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Forums: Index > Game DiscussionMost Badass Dragon Age Character?
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In my opinion, the Arishock. Why because you fear him yet you respect him. He is not good nor evil and he does not waste a resource

Who is your favorite badass in the Dragon Age Universe?--TheRageMage (talk) 02:36, August 14, 2011 (UTC)TheRageMage

Really the Arishock scares the crap outta me. Why, he hips the vicounts head off!!! Ewwy! Anyway back to the point I think the most badass character is Oghren. He is so awesomly badass. My favourite badass line "NO ONE TOUCHES OGHREN'S JUNK AND LIVES!!!" lol so funny. Dragonage17101996 (talk) 03:54, August 14, 2011 (UTC)

Definitely that ginger kid who lost his mother in Lothering. That kid is a badass! Jk lol. I'd also have to go with the Arishok. He was pretty scary, especially after he started to lose his temper near the end of act 2.--Vincent Cousland (talk) 04:03, August 14, 2011 (UTC)

Ser Pounce-a-Lot and Sandal. The unstoppable force and the immovable object. M.Dragon (talk) 04:05, August 14, 2011 (UTC)

Hawke in the destiny trailer, he literally rips the Arishok a new one. In-game though, I'm going with the mob on this and saying the Arishok. Or Duncan. Or Mr. Sneezy. Andy the Black (talk) 04:25, August 14, 2011 (UTC)

Qunari (and the Arishok especially) are badass because of their stoic, no nonsense nature, and that's not even mentioning the fact that they're enormous and fearless warriors. However, I'm going to have to say Sandal. Completely serious. He's wiped out tons of darkspawn (including ogres) through some power that no one, including him, understands. That kind of power combined with the mystery factor is scary. Add in the fact that this fearsome power is hidden behind the face of a simple dwarf lad who loves to enchant things and it's enough to make you a little scared of him and all that potential for uncontrollable destruction. TKismyname (talk) 04:33, August 14, 2011 (UTC)

I'm leaning towards The Architect. Sure he's polite, but he has no remorse for any of his actions and makes his murders sound good ;) NwolC (talk) 05:04, August 14, 2011 (UTC)nwolC

First thought was Arishok but he kinda shits me just as much as he is awesome. Just give me a straight answer you goat headed freak. You know what? You're a dips^%t. Oh what you're pissed your diary's gone missing maybe try stop being such an unreasonable piece of idiot and people wouldn't steal your s%^t. Isabela was prob running round going pfft :troll S13Kuro (talk) 06:01, August 14, 2011 (UTC)

Ha ha ha. That made me chuckle. Andy the Black (talk) 06:04, August 14, 2011 (UTC)

The arishok is a big whiney man who had a mental breakdown because he wouldn't return home and admit defeat, and in the end gets killed by an idiot named hawke. If any qunari were to claim that title it would be sten and his cookie fetish. Now my vote is not going to be agreed with by many and more will got WTF? but I say Merril.

She is a meek little creature yes but that just makes what she did even more badass. She is a crazy little elf who consorts with demons and turns away from and (possibly) kills her entire clan all for her cause. She gets along with humans, or stumbles along adorably but when they do not cooperate she get's nasty in a heartbeat chewing them out. (talk) 06:24, August 14, 2011 (UTC)

Flemeth can turn into a dragon, saved both the Warden and Hawke, created Morrigan, and kills her own daughters to live eternally. She's bad as hell. Fritzywiggins (talk) 06:30, August 14, 2011 (UTC)
