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Forums: Index > Game DiscussionRomance: If you liked X, did you like Y?
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It's total fluff, but I'm curious: did the people who favored a particular DA:O romance option also favor the same romance option in DA2? For example, did Alistair's fans generally favor Anders over Fenris (or vice versa)?

It's silly, I know, but I figured I'd ask anyhow. For my part, I am solidly a Leliana, and I prefer Merrill in DA2. HELO (talk) 19:11, July 14, 2011 (UTC)

Uhm... but how do you tell who is the counterpart of who? For instance, I see very little similarity between Alistair and Anders, and who is supposed to be "DA2 Morrigan"? DOn't tell me Isabela, yuck! --Ygrain (talk) 19:19, July 14, 2011 (UTC)

Also hard to compare romance options when everyone but 2 companions in DA2 are bi.--LordRevan25 (talk) 19:23, July 14, 2011 (UTC)

I didn't mean to imply that they'd be analogs--or even the same sex. After all, I think you're completely right that DA2's options are not the same archtypes we saw in DA:O. I was just curious if, unconsciously or coincidentally or whateverly, there was a pattern to people's choices. Like I said: total fluff. HELO (talk) 19:32, July 14, 2011 (UTC)

In my case I kind of kept to the same romance choices between the two games; In DA:O I always favored Zevran for my MWardens, but preferred Alistair for my female ones, where in DA2 I preferred Anders almost 90% of the time over Fenris, who I only went towards for my mage Hawkes, and even then I plan to dump his ass for Anders in Act II XD. I can see where the OP makes the connection between Alistair and Anders; both are sweet romantics, both openly confess their love to the PC, and both tend to lean towards the more "honorable" or "good" choices. But, in all honesty, Alistair to me was like the vanilla knight in shining armor choice, where as Anders is (to me anyway) more realistic as a person, which was the main reason why I always leaned more towards Zevran in DA:O; I like to go after the characters that I can relate to the most ;) Sevarian10 (talk) 19:55, July 14, 2011 (UTC)Sevarian10

Pretty much the same here. Alistair, while not as bad as, say, Carth Onasi (my female Revan never brought herself to woo him, preferring to quietly nurture sad, unrequited passion for Canderous instead), still, I only did him for achievement and skipped through most of dialogues - with prices of dentistry today, the last thing I need is a cavity. Anders, well...I started three new games at the same time, and the main problem seem to be not to hit on Anders in all three. :/ Between Fenris and Zevran, there are similarities though - both owned by someone, both made into weapons of sort, both killed people they really liked and regretted later. But while Fenris mopes, mopes some more and mopes again, Zevran is all "Well, my past sucked, so what's the point of dwelling on it? Lets seize the day and make the future better!", what is why exactly he's one of my favorite companions regardless of romancey thing. Dorquemada (talk) 20:18, July 14, 2011 (UTC)

I prefer Isabela and Morrigan to Leliana and Merrill. I never romanced Alistair, I've never managed to make myself care about a female Warden, and never got all the way through a playthrough.. I played DA2 as a female Hawke, a mage too.. And.. I prefer Anders as a character to Fenris, but I don't want to hump him or anything, I did have my Hawke romance Anders though, because I felt like it made sense. I imported my Amell playthrough, because he was no chantry apologist by any stretch, made his boon to free the mages, he was good friends with both Anders and Justice.. So I felt like involving Anders with his cousin and having them fight off the Templars and bring freedom to the mages while creating this immensely powerful family (Warden/Morrigan/OGB and Anders/Hawke) made things great. Not to mention all the Grey Warden involvement. The Warden, Carver, Anders, and maybe even Alistair, since he's probably the Commander of the Grey in Ferelden (Anora rules alone), and we all know Alistair isn't the type to let his friends get massacred just because the Grey Wardens are neutral. I went way off topic, sorry.HomelyDrugAddict (talk) 19:56, July 14, 2011 (UTC)

I've had a terrible time with romances in Dragon Age, I've not romanced a single character in either game for fun since none of them fit my tastes. I thought I was going to go for Leliana but as it turned out I didn't like her all that much, plus she was taller than me so she had to go. ;P I miss my Aerie... She's the character type I go for. The kind of character that makes it easy for me to be her knight in shining armour. Michael Largness (talk) 21:52, July 14, 2011 (UTC)

I'm the exact person your example was written for. Alistair and Anders are my choices in each game every time (even when I go in with the intent of romancing someone else...) A friend of mine did a similar thing with Morrigan and Isabela. I'm not sure why the connection is there, the characters are hardly anything a like, but, there's no denying that it is. Mrs.AlistairTheirin 22:23, July 14, 2011 (UTC)

In DA:O I can't bring myself to truly romance anyone other than Zevran. I went for all the other romances exactly once to get the achievements, and even then I felt like I was missing out. He's just such a brilliant character. If he was real I would most definitely have one hell of a crush on him. In DA2 it's a tossup between Anders and Merrill. I love how bold Anders is (especially with a male Hawke), but Merrill is just too cute and adorable. I think I would prefer Anders if only the romance dialogue were less cheesy. While this is a problem in all the DA2 romances, with Merrill the jump from "hi, nice to meet you" to declarations of undying love felt a lot less jarring for some reason. Possibly because you get more of a chance to ask her about herself and really talk to her during her personal quests. With Fenris the lack of character and relationship development is even worse than with Anders, and it made me feel disconnected from him. If he'd been fleshed out a bit more, and you'd had some conversations/cutscenes that show him coming out of his shell and accepting his freedom and attraction to Hawke, and maybe smiling a bit more as the years go by, then I think he'd be my favorite with Anders as a close second. (talk) 00:53, July 15, 2011 (UTC)
