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Forums: Index > Game DiscussionBethany Warden or Circle
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Ok so I was just wondering when you play with Sis what do you prefer Warden or Circle mage? I can never choose so what do you say? --Marcymariehunter (talk) 00:07, November 24, 2011 (UTC)

In Act One, when talking with her, Beth will note on at least a couple of occasions that maybe being in the Circle wouldn't be so bad. The one time I played with her going to the Wardens, I didn't get the feeling she was very happy there, so much as making the best of things. I doubt she's really all that thrilled in the Circle either, but she seems smart enough to stay away from the real bad 'uns among the Templars (eg. Ser Alrick) and I think she actually enjoys being among fellow mages in a community. So yeah, it's the Circle for Bethany, as far as I'm concerned! Carver's a completely different story - it's the Wardens for him, every time! Qalan (talk) 01:57, November 24, 2011 (UTC)

Roll a die. 1-2: Wardens. 3-4: Circle. 5-6: Dead. On a non-canon playthrough, that is. --Isolationistmagi (talk) 03:31, November 24, 2011 (UTC)

I always considered relegating my siblings to the Wardens as less desirable story-wise than placing them in the Circle, either as a mage or Templar. This is mostly because being a Warden takes them out of the line of fire, so to speak, and being in the Circle puts them in a more central role of things for later acts. For this reason, Carver and Bethany always end up staying behind during my expedition. (talk) 05:14, November 24, 2011 (UTC)

I prefer Dead-by-Ogre Betso, but for non-mage playthroughs I stuff her into Circle. Ungrateful bitchy brat doesn't deserve to be a Warden. Dorquemada (talk) 08:01, November 24, 2011 (UTC)

Betso, an ungrateful bitchy brat? You spelled "Carver" wrong.-Algol- (talk) 09:57, November 24, 2011 (UTC)
Well, from what I remember Carver wasn't sulking and bitching in the ugliest passive-aggressive manner at Hawke because Hawke saved his goddamn life there by giving him to Grey Wardens. Dorquemada (talk) 10:44, November 24, 2011 (UTC)
The only thing Bethany ever bitches about is being a Grey Warden. The only thing Carver DOES NOT bitch about is being a Grey Warden.
Yes, and again - she bitches at Hawke for fucking saving her ass. From, y'know, certain death. Carver's an ass who just likes to bicker with his sibling at a drop of a hat, but he doesn't ever pretend to be a nicety-nice saintly angel, nor is he a passive-aggressive griefer. Matter of taste, of course, but I'd take rude honesty over pretend niceness any day. Dorquemada (talk) 11:06, November 24, 2011 (UTC)

I always find myself in a difficult position with this decision. Being a Warden is a slow death, constantly filled with darkspawn horrors. I don't want to inflict that on my sister and one of the most favorite characters in the game. On the other hand, being in the Circle is basically being held hostage by the people I oppose (and never miss a chance to kill). Yet considering her own thoughts, the Circle seems to be a lesser evil, so i stick with this option. I just feel so angry and helpless when Cullen takes her away, too bad that the game doesn't give me an opportunity to have some payback on Meredith's trusty lapdog-Algol- (talk) 09:57, November 24, 2011 (UTC)
