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Forums: Index > Game DiscussionDarkspawn Chronicles Approval System
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Does anyone know the exact method required to gain approval via fighting in Darkspawn Chronicles? I have tried killing with just the Vanguard, just individual party members and as a group yet the approval rewards seem random = /

P.S I know there are gifts, but they only go so far.

Ilovetelephones (talk) 10:39, July 4, 2010 (UTC)

It is fairly random, you just have to keep killing enemies and approval will go up periodically. There are an infinite number of enemies if you wait on them to re-spawn so you can always get max approval if you feel like it. --Aedan Cousland (talk) 11:10, July 4, 2010 (UTC)

Head to the Palace District. Around the area, there are respawn points where enemies will constantly respawn if you stay nearby. If you're patient, you can get the Enthralling achievement at any one of these simply by killing every enemy that shows up. The party members won't always get approval on every kill, but they do get some every now and then. Just be patient. Also, the small horde of Darkspawn that stays with you means you can grab any Darkspawn you haven't gotten full approval from by executing one of your Thralls once their approval is maxed out.

Also, as for a particular spot, I used the one up the middle stairs in the area. The stairs are blocked by a wooden gate that you need the Ogre to get through, and at the top of the stairs, you'll find a Steel Golem, among other enemies. Kill these guys, then just hang around. You'll get one or two enemies at a time, and you've got a mini-horde with you, so you'll have no problem killing these guys. Swk3000 (talk) 11:56, July 4, 2010 (UTC)

Thanks man, I am actually at that exact point XD, I saw the respawn recommendation but I can't seem to keep the dog alive, the Steel Golem seems to take a while to die and the ally Ogre (Going for Ogre's keeper achievement, so I have another Ogre following me) seems to keep hurling rocks at all the bad times. >_> On the few times I have managed to take down all Steel Golem's there the respawn seemed to dry out, do you happen to know, roughly, the borderlines that have to be avoided to make sure the respawning isn't prematurely stunted? = / Ilovetelephones (talk) 13:09, July 4, 2010 (UTC)
You may have to cheese it and set the Difficulty to Casual. That's actually what I did, as there was no way I was going to keep the Ogre alive even on Normal. Sten is just brutal against that thing. Other than that, there's only a single Steel Ogre at the spot I'm thinking of. To get there, go to the spot where you pulled the levers to let the Ogre out of it's enclosure. The wooden gate at the foot of some stairs on that same level (that you passed by on your way to the levers) is what I'm talking about. At the top of the stairs, there should only be a single Steel Ogre, but a number of other enemies. Take them out, then wait. I never tried moving to either side, but would occasionally back away to the top of the stairs I'd just come up and still have the enemy respawn, so you should be okay. Swk3000 (talk) 16:03, July 4, 2010 (UTC)
I've finally done it, definitely not worth the 30 second ending XD, I had to deal with two steel Golems there for whatever reason but I lured them away cause Sten doesn't seem to move unless you get right up close to him and siphoned some enemies away and dealt with small groups where possible, Vanguard fell but that was it, albeit the shriek came close. Managed to get all three achievements, I found the end to be strangely easier than that part, possibly due to the attention that was being focused on the Archdemon.