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Forums: Index > Game DiscussionHow many more games will Dragon Age run for?
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So most think Dragon Age 4 will be the final game. I can't recall the interview I read but I heard Bioware would make as many as possible. Obviously that doesn't mean we'll be waiting for a Dragon Age 88, but realistically how far can they actually go? To continue a series whether it be game or movie, usually 'bigger means better' and that more or less is true. But is their a way for Dragon Age to have a story line without saving all of Thedas? Maybe since last I checked Bioware has confirmed how many titles they would be making, I'm not too sure. Anyway, how many more games would you like to see or think will be made? NwolC (talk)

"Most think". That's funny because "they" all told me that Inquisition would be the final game. I personally think they'll run for as long as its reasonably profitable and they feel they've still got plenty of narrative material. -HD3 Sig 23:58, March 9, 2015 (UTC)

DA6 at the most... two trilogies at most that's how far I see the cash cow lasting or them getting bored of the world.--DaveManiac3 00:02, March 10, 2015 (UTC)

If we go into the in game world... we still have 55 odd years of story potential. Personally, for that reason alone, I'd like to see three more games, and have the final game open up the new age of Thedas. I think that would be a perfect way to end the series, and certainly closes up the "dragon age". And now Weekes is lead writer, I reckon two more games, depending on EAware's willingness to continue the franchise, is a given. DeakialSig1 00:11, March 10, 2015 (UTC)

I believe that it'll go on for as long as it needs to. I think they'll end at DA5 or 6 and maybe even usher in a new trilogy or game in another age. Who knows right? Anything is possible. I see them covering the entirity of this age actually. If they get the chance that is. Depending on the sequel, it'll either be 5 or 6 imo. If it's 6 I imagine that the 2 last games will be upping the ante on a mega scale. They did say they want a new protagonist for each game though. Much like the ES series, but I'd find it interesting if they decide to have one single protagonist for the last 2. If done well, that could work but it'd be a bit of an anomaly.--Lazare326 01:55, March 10, 2015 (UTC)

Five main games is probably what this story is semi-planned around, though I'd have bet it started at only three, so five is probably what they'll make. And that would be about two decades of DA, which is probably enough, at least in this capacity. I would expect a lot more mobile stuff, and digital only smaller games along the way too. The smaller ones could go on for a long time too, but these big ones have a time limit probably as things are changing. For now, the good thing about DAI, and DAO before it, is that whatever the game made as far as profit margin, which I'd honestly bet was not nearly as much as most would think and probably a lot less than DA2 percentage wise, the press surrounding it and the GOTY junk pretty much ensures that even if DA4 tanks they'd probably still be ok with making DA5. The press surrounding DAI is worth more than the money they're taking in, especially since almost every other EA division, specifically mobile, is making so much money. At this point the only serious threat to DA in the next two games is if EA continues to downsize their AAA titles even more, thus trimming the expensive fat even more, only focusing on their cash cows. And DA is not a cash cow by any means. DA is doing well at this point, but in the EA stable it's more valuable as a marketing prop than a financial backbone given how expensive these games are to make compared to most other EA games and projects. The Grey Unknown (talk) 02:20, March 10, 2015 (UTC)

I'd like to think that the series will deal with the 6th blight, the qunari/tevinter war, and the cure for the calling in DA4 and 5. With DA6 handling the 7th and supposedly last blight in its first half, and either the eradication of the darkspawn or the full thedas invasion of darkspawn that makes the blights look like a schoolyard scuffle. With the invasion I can see it being led either by the Architect for awakened darkspawn or some version of the corrupted elven pantheon/old gods depending on your various choices through out the series.--Arlintov (talk) 05:26, March 15, 2015 (UTC)

A fourth game is pretty much guaranteed, but after that I think it's up in the air. There are a lot of factors outside of the DA series success that could prevent it from going further, such as the state of the industry in general. Anything beyond DA 4 is too far into the future to predict. Silver Warden (talk) 17:41, March 15, 2015 (UTC)

Having a new set of games take place in a new age is a good idea, but that doesn't necessarily mean it still can't be dragon age. So far, we haven't seen anything to suggests that, in the game world, a divine can't use an age's name twice. For instance, the twelfth age can open with another dragon related event and can be called the second dragon age (12:00 Dragon II). It can also open up the series to new genres; the setting being either a combo of sci-fi and fantasy, or the world of DA in a time that resembles modern times. All in all, the first dragon age doesn't have to be the only one, wouldn't it be interesting to play in a second dragon age; it could really open up a lot of possibilities, like (to give hope to those who seriously wish for it) a crossover with a certain other franchise coughMassEffectcough. Let your minds soak that in.-- (talk) 04:43, March 16, 2015 (UTC)

I expect this franchise shall continue until BW and EA are beating the atoms of what used to be the molecules of what used to be dust of what used to be a dead horse. In other words- until it can no longer turn a profit. ----Isolationistmagi 17:10, March 17, 2015 (UTC)

With this comment some how I am reminded of Guitar Hero, Assassins Creed and Call of Duty... weird huh???--DaveManiac3 17:18, March 17, 2015 (UTC)