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Forums: Index > Lore DiscussionUnpopular characters in DA that you like.
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I happen to like Isolde, for quite a few reasons, but I'm just curious if there are any other odd ducks out there who happen to like characters that you wouldn't expect. (talk) 11:35, September 29, 2011 (UTC)

I very much liked the Arishok: "FIXING YOUR MESS IS NOT A DEMAND OF THE QUN!". I also always liked Cullen, even when he was a basket case in the Circle Tower in Ferelden. I also liked Ser Cauthrien, from that moment in Ostagar when she realizes what the Teryn meant to do. You can see she wasn't party to his plot in the surprise and disgust in her reaction. I really hoped at some point there would be a chance to get her to stand up to Loghain, but it didn't happen. In her backstory, I guess that makes sense, but even Loghain's own daughter throws him under a bus when given the chance. Loghain deserved the daughter he got in Anora, but Cauthrien was too good for him. --+|| Legionnaire Scout -- talk ||+ 12:32, September 29, 2011 (UTC)

It depends much on what is defined as "unpopular". Because 'LegionnaireScout', has chosen the Arishok, and his unpopularity can only come from the fact that he is one of the major antagonists of the games. As a character though, he was well voiced and very believable. If it's along those lines, then I would pick Knight Commander Meredith - and to quote her "If you cannot tell me a better way, do not brand me a tyrant!".
On a different level, I would say Merill. I know that allot of people find her irritating, but I can't help but like her Innocent nature coupled with her lack of understanding about the corruption of blood magic. Plus their is the fact that she is voiced by Eve Myles, who plays Gwen Cooper in Torchwood.
I also found it hard, in the end not to like, and respect Loghain. My warden, and he fundamentally were very alike. King Callin was a fool, who didn't deserve to be King. Arl Eamon shouldn't continue to try to maintain his blood line, when their isn't anything good about it. What got me is, why A. My female Cousland Warden had no say in the landsmeet, despite in the absence of her brother her being the Teryn of Highever. And B. the fact that it was never suggest nor aloud that she take the throne in her own right. People said that her father would have made a better king than Calin. And she was of pureblooded noble linage as ancient and respected as Calins. And yet Eamon didn't even consider her a possible candidate. Alister was a bastered, Annora was neo-nobility - and yet they were the only choices. But yeah, Logain, in the end did want was best for Fereldon and Calin defently wasn't.
Taken from a left-field, finally a character you wouldn't expect would have to be Sister Theohild, the women who substitues religious words for food when speaking the chant of light. "The Veal holds no uncertainty for her, and she will know no fear of death, for the Maker shall be her bacon and her shield, her foundation and her--". Alexsau1991 (talk page) File:SithEmblemTOR.PNG 13:53, September 29, 2011 (UTC)
Loghain is a Teyrn and does not vote, either, and neither does Eamon - it seems that the contending parties are barred from vote.
As for Cousland's right to the throne, this is about the succession line: they are not of Calenhad's lineage, and they have absolutely no legal claim to the throne. In a situation when there are no direct heirs, a bastard or a spouse who has been a successful co-ruler are still more plausible claimants than anyone else, no matter the status. - Not to mention that proclaiming yourself without gathering support first would do no good. --Ygrain (talk) 05:40, October 2, 2011 (UTC)

In DA:O I've always had an unlikely softspot for Anora, and usually support her bid for the Throne. I tend not to harden Alistair and I've always thought Anora is more of a victim than a scheming witch. --NickyStuu (talk) 14:26, September 29, 2011 (UTC)

20px-3431068.png Tekka Ijuin | Talk 
14:29, September 29, 2011 (UTC)

I too am a big fan of Ser Cauthrien, in my first playthrough of Origins I remember being so relieved and glad that I was given the choice to avoid having to fight her. She is definitely my favourite NPC in Origins, and I personally wish she had been recuitable because she did deserve so much better than she got (also, she has such a pretty voice :P). I also really like Petrice, sure she's a complete bitch and I disapprove of some of the things she does, but nevertheless I do find myself liking her quite a lot. Oh, and of course I absolutely love Velanna. In fact, to be honest there are a lot of characters that I like that can be classed as unpopular in one way or another, so I'll just leave it that. Violet Rogue (talk) 15:37, September 29, 2011 (UTC)

Does Anders count? Here's everyone's all "Wah terrororrist!", but on Bioware's Spastic Network his fangirling thread is so massively ~*squee*~ I'm getting teeth cavities by merely clicking on it. Nonetheless, I like both Isolde and Anora, too. Isolde is essentially ultimate mama bear, I love mama bears. Anora is Machiavellian politician who's also a beautiful, smart woman. In her place, I'd have denied connection with the Warden in the Howe incident, too. Dorquemada (talk) 15:49, September 29, 2011 (UTC)

I'm an Anora fan too. But I'll go with Carver. It sounds like most people here think he's an annoying, whiny, selfish prick. And he kinda is on some levels. But I find him to be a very sympathetic character because his entire life is defined an overshadowed by what Hawke does. I can't blame him for being angry and frustrated that he has almost no control over his own life. It's gotta suck having your life defined by being Hawke's brother and everything you will ever do will pale in comparison to that fact. TKismyname (talk) 16:27, September 29, 2011 (UTC)

Sigrun. She isn't hated, but rather ignored. I'm also a big fan of Merrill. --Appleseater (talk) 16:53, September 29, 2011 (UTC)

I'll admit I'm not an Isolde hater. Yeah, she did incredibly stupid things, but she did them in what she thought was in the best interests of her child. And being willing to sacrifice herself to save Connor gives her lots of points in my book.

And like @TKismyname, I'll go with Carver, too, for many of the same reasons. One reason I like Legacy so much is it's an adventure I can take in Acts 2 or 3 with Carver. Gruedragon (talk) 17:46, September 29, 2011 (UTC)

Seconding that on Isolde. She is nowhere next to likeable, and definitely stupid, but, yeah, the sacrifice improves her standing with me a lot.
Whom I really like is Cauthrien - I am even willing to forgive her that she dragged my Warden to Fort Drakon. She is in a really difficult position: owing all she has ever been to Loghain, and watching her hero slowly becoming a twisted caricature of himself. I was glad to be able to make her step down. What happened to her afterwards, I wonder? --Ygrain (talk) 05:40, October 2, 2011 (UTC)
The game doesn't seem to be very sure what happens to Cauthrien - although her codex says she was killed if you beat her in a fight, she still appears at the wardens funeral if Loghain also survived. As I also like Cauthrien, I prefer to think she survived (if I didn't get her to stand down) and continued to serve in the Ferelden army. --TheTeaMustFlow(talk) 08:45. Oct 2, 2011, GMT

Strangely enough, the moment before killing him, I actually felt sorry for Loghain and somehow understood that he only did what he felt he had to do.Noctarius (talk) 10:43, October 2, 2011 (UTC)
