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Forums: Index > Lore DiscussionHow did Old Crestwood get flooded if it's upstream from the dam?
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It has bothered me before, so I thought I'd ask. The story goes that the village was flooded so fast in an accident people had no time to evacuate. The thing is, Old Crestwood is UPSTREAM from the dam, so the town getting flooded after the dam was closed would have taken hours, if not day. So what gives?

Furthermore... The small deep roads section you explore is Waaay lower then the Dam's outlets, So how was it drained when you open the dams? Doveen the fox (talk) 20:36, February 13, 2016 (UTC)

Well... when you put it like that... a wizard did it. Crimpycracker (talk) 06:17, February 14, 2016 (UTC)

Anders did it. User signature henioo henioo (da talk page) 06:54, February 14, 2016 (UTC)

It's not that crazy. Reservoirs do generally build up pretty quickly behind dams that big. The mayor could have had his men barricade the blight-sick people in their houses, which would have been justifiable to enforce a quarantine. Once that starts to fail, the mayor then throws the dam switch under cover of darkness. Blight sickness seems to be pretty debilitating, after all, so the sick may have been too weak to resist once the waters came in. Even if it took hours for the water to get high enough for them to drown. Luper567 (talk)

Well, at least half of it makes sense now. Doveen the fox (talk) 17:20, February 16, 2016 (UTC)

Yeah, both of those points bugged me. As did the fact that the water is supposedly draining into the Fade all the time the rift is open, but the lake's water level doesn't change at all. I think it all fell under "This is too cool to care about logic!" when the quest was being written, just like using the catapults at Haven to cause two plot-convenient avalanches.  Magpieme talk | contribs   17:38, February 16, 2016 (UTC)

It's highly possible that the river or whatever that flows through there flows from south to north and fairly fast too. that could also account for the reason the city flooded WardenMaster (talk) 21:23, February 24, 2016 (UTC)