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Reveal Trailer. I have no idea if this is new or not, But i figured i may aswell post it anyways.TheProphet (talk) 20:29, December 17, 2011 (UTC)

That is a fake trailer with scenes from the Witcher 2. Balitant (talk) 20:36, December 17, 2011 (UTC)
Sorry, That was my bad.TheProphet (talk) 20:38, December 17, 2011 (UTC)
You can also sometimes tell if it's legit by checking the date. This one for example is six months and thirteen days old. Or, to put it simply, was uploaded on July Fourth, almost six months before Bioware officially announced that DAIII was in production. Just a little bit of advice to recognize future fakes. ----Isolationistmagi 02:47, December 18, 2011 (UTC)
When I saw this "trailer" I laughed at those who commented saying "Wow can't wait for DAIII now!!!", so I commented it on it stating just before Legacy had come out, that Bioware was only just releasing its first DLC for DA2 and had not even announced about DAIII, let alone make a trailer and that this was just a scene from Witcher 2, and my comment was deleted by the youtube user and he/she now made comments pending so if you try to say it isn't DA3, he/she just deletes the comment -_-" --Blood Fort Andromeda (talk) 03:46, December 18, 2011 (UTC)
Yea I did that too but if you look on the user's homepage, there are so many people hating him, and hating him more for blocking their commentsCrimpycracker (talk) 08:03, December 19, 2011 (UTC)

Also caught a link about neither Hawke nor Warden being in DAIII. Old news, but the uploader was titled "Dragon age Wiki." Since when did the site have a youtube profile or whatever it's called? ----Isolationistmagi 04:20, December 18, 2011 (UTC)

We don't. --D. (talk · contr) 15:39, December 18, 2011 (UTC)