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Forums: Index > Game DiscussionOpinions on PC vs consoles requested
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Real quickly. I just bought a new computer today, super high tech laptop, since I'm traveling now a whole lot. I've been gaming on an xbox360, when I have time that is, for a few years so DA:Origins and all is on the 360. I've toyed with getting it all again and starting over on the PC. For those of you on PC's with DA, is this worth it? Or is it negligible? Any who have both, you're opinions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks... The Grey Unknown (talk) 23:36, January 22, 2011 (UTC)

The PC fanboys are going to hate me, but here is my opinion, stay with the 360. I have seen both versions, and frankly, I don't get the hype over the PC. Maybe it is because I have a 1080p HDTV, but the PC version looks and plays far inferior to my Xbox 360.To those people who want to argue, I am just stating my opinion, and I will not repeat myself over and over. So,there is my two cents.Croc484 (talk) 01:32, January 23, 2011 (UTC)Croc484 8:31PM January 22, 2011
