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Forums: Index > Lore DiscussionWeaponizing Dragons (Spoilers) Realisitic? Possible?
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1)In the anime, "Dawn of the Seeker", the villain depicts it as not only possible but actually accomplishes in using Blood Magic to mind control DRAGONS.

2)In Origins, there exists a dragon cult that was actively worshiping a High Dragon, and assisting in taking care of it's young. (I assume that the young dragonlings were fed and protected until they matured)

Taking these two facts into account, I propose the possibility of a nation (Tevinter Imperium? sounds like their kind of jam) Weaponizing Dragons, using them as units of Warfare. I open the forum to discussion. If it's possible, if it's improbable, how would the introduction of a fire breathing, monster, and the introduction of aerial warfare change how war is fought in Thedas, and should this happen, what kind of counter measures should be taken?

Working with the assumption that weaponizing dragons is a definite possibility. What would this mean for mages and their current social stigma? Since it's my belief that the most efficient way of taking down a dragon is with magic; (People riding on dragons probably don't like riding them when the sky is dark and lightning and thunder is about). I would also build tall towers for my archers and mages to stand upon and shoot arrows at attacking dragons. Yes, i know, they'd be made easy targets against fire breathing flying monsters, but maybe a fire shield spell? shooting from a higher vantage point would mean shooting further and higher then from shooting on the ground, and dragons fly fast and high.

The two main questions i would like answered is this: Were you in a position of authority, would you weaponize dragons and intergrate it into a part of your military, and taking on the risks of such a thing? (the cost of feeding a dragon, the risk that they get aggressive during "breeding season", the political ramifications against other neighboring nations (imagine the US and their insistence that they're the only ones allowed to have nukes, and their war with iran because of supposed hidden nukes) ", and "How would you defend against a platoon of Dragon Riders raining fire down from above, assuming that you didn't have dragons of your own?". Kaspar Sinclair (talk) 10:22, June 7, 2014 (UTC)
