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Dragon Age Wiki (talk) 00:22, February 16, 2012 (UTC)

Forums: Index > Lore DiscussionFerelden Future Ruler
Note: This topic has been unedited for 4446 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not continue it unless it really needs a response.

I've been wondering, since Alistair is a grey warden, it is very hard for him to have a child. Also Anora seem to have trouble having children also ( I'm pretty sure that was seen in return to Ostagar). At the end of origins at least one of these people would be King/Queen, or they marry each other, or they marry the grey warden.In all cases the chances of having a child is low. So my question is who would rule afterwards or do you think they have a kid any ways?Viviexe (talk) 18:33, February 11, 2012 (UTC)

You forgat Morrigan. Warden/Alistair had a baby with Morrigan so it can happen.-- (talk) 18:55, February 11, 2012 (UTC)Jak Darckner

If I remember correctly(it's been 2 or 3 playthroughs since I did the Dark Ritual), the Warden can ask Morrigan about the fact that Gery Wardens have a near zero chance to conceive. Morrigan says that the magic involved is what allows her to conceive the OGB. --CommanderCousland (talk) 20:18, February 11, 2012 (UTC)
Well I don't know if she says that or not, but it is irrelevant. If your Warden has slept with Morrigan during the game, but refuses the Dark Ritual, she can still be pregnant in the Epilogue. This is not a glitch, the devs confirmed it, and it is specifically mentioned in Witch Hunt if you've imported a Warden from those circumstances. --Liam Sionnach (talk) 05:33, February 12, 2012 (UTC)

Morrigan gives her word that the ogb wont come back to claim the throne if she performs the dark ritual with Alistair and I think she has grander plans than having her son taking over fereldans throne. Most likely it will be for future games to decide, I bet it was planned to make sure that whoever was made king or queen couldnt have a child since it would complicate things for bioware and might force them to make on of the choises cannon, something they claim they wish to avoid. I would guess that after DA3 and if they decide to make a fourth game we will skip ahead a couple of years so that we once again find ourselves in a fereldan without a ruler, a new protagonist stepping in to settle the dispute and uniting fereldan against a new enemy. Blighter (talk) 19:27, February 11, 2012 (UTC)

  • I have to agree. It's an easy way out for them while still technically respecting your choice. Another veiled canon/illusion of choice moment. DAWUSS (talk) 20:36, February 11, 2012 (UTC)

Since Fiona and Maric had a son (who may or may not be Alistair) we can see that a Grey Warden is perfectly able to have children. Furthermore, since Cailan was cheating on Anora, and had no bastards to speak of, it may very well have been him who was infertile, and not Anora. 20:15, February 11, 2012 (UTC)

  • That could make for an interesting storyline: Cailan's Bastard Children. DAWUSS (talk) 20:44, February 11, 2012 (UTC)
Fiona is not a great example on which to base the fertility of Grey Wardens- she was cured of the taint.--Liam Sionnach (talk) 05:33, February 12, 2012 (UTC)

I have an interesting option. When you get the stuff from Cailans chest and also when reading about him, Cailan was having an supposed affair with Empress Celene, what if they had a child. He or she would not only be ferelden royalty but orlais royalty as well and could turn ferelden and orlais into one mighty empire..just a thought, what you think..SirLester

The idea would fail, I think. It would not be Ferelden-Orlais empire. Ferelden would just become Orlais's doormat just like it was before Maric. The nobles of Orlais are just too much of arseholes for any meaningful peace with other nations.

