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Forums: Index > Game DiscussionHow do I upgrade Yuriah
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um upgrade as in increase his inventory?

i think you do that by getting more traders to come to vigil. there's some random chick you save from bandits, a qunari, and maybe that main quest line in wending woods.. you can potentially also devote the soldiers to protecting the trade routes. pretty much, getting trade to flow equals more things for sale Mr Afk (talk) 16:16, January 26, 2011 (UTC)

As far as I know, complete all the Merchants' Guild Board quests found in Amaranthine. Once they are all finished, Yuriah should be upgraded. DalishousFoot (talk) 16:45, January 26, 2011 (UTC)

You need to assign all the soldiers to protect he trade routes. Mind you, picking the 'we should try and protect everything' option won't work. You need to specifically protect the trade routes.IP no. (talk) 17:47, January 26, 2011 (UTC)

Strange, in my canon I chose "we should try and protect everything", recruted all merchants, completed Merchants' Guild Board quests and his inventory was fully upgraded. I also paid Dark Wolf 50 sovereigns, killed all conspirators at Old Stark's Farm, in the quest "A Day In Court" I chose to: have Alec join the army; have Danella imprisoned for one year; give the land to Liza, but promise to compensate it to Derren. In "The Peasant Revolution" I persuaded peasants to leave peacefully. Maybe these quests are somehow connected? (talk) 06:45, January 27, 2011 (UTC)
You might want to check again and tally what you find in his inventory with the page on this wiki. You don't get the final paragon rune tracings if you choose to protect everything, because that is what I always do, and I had to add the tracings using the console when I realised I couldn't buy them off him. IP no. (talk) 16:38, January 27, 2011 (UTC)
I definitely got Paragon Reservoir Tracing (3 runes are in my Blackblade Tunic). In the first playthrough I chose to protect the farms and didn't get the final upgrade. But maybe it's just one of Awakening's bugs. (talk) 19:48, January 27, 2011 (UTC)