave it blank. Like if you actually want to save the world, you'd better have had the OGB. Or conversely, if you did have the OGB, Thedas is doomed because it will grow up to be an evil bastard or something. It's a pivotal moment in series, without question. I can't imagine it being like a playable character though. Only integral to the growing story.The Grey Unknown (talk) 21:26, January 28, 2011 (UTC)

Well in my Wardens case he wont be a evil bastard since my wardens the ultimate nice guy and he got reunited with morrigan in the end of witch hunt so if he will be a character in future dragon age games his aditude might be influenced by if he was raised by i slightly less power hungry morrigan (in my case anyway) and by a good warden father. -

imo, The group that insists the OGB is not canon is as asinine as the group that insists it is canon.

I'm not about to insist it must be canon. I am about to clarify that it could be at some time made canon, if the devs chose to do so. And that decision would not violate anything the player chose to do. Or break any sort of vague rule the player may think exists in regards to the creation of the OGB.

The creation of the OGB could happen without direct consent of the player. There are possibilities, for one the player is not the only Warden around. The player is not aware of what Morrigan does 24/7. Also perhaps the ritual only saves a Warden's life if consent is granted? Even without that, if you say no to the OGB ritual, but had sex with Morrigan prior to the offer then Morrigan can still be pregnant. The game acknowledges this. So who's to say that she could not complete another version of the ritual to draw the Old God soul from the Archdemon under those circumstances? We don't know what she does if you don't take her offer. She leaves. Anything can happen prior to the Archdemon dying at that point.

There are entirely valid opportunities for the writers/devs at BioWare to install the OGB as canon without worrying about what we decided as players. This does not invalidate our decision either. If you chose not to do it, your Warden made a choice for whatever reason and stuck to it. Morrigan doing something behind your back doesn't make your stance meaningless. If you go into a store with your best friend and your best friend says, "Let's rob this place." And you say, "No! I'm outta here." And then your best friend robs the place anyway that doesn't mean you are suddenly a thief. You made your stance. Your best friend just carried out what they wanted. And while your best friend wanted your help, guess what? Turns out they didn't need you at all.

So again, The OGB doesn't have to be canon, but the possibility that it could be is valid. :)

As to the OP's question: The OGB is not the soul of a darkspawn merging with a human soul. The Archdemon is a taint corrupted Old God. Morrigan's plan is to use a Warden's soul to annihilate the taint from the Archdemon's soul, returning that soul to it's original pure Old God form. That cleansed Old God soul then merges with soul of Morrigan's and Sperm Donor's child. This does not destroy the soul of the child. The child is who the child will be but it is also now more that it was. It is an Old God as Human. Now the only question, unanswered as it is, remains to be... If the Old God Baby storyline returns then what does Morrigan intend to do with this Old God? No one knows.

--Zambingo (talk) 22:04, January 28, 2011 (UTC)