As for the future, there are a few options in my mind. If Alistair doesn't become the king, Teyrn line of kings is dead anyway; they'd select a new king or queen. If Alistair rules alone, I'm sure Eamon would find him a suitable wife to breed with. IF they rule jointly, they would probably concieve a child. If not, see option one. Another plot twist could be that either Maric or Cailan had a bastard. Henio0 (talk) 22:04, February 11, 2012 (UTC)

Ok I can see your point a bit, however on the bastard child point 1. Maric did have a bastard child Cailans half-brother Allister. 2. Gaider said himself in an interveiw Cailan indeed was leaving Anora for Celene so if he had a bastard child it would most likly be with Celene having royal blood of both countries. maybe he/she doesn't unite both, maybe stays with ferelden and they just become allies I don't know but it still makes for an interesting plot..SirLester

Assuming Alistair doesn't begat an heir before his Calling, I see two likely candidates: Teagan, Alistair's uncle, and Fergus Cousland. IIRC, the Cousland line predates the founding of Ferelden, and IMO is the obvious choice if the Theirin bloodline ever fails. Gruedragon (talk) 03:28, February 12, 2012 (UTC)

I've been pondering on this for a while, ever since reading an article about it. Anora is around age 30 when the party finds the correspondence in Ostagar, so her likelihood of conceiving is steadily declining. Even if Anora did conceive, she is not of Theirin blood, so the Calenhad line dies anyway.

The only way to preserve it would be...

A: find a distant maternal relative of Maric (I'm pretty sure there's one floating around in the bannorn or something),

B: Alistair impregnates another girl (Morrigan is out, as for all we know she swore that her son will never claim Fereldan throne and she went beyond the Fade anyway)

C: With the remote possibility that Alistair is NOT Fiona's son (which can be true), find that kid and haul him to the throne.

If Eamon and Teagan are truly dedicated about preserving the Calenhad line, as they should be (royal lineage is all about bloodline and nobody gives a hoopla if the king's a drooling idiot), then they're out, as Rowan is a Guerrin; it's her husband who's a Theirin. I'm fairly certain Moira's father or her ancestor must have had a bastard somewhere though. Fereldans aren't exactly prudes (save Alistair) and it's very likely Theirins have had bastards in the past. Finding a minor noble who can trace his lineage to a bastard son and convincing him to take the throne shouldn't be too tough. --GabrielleduVent (talk) 06:16, February 12, 2012 (UTC)

Cousland's should be rulers of Fereldan because everybody says that they should be. Why else Howe attacked and murderd them. They were a thread for Loghain. Without Howes interfierange Cousland's would rule the Fereldan now. -- (talk) 12:34, February 12, 2012 (UTC)Jak Darckner

Bryce Cousland supported Cailan's negotiations with Orlais and possibly mediated his contacts with Celene. Also, due to his immense popularity and clout, he would poise a challenge to Loghain's power after his little coup.
BTW, is it ever mentioned that Cailan went to Orlais personally? "Having an affair with Celene" IMHO implies repeated sexual contact, so was there ever a chance? --Ygrain (talk) 20:43, February 12, 2012 (UTC)
I don't remember anything like that turning up anywhere, so I don't really think that it happened. Examining the possibility that either Celene came to Ferelden or Cailan went to Orlais makes it especially unlikely. Just imagine what Loghain would do if he became aware of either of those occuring! ----Isolationistmagi 20:48, February 12, 2012 (UTC)
There is this nice idiom I learned here at the wiki which IMHO perfectly describes his reaction: go bananas :-) --Ygrain (talk) 21:02, February 12, 2012 (UTC)
At the very least.----Isolationistmagi 21:05, February 12, 2012 (UTC)

I think it all depends on who they have as the main character in DA3. Whether it's Hawke or the warden. (This can be a problem depending if a male warden went with morrigan beyond the fade, or the Warden sacrificed him/herself). Maybe at the end in the epilouge, depending on choices as to who's on the throne and it's the warden you're playing as. Either Anora and Alistair annouce theres a baby on the way. Or Anora tells the warden, if she married him. OR if the wardens female, (and married to Alistair) after feeling sick and getting a healer to check her out, tell Alistair he's going to be a daddy.

