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Forums: Index > Game DiscussionSave or Kill the Architect?
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Last night I finished Awakening for the fourth time and I'm just wondering what everyone does. Do you save or kill the Architect? I always kill him, what he did was just too...evil for me. He awakened the fifth Old God and drained the Grey Wardens blood dry. I HATE HIM! But my brother saves him, so I'm just wondering what does evryone else do? DragonEffect1710 (talk) 01:25, November 3, 2011 (UTC)

I look at all he's done. Attack the vigil, force creatures to ingest the taint, experiment on living subjects, bleed wardens dry, start the fifth blight, abduct the warden commander, create the mother, turn the darkspawn into a more virulent threat than ever, ghoulify grey wardens on at least three occasions, kill the Orlesian commander of the grey and ignores when his followers start attacking random people to see what happens. I could keep going, but that would be excessive. Anyway, I then make a brief analogy about how the architect's obsession with freeing the darkspawn resembles Loghain's obsession with ensuring Fereldan's independance. I weigh his intentions agains his actions. And then I frag him 94.783% of the time. --Isolationistmagi (talk) 01:43, November 3, 2011 (UTC)

I let him live up to the point I read The Calling. Now I kill him because his idea was awful. Avoiding spoilers for those who haven't read it. I cannot trust him to be useful he is way too dangerous to be that naive and hopeful. My preference may change if they show him doing something right. Based on what my opinion on what Corypheus might have pulled off at the end of legacy...ahem Larius no longer awkward and ghoulish and speaking funny, I will never let a intelligent darkspawn live. Tommyspa (talk) 01:53, November 3, 2011 (UTC)

I always let him live because yes he's done terrible things, however, the darkspawn are like sheep or lemmings who follow the pack. the Architect is the black sheep, the different one, who realized the cycle is pointless and will most likely end in either the annihilation of the darkspawn(which wouldn't exactly be terrible) or the annihilation of other races. he wants to isolate the darkspawn, but I have a feeling that if he succeeds, he still will not know what to do. This may end up being a backfire, because the Architect could end up just leading intelligent darkspawn armies, but would you rather have organized darkspawn or swarms of darkspawn with a big, scary dragon that can only be killed by it destroying the soul of another being. So I would say morally, no matter how evil the darkspawn are, the Architect is trying to protect his people and keeping him alive is a catch 22.Now a cold, strategical look at it, it is also a double edged sword so if in doubt, just kill the thing :D (talk) 03:30, November 3, 2011 (UTC) new person

I love him, I killed him just once so that I would have a different save file with different decisions, yet it was hard for me to do so. I could care less about what he did, I care a lot about what he is planning to do and I put my hopes in it. What is the worst that could happen? Intelligent darkspawns? Not a problem for people that slay Archdemons, High Dragons and Ancient Magisters of Tevinter. Raoniluna (talk) 03:48, November 3, 2011 (UTC)

Honestly I used to let him live on the idea it might help in future games, with him trying to end the blights as well. Then, I read the calling...and after playing the Legacy DLC I got to learn just what made him different. He needs to die... aside from the evil he did in awakening, the evil he did in the calling and in his possible past life well make up a good enough reason to terminate him, in my opinion. User: Warden Mage: Ferris (talk) 04:30, November 3, 2011 (UTC)

Every terrorist who kills innocent people thinks they are doing it for a better world just like the architect, every tyrannical leader who genocides his own people claims to be doing it for the ultimate good. This "architect" did so much wrong and evil in his quest to "free" the darkspawn while making so many mistakes that even if you do believe his intentions are good, you do believe that the ends justify the means and that all the bad he's done might be worth it...the simple fact is that the creature is far too incompetent to be left alive and continue his destructive path of meddling in affairs he has no understanding of or business in. (talk) 10:21, November 3, 2011 (UTC)
