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Forums: Index > Game DiscussionInquisition: Romances will be gender *and* race restricted
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Source I'm actually okay with this, them sticking to their guns. Good for them. It's what everyone was saying they wanted right? At least a vocal portion of the fans. Anyways, discuss. (talk) 05:13, June 13, 2014 (UTC)

Very interesting! I didn't think they would do this but I don't mind that they have. Updating what I said in the "Inquisitor's romance option" thread, I'd guess the following:

  • Companions:
Blackwall - Not an option.
Cassandra - Human, Elf and Dwarf only Male/Female option.
Cole - Human, Elf and Dwarf only Male/Female option.
Dorian - Human, Elf and Dwarf Male only option.
Iron Bull - Qunari only Male/Female option.
Sera - Female only option.
Solas - Not an option.
Varric - Not an option/Maybe a Dwarf Female only option.
Vivienne - Human(Maybe Elf too) only Male/Female option.
  • Non-companions:
Cullen - Human, Elf and Dwarf Female only option.
The scribe - Human, Elf and Dwarf Male only option. Abélath (talk) 09:57, June 13, 2014 (UTC)
Eh, We'll see, i wrote something earlier, i read the actual source and the above, your speculation is just that, speculation. So yeah, just deleting my response to it. Kaspar Sinclair (talk) 10:22, June 13, 2014 (UTC)
Yep I know it's just speculation. But speculating is fun. :P That's just what I predict. Abélath (talk) 10:46, June 13, 2014 (UTC)
Yeah... but... wait, these aren't even speculations... speculations imply that you had more information to go on and you're making an educated guess (eliminating the impossible, but unable to narrow it down completely with the hard facts given), you're just... making random guesses. Not that i have anything against it, more power to you. Just explaining why i didn't find it "fun". Kaspar Sinclair (talk) 00:54, June 14, 2014 (UTC)
you do realize that cole has the mentality of a child, right? (talk) 13:23, June 13, 2014 (UTC)
Many people say that about Alistair, but I don't think so. I think he's a very interesting character. His mentality is... different, but that doesn't mean that he has the mentality of a child, IMO. What implications are you meaning for him having a child's mentality? Abélath (talk) 14:12, June 13, 2014 (UTC)
what I mean is that he is about as innocent as an 8-10 year old, even David Gaider has said that he has the mind of a young child. So it would be disgusting to romance cole. (talk) 14:36, June 13, 2014 (UTC)
Hmm I didn't know that, well, he is at least 20 and has killed people... so in the sense of his actual age and some of the things he has done he definitely doesn't have a child's mind, while I can see how in other senses that he does - he's inexperienced with the world, naive, idealistic... it would depend on whether or not he is still like that at the start of Inquisition. His mind may have "caught up" with him, so to speak, or the player may even assist him with that "growing up" process. But if he hasn't, then I do see exactly where you are coming from. If he truly is an adult with the mindset of a child, then it would be very, very wrong. We'll have to wait and see what he's like, if he truly is a companion. Abélath (talk) 14:49, June 13, 2014 (UTC)
Just searched about David Gaider saying that about Cole in Google, found this interesting post on Tumblr from just last night. It has a good argument, and it very well may be the case: http://orisoni.tumblr.com/post/88594592945
I really do hope he is a companion. Abélath (talk) 15:06, June 13, 2014 (UTC)

Just because there are race restrictions doesn't mean every character will have them. I suspect the only restriction will be Qunari dwarf related , because that could be... awkward. (talk) 13:41, June 13, 2014 (UTC)

Qunari act could be "unpleasant". and regarding Varric, why whould people speculating that if he is a romance option, it must be a female dwarf? because I see Bianca (as person) in comic as a female human, or was she a dwarf?--Iddawiki (talk) 15:48, June 13, 2014 (UTC)
She was the same height as him last I recall so I would say a fare guess she is a dwarf. Also, Varric specifically turned down Hawke because of the whole not-attracted-to-humans things.As to the bigger question at hand I have no real problems with the restrictions as long as there is enough variety for ever player character. Right now I'm feeling more and more inclined to romance Celene at this rate with the options we have so far (why couldn't they have had an option with Leliana if she doesn't romance the warden?)--KrimzonStriker (talk) 17:26, June 13, 2014 (UTC)