Warden: Ermm, Alistair I'm having a baby

Alistair: WHAT!! How... (Faints)

Warden: (Sigh)

If it's Hawke,or an entiraly new character, most prob be the search for Maric's other bastard, or calian's (though i doubt Calian would have one). Or the nice surpise of finding out your Maric's Bastard somehow. Phoenix96 (talk) 10:27, February 13, 2012 (UTC)

Neither Hawke nor Warden will play a main role in DA3. In regards to the Warden, his/her story is O.V.E.R, according to Gaider; it ended with The Witch Hunt. We'll have a new protagonist. That does not mean they won't make a cameo, though.
As for Alistair and the Warden having a child, that would be almost impossible at this point, if they have regular human physiology or something similar (I know, this is a silly conjecture). Female fertility drops dramatically at age 35; postulating that Alistair's around 20 or so at least (in Middle Ages boys were squired from around age 15 and was knighted around age 20), the Warden is probably around 18~22 (depending on the Origin, of course). That would be at 9:30 Dragon. Go forward ten years to when DA2 begins (not Hawke, but the game)... 9:40 Dragon. Warden is now 28~32. With Warden infertility + approaching dread age, it is unlikely that she is able to conceive.
Anora's even worse, as it is stated in Return of Ostagar that she was around 30 when the correspondence between Cailan and Celene were exchanged. So if Anora was having a baby with Alistair, who's a Grey Warden and is pretty much sterile, we'd have heard about it from the rumours in the streets sometime around Act II or III in DA2.
I'm not saying it's impossible (hey, the Warden found the Ashes and that seemed improbable) and this is a fictional world so for all we know the Warden might be a brood mare by now, but if this made any logical sense it is very unlikely that we'll see Warden Jr or Alistair Jr running around. I think the direct Calenhad line's pretty much dead, unless some descendent of Calenhad was VERY indiscreet in his sex life and had bastards all over the place. If European historical precedence has any say in this matter (... again, silly conjecture), then it's also likely that one of the minor kings in Anderfels is related to Calenhad in some way, in a similar manner to House of Hanovers that succeeded the Stuarts. Or James VI.
I'm a bit curious why this wasn't a bigger problem, to be honest. If this had actually happened in real life, the entire country (or the people who cared, anyway) would be in an uproar. Pure bloodline is the identity of royal houses, and each individual is just a container that carries the blood to the next generation. I thought Eamon would throw a fit and refuse the choice of making Anora queen, but he didn't. Oh well. --GabrielleduVent (talk) 13:27, February 13, 2012 (UTC)

A few things to clear up in this discussion (for the sake of consistency, I'm going to argue from the perspective of Alistair and Anora ruling jointly)

  • It is canon that Cailan cheated on Anora. Not with Celene, that never happened, but he did have affairs. Don't believe me? Play through as a female noble human and ask Anora the neat little question about Cailan's loyalty. Since we know of no other sons or daughters from his dalliances, we can assume it was Cailan who was infertile, not Anora, old age aside for the moment.
  • We must remember that no one knows the Grey Wardens are infertile except for Alistair and the Warden. The only people who know of the Joining are Wardens. To take a tally of them in DA:O, that is Duncan, the Warden, Alistair, Jory (deceased), Daveth (deceased) (possibly) Loghain (possibly deceased), and Riordan (deceased). Therefore, no one would care about whether Alistair is infertile or not, because to them he's a strapping young man, not a ticking time-bomb of Taint.
  • It is possible for Grey Wardens to have children. Whether or not you believe Alistair is Fiona's son is beside the point: She had a baby as a Grey Warden. Thus the supposed infertility of the Wardens is either exaggerated, or made up to prevent more permanent romances. Heck, maybe the First Warden didn't want to take the chance of birthing Tainted kids. The point is, a child between Anora and Alistair isn't out of the ballpark.

Just wanted to keep the facts straight here, people seem to assume things are true that aren't when Isolationistmagi or myself aren't around to keep order. Rathian Warrior (talk) 15:19, February 13, 2012 (UTC)

Sounds like Rathian Warrior assumes things are true that aren't, especially when he crowns himself the DA Wiki Emperor. Anora reveals her knowledge of the Joining, in front of the entire Bannorn. Futonrevoltion (talk) 20:48, February 13, 2012 (UTC)

I too don't think there will be 5(!!!) different rulers 10 years later. Even now there're basically only 2 rulers: Alistair or Anora. For all possible imports future ruler will be "railroaded" (I think either Fergus' child or Teagan's - or both :)). At least there was decent foreshadowing unlike DA2's railroading. (talk) 16:05, February 13, 2012 (UTC)

Hey i was just making a few suggestions! And to be honest the Warden has tendancy to defy the odds. Plus maybe Alistair (Very unlikely). I mean Anora doubted just two wardens could save Fereldan from the Blight. And as someone pointed out Fiona did have a baby, But to point something out, it can't be Alistair as his codex in Origins says Eamon kept Alistair hidden from his sister Rowan. Fiona had the baby well after Rowan died. This means Alistair was born WHILE Rowan was still alive. So just find that bastard, I'm sure if Alistair's on the throne he'll happily run away. Sorry about causing trouble before and after this post, Rathian Warrior and Isolationistmagi. Phoenix96 (talk) 16:22, February 13, 2012 (UTC)

To continue making order: I'd like this thread to steer clear of a Fiona-Alistair debate, even though I am 99.9% sure the comic book series coming up will prove once and for all that Fiona is Alistair's mom. Rathian Warrior (talk) 18:18, February 13, 2012 (UTC)

If I remember correctly, at the end of Origins, a female Warden who romanced Alistair can claim to be pregnant. Futonrevoltion (talk) 20:41, February 13, 2012 (UTC)

So I finally managed to track the following link down:


Given what Gaider says, a Cousland/Theirin marriage cannot produce any heirs, owing to the fact that wardens cannot have kids with other wardens. Just thought I'd throw that out. ----Isolationistmagi 21:09, February 13, 2012 (UTC)

"Well... just because it's never happened doesn't mean it never could, I suppose. There are always exceptions. So if you involve some mysterious Tevinter fertility charm... why not? Really I'm just talking about the fact that Grey Wardens never produce offspring together naturally. Unnaturally is an entirely different story. ". Setting already has magic to guarantee pregnancy (used in Morrigan's ritual), so if the writers wanted to, they could use it. But to me it is clear that they just don't want to complicate future stories with different rulers. (talk) 05:18, February 14, 2012 (UTC)

I feel compelled to once again point out that Fiona is a very bad example to use for Grey Warden fertility arguments. She was cured of the taint. So for the majority of her pregnancy, she was not a Grey Warden in anything but name. Not that I'm saying that Grey Wardens absolutely cannot have children, because my understanding was that Wardens that are still pretty close to their Joining have a shot.--Liam Sionnach (talk) 21:22, February 13, 2012 (UTC)

Rathian, I agree with a lot you said however not with the Cailan and anora issue. one there are the 3 part papers you get out of his chest during return to ost. quest. #1 written by Celene #2 written by arl eamon and the third though no author mentioned i believe to be Loghain.. Well arl eamon mentions that anora cannot give him a child and they must find someone who can for he has no heir. and not only have i read it in the wiki but gaider himself in an interveiw stated the though it had been removed from the game that it was true, yes that cailan was indeed leaving anora for Empress Celene..SirLester

And PS. Thats why the whole cailan thing was not really about the whole warden and king issue it was about orlais..Maric and Loghain had run them out and he was not about to let them back in as said in cut scene. #2 Cailan was about to kick anora to the curb and be with Celene which in return would have united orlais and ferelden as allies..As a matter of fact when you meet his right hand girl as you go into the lands meet if your corhersion is at 4 and you pick the correct dialog she steps aside and mentions that when the orlais issue was found out that Lohgain lost his mind and she asks you to go stop him..SirLester

Pardon? There was a letter from Eamon, an official letter from Celene, and a personal letter from Celene. The only way Loghain gets involved here is that he may, or may not , have read these letters. --Ygrain (talk) 22:40, February 13, 2012 (UTC)

Actually Ygrain the third letter does not state an author it says 'this letter appears to be cumpled and then carefully straighten and smoothed back out, and is written in an uncharastically though familiar hand writting..SirLester

No. The description says "This letter appears to have been crumpled then carefully smoothed out and folded again", with "A note written in an uncharacteristally familiar tone from Empress Celene to King Cailan" at the bottom, see Codex entry: Cailan's Documents - Page 3 of 3 --Ygrain (talk) 05:45, February 14, 2012 (UTC)

Okay cool thanks Ygrain. I did not see that at the end..Thanks again for the correction..Sirlester

As Rath has pointed out, it is fact that Cailan has slept with more women than just Anora. No bastards. Also, since marriage, Anora has almost certainly only ever slept with Cailan- no children. Eamon blames her for this, but the game takes a lot of root in the middle ages, in which everything relating to infertility was the woman's fault. Except if the child was a girl, in which case it was the man's failure in asserting his dominance over the female. ----Isolationistmagi 22:29, February 13, 2012 (UTC)

Good point Isolationist, I can agree on that. however I was mainly meaning to point that though the whole celene and cailan thing may have been taken out of the game does not mean that the intent is not the or that it is not so especially when Gaider admits it being true..SirLester

Two points to clear up:

  • First, Sir Lester pointed out that Cailan wanted to leave Anora for Empress Celene. However crazy I think he is, this is canon. But, that does not mean he slept with her. Wanting to marry Celene does not mean Cailan ever bedded her. In fact, I'd be surprised if he did, because that would mean there was a gap in the lore somewhere allowing the Empress of Orlais to cross into Ferelden, or for the Fereldan King to enter Orlais. Unlikely in either scenario.
  • Fiona is a perfectly valid example to use as a child-bearing Grey Warden. She and Maric only ever fucked once, and that happened while Fiona was still a bona-fide Grey Warden. In fact, that was when everyone but Duncan was getting the Taint-rash from the Architect's magic amulets. So you might even argue that she was super-Tainted at the time. Either way, it doesn't matter whether or not she was cured of the Taint later: the moment of conception of the child is the hard part. The fact that she conceived while Tainted is a miracle in and of itself, to say nothing of the creation of life.
Oh? So there is so much information on the fertility of Grey Wardens that we know for a fact that conception is the only issue, that the taint causes no other complications during the pregnancy? I could see this being the case for a male Grey Warden, but for a Grey Warden mother I have my doubts. Again, not that it's impossible, but like Alistair says- very difficult. Fiona was cured of the taint, something thought to be impossible- she is clearly a unique case. And because of that she is not a good example. Also, thanks to Isolationistmagi for brining up plot points that I either forgot about or completely missed!--Liam Sionnach (talk) 16:21, February 14, 2012 (UTC)

Isolationistmagi, I want to thank you for finding that forum link. I remembered seeing it somewhere before, but couldn't for the life of me find the thread it was in. Rathian Warrior (talk) 06:22, February 14, 2012 (UTC)

Nope, Fiona, or rather Fiona _and_ Maric, are not a good example. First, Maric was taking that anti-Taint cure, which may have influenced his sperm somehow, and second, they did it in a magically self-cleaning pool. Not really standard conditions; on the other hand, taking into account both this and the Dark Ritual, a Warden conceiving/impregnating _is_ doable, with some magic involved. --Ygrain (talk) 07:33, February 14, 2012 (UTC)

Rathian, let me clear some things. #1 I never said that Cailan and Celene boinked. #2 AS Isolationist said about the other women I agreed and understood the point he brought up. If cailan boinked so many women yet no child the maybe he was the problem and not Anora. Then again back to Maric I like your point maybe he had one that gets discoverd with Fiona or possibly since he boinked one serving girl in Redcliff who says he didn't boink them all. Last but not least if it did happen and produce one between Cailan and Celene I still can not see Orlais and Ferelden getting along as allies...SirLester

I'm not really sure what point you're trying to make then. I never made any claim about Cailan other than he was infertile. What was there to disagree with me about? Rathian Warrior (talk) 07:16, February 14, 2012 (UTC)

Rathian from what you said I got the understanding that you are trying to say that I said Cailan and Celene had a kid, I never said that and I never even said they boinked. I just brought up the point that Gaider said and admited ia an interview that though it was taken from the game, yes it's true that Cailan was leaving Anora for Celene..I didn't know or read anything about other women until either you or Isolationistmagi brought it up. Also I pretty much agree with you and Isolationistmagi. I just don't like when people put words in my mouth I never said, and if I misunderstood or misinterpreted what you said then I am truly sorry...and ps I have not read the stolen throne yet. So any info used from that book I have not seen yet. just finished Asunder....SirLester

Let me be clear: you need to work on your communication skills. My original point was that Cailan slept with women besides Anora, none of which were Celene. You disagreed and brought up the letters from Return to Ostagar and also cited Mr. Gaider as evidence that Cailan was going to leave Anora for Celene. I agreed that this was true, but reiterated my original point that the two of them had never slept with each other. Rathian Warrior (talk) 08:02, February 14, 2012 (UTC)

  1. 1 rathian you wrote and I quote "sirlester pointed out that Cailan wanted to leave anora for Empress Celene. How ever crazy I think he is, this is canon. "But" that does not mean he slept with her...well moron I never said he slept with her, those are words you are putting in my mouth. #2 I never disagreed or agreed at the time about the other women he suposedly slept with, still don't because I have not read it anywhere or heard it, and just because you or isolationistmagi say it happened does not make it so.. my communication skills are just fine and you and isolationistmagi are not dragon age gods or even all things dragon age. so i suggest you stop trying to find ways to disagree with anything other people say..SirLester

If you're going to be insulting then maybe you should stop participating in this discussion. I never said that you said Cailan and Anora slept together. I agreed that you were correct in pointing out that Cailan and Celene were plotting to be together (still a crazy idea in my opinion) and restated my original point that Cailan was infertile. If you want to complain about istolationistmagi or myself in regards to our knowledge of DA lore, then you'd be better served playing more of the game or reading the books. Do I consider myself a DA god? No. Have I read every scrap of DA lore out there? Yes. Do isolationistmagi or myself have superiority complexes? Hardly. There's quite a bit of difference between knowing what you're talking about and disagreeing with everyone. Rathian Warrior (talk) 09:56, February 14, 2012 (UTC)

Okay Rathian I have told you Asunder I just finished and have just started the stolen throne. Then the calling will be next..I just bought them via amazon two weeks ago. I remember the first time i saw the stolen throne when it first came out from the logo on the cover i thought it to be a rip off of dragon lance so i passed it up. I first started in pencil and paper rpg in the 80's with the original Dungeons and Dragons. Anyway back to the point. Anyways I do agree with a lot you and isolationistmagi say.I don't like being dis respected for my opinions and that is pretty much what these forums are is peoples opinions, and if I do write something that is wrong then please let me know where I can find and read this or hear it and I will be more than glad to admit I am wrong. Also yes you are correct their is no reason to be insulting so I am sorry for that. As for playing they games I have done probably at least 30 play throughs of both, as a matter of fact i just bought new copies of both two days ago because my other ones don't play so good because they are worn from so much play. So as i finish this i leave you with the same advise, if your just simply goin to disagree with anything and everything I write maybe you should stop participating in this discussion or simply ignore my posts. As for complaining about Isolationistmagi I have no complaints as he has never been disrespectful...SirLester

... Calm down, boys... this is a game and a fantasy world, and so with magic anything goes. Argument over make-believe biology is funny to a point, but this is teetering on silly.--GabrielleduVent (talk) 13:03, February 14, 2012 (UTC)

Ok now i feel really bad cos i started this whole argument. Phoenix96 (talk) 11:53, February 15, 2012 (UTc)

I have a question..Alistair said his mother was a servant girl at redcliff. but if it turns out that Fiona is his mother wouldn't that make Alistair a half-elf therefor jeopardizing his being king as the Shem would not want an elven king, and also think of the chaos that would start between the humans and the elves..SirLester

Gaider established that half-elves look 100% human. Don't ask me why, and don't ask why Feynriel looks the way he does. --Ygrain (talk) 22:04, February 15, 2012 (UTC)
SirLester, there is not proof that Fiona is his mother, it is only a speculation. I believe she is not.
Ygrain, did DG write about half-elves' appearance somewhere? I can't find the source. The Elves article currently states "Though biological half-elves don't exist in Thedas, humans with elven ancestry may have elven features, such as a slight point in their ears." Asherinka (talk) 22:10, February 15, 2012 (UTC)

First Ygrain thank you for your point. Second Asherinka I don't think Fiona is his mother either however Fiona and Maric had a child. However it has been brought up by someone else and i clearly asked a question that what if it is true that she is. That would make Alister hal elven and could open a whole knew plot and issue betweens elves and humans..SirLester

I was just reading this and though possibililty Cailan cheated on Anora because empress celene must have met anora in a quote empress celene called anora the one rose amoungst the Brambles or thornes im not sure so Empress Celene must have met anora and Cailan to presents the oppurtunity also it does say in Cailan Bio he was unfaithful to anora to begin with so Bastard child of cailan is possible. Also i dont get who fiona is King Marric married Arl Eamon's sister rowan Queen Rowan but Maric cheated on Queen Rowan with a maid in arl eamon castle thus how Alistair came to be. -Mark-

Clearing up more misconceptions:

  • Humans who have one elven parent look completely human. Gaider has said so, Laidlaw has said so, and the wiki article claiming otherwise will be deleted by me shortly because it has no sources and is just plain inaccurate.
  • Celene has not met Cailan or Anora. There are Orlesian ambassadors in Ferelden which probably provide her with regular reports, not to mention the network of spies and assassins that probably exist there, as well as everywhere else in Thedas. So it is perfectly natural Celene would know about Anora, despite her never having set foot in Ferelden.
  • There is plenty of proof for Alistair being the son of Fiona. For one thing, in The Calling, Maric asked everyone who knew the truth to keep it hidden and say that the child was born from two humans. Further, it would go a long way towards explaining Duncan's interest in Alistair if it were true that he was Fiona's son. Finally, the timing of The Calling and Alistair's age match up. Beyond all of this, I'm 99.9% sure that the comic series coming out in seven days will prove irrefutably that Fiona is Alistair's mom.

EDIT: http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/9/index/575146/3#856189 is a thread in which Gaider says elf-human children appear entirely human. Rathian Warrior (talk) 00:46, February 16, 2012 (UTC)

Fiona and Alistair's relationship is yet a speculation. Please do not pass your own speculations as something that is a fact. There are those here (myself included) who are dubious of that speculation, and unless the Gods of Dragon Age (aka the writing team) shall decree it otherwise, it shall remain nothing more than speculation. --GabrielleduVent (talk) 03:46, February 16, 2012 (UTC)
I don't think anyone tried to pass that speculation as fact on this thread. The closest thing I read to that was "there is plenty of proof of x" followed by evidence that reasonably supports the claim. This is different from saying "x is true."

@ Mark. If you read The Calling, who Fiona is will make a lot more sense.

@ Rath, thanks for hunting that thread down for me. ----Isolationistmagi 04:04, February 16, 2012 (UTC)

I personally think it will be stupid of bioware and DA's writing team to kill off Alistair especially when he has no heir. It would make more sense for him to have an heir and if they stick to importing DA:O/DA:A and DA2 files, if the warden was female weather she married him or became his mistress, then they would have a child together and that child could quite possibly play a role in DA3 perhaps as a child your protaganist has to save? IF The warden was male or had a relationship with someone else then Alistair would have a child with someone NOT anora. Also I feel that Cullen should be a romanticable companion and it would make sense that DA3 especially for his growing following like with the origins mod for him kissing the female mage warden.

Actually I think the plot of DA3 centers around the Quanari who have done something with both the Warden and with Hawke. Sten if survived or a nameless scout if Sten was not recruited, would make the report about the warden who slew the archdemon etc. The quanari would most likely be interested in her/him. Plus there is hawk who beat the Arishok and they would definatly be instered in her/him they are also interested in invading and taking control of everyone and forcibally converting them to the qun or kill them at least the ones who don't willingly come to the Qun. They take advantage of the Mage-Templar war and the Protaganist has to stop them and the war etc with the help of Tallis now Tal-Vashoth as well as Cassandra, Cullen, Rys and a few other characters.--- (talk) 06:32, February 16, 2012 (UTC)
