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Forums: Index > Lore DiscussionAndraste was possesed
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Hey there.

I have recently started playing DA:O on the PC for the first time, and I was reading up the codex entries in the Magi Origin. One thing I found curious.

Andraste fought the Tevinter Imperium, but then her husband betrayed her and had her burn alive, where Archon Hessarian, leader of the enemy faction has killed her to spare her the pain. Then, converted to the Chant Of Light, the religion started by Andraste, basically making the Tevinter revere its enemy.

Methinks that in the final moments of her life, Andraste, or whatever was in her, possesed the Archon, and then killed the previously occupied vessel.

Now, I haven't figured out the reasoning for it, but maybe it was to spread the belief in Maker or something. As the matter of fact, was the Maker even known pre-Andraste? Maybe she made him up.

Or it was the Maker who possesed her, and then Flemeth? :D Henio0 (talk) 09:36, December 2, 2012 (UTC)

The Chantry was found by Emperor of Orlais 2 centuries after Andraste's death, not by Archon Hessarian. Actions of A and H were directed by their vision. When someone imagined a vision, it doesn't mean they were possessed. I think this theory about possession is wrong. About Flemeth was already a discussion, she used magic to go to the Fade to learn Dalish magic - shapeshifting and fact she befriended with Dalish doesn't mean she's Andraste, everyone can befriedn with Dalish, if tries very hard, Gray Wardens did it. (talk) 09:43, December 2, 2012 (UTC)

Ain't nobody saying the Archon founded the Chantry. I just said he converted to the religion started by the woman who nearly destroyed the Tevinter Imperium. Henio0 (talk) 14:52, December 2, 2012 (UTC)

You know, despite lack of any solid evidence, I kinda support the theory. As well as any other theory, that differs from the crap the Chantry lays on us. Either Andraste was a mage, and thus the greatest troll in the history of Thedas, or she was really possessed, or she was just crazy. Hearing voices in the head gives this hint... -Algol- (talk) 14:51, December 2, 2012 (UTC)

You could be right on all 3. Maybe she was a crazy, possessed mage (abomination). As for what's possessing her maybe a Spirit of Mercy? --Vampire Damian (talk) 15:13, December 2, 2012 (UTC)
You say what Chantry says is trash, but every religion has no evidence to be proven right, so every religion can be classified as trash. Imperium has own Chantry and claims Andraste was a mortal woman and no prophet, when the original Chantry claims she was Maker's chosen one. Chantry was correct about magisters, who created darkspawns because of their lust of power, so not everything, what the priest said is wrong. You just call it trash simply because you hates the organisation, when I hate qunari, but I think some of their philosophy is correct like everyone is born to a special role. If you want theories sound correct, then find points and insulting other theories gives you no evidences. When I take part in a discussion in my school about scientific theories, nobody insults people, who disagree with them. Just keep searching evidneces and don't insult other theories, because it gives you nothing. (talk) 15:48, December 2, 2012 (UTC)
You both sound like you think all people needs to be possessed by spirits to act and make decisions. (talk) 17:13, December 2, 2012 (UTC)
Every religion is trash/crap in the sense that it is all based on primitive myth/lies and the worst ones will kill anyone who don't accept their myths/lies as factual evidence/truth. The Chantry may have gotten some details right about the magisters but we don't know what happened. Odds are their stories have some slight truth to them occasionally but have been selectively embellished/edited and subject to possible translation errors/loss of text (worn out, destroyed or lost books) over the last millennia. --Vampire Damian (talk) 16:25, December 2, 2012 (UTC)
I don't know what's true or not in this case, my point was a simple rule "don't insult other theories, only search for evidences", that's all I have to say and nothing more. (talk) 17:13, December 2, 2012 (UTC)
1)Taking the game and fictional events too seriously, no? An insult to fictional theory is not really an insult.
2)Opinions on religious in game do not necessarily reflect opinions on religions IRL. Do not be so quick to assume things.
3)"You say what Chantry says is trash, but every religion has no evidence to be proven right, so every religion can be classified as trash" - Do not twist my words. That conclusion is false. I specifically stated that one particular religion, the Chantry is a scam. That does not mean, that I think so about, say, the Creators. I do not think so, really.
4)"Chantry was correct about magisters, who created darkspawns because of their lust of power, so not everything, what the priest said is wrong" - nope.avi. There is no direct proof of it in game lore. It's just an opinion, albeit a common one, not an objective truth. Corypheus, for instance, had a bit different opinion, and he was an eye witness.
5)"Just keep searching evidneces" - Religion does not need evidence, it does not need to be proven or dis-proven by facts. It requires only belief, so searching for evidence is pointless. I could say, that the Chantry is lying about Andraste singing to the Maker for three weeks without pause, because this is not physically possible, but one can respond that "the Maker sustained her" and that would be it.
6)"don't insult other theories, because it gives you nothing" - Oh, on the contrary. It gives me a lot of fun:)-Algol- (talk) 00:55, December 3, 2012 (UTC)
Mage, crazy, possessed, greatest troll in the history of Thedas? So Andraste really is Flemeth, I knew it! :D RShepard227 (talk) 07:25, December 3, 2012 (UTC)
No, that's not confirmed, so yet you have nothing to be happy about. If you say Flemeth is Andraste, then you can say Rendon Howe is a reincarntion of Arland as well. That's only a theory with no confirmation. (talk) 08:02, December 3, 2012 (UTC)
That's why I like to joke about it. :) In full honesty, I wouldn't like that outcome, simply because it would've gotten picked out from a mile away. RShepard227 (talk) 08:22, December 3, 2012 (UTC)

Since demons feed on the part of the psyche it is possible that she may have been possessed, it may have been like what happened with Anders and corrupted the spirit (possibly from faith to a spirit of zealousness) or it could have been a desire or pride demon. --Halisme (talk) 15:24, December 2, 2012 (UTC)

The best theories right now are  : 1) Andraste was just a very powerful untrained mage that thought her powers came from a divine source( in this case the maker helping her). In the game there is a book that tell us about how untrained mages sometimes believe their abilities are the gods helping them or mere luck and never realise this.

2) ( my favourite) Andraste was a tevinter magister that betrayed the imperium because she was against their magical practices. This makes sense. the disciples of andraste had vast magical knowledge. The guardian ghosts were created with disciples that sacrificed themselves while holding in their mouths a magical pearl from tevinter that allows the spirit to stay forever in the world of the living. Not only that, a great number of the descendants of these diciples are mages ( in haven) which suggests that a large group of mages were part of the andraste cult. Finally, I don't think the location of the temple of the urn was chose at random. The whole mountain has great quantities of lyrium and we know that the nature of all the tests inside the temple is magical.--GreyWardenMortimus (talk) 09:55, December 4, 2012 (UTC)

I would say that if Andraste was possessed, then the Maker definitely wasn't like most spirits/demons we see judging by the power she wielded and she wasn't disconnected from others judging from her followers' attitudes.

Of course, the bit about the temple above is a possibility. But one must ask whether the temple was there because of the lyrium or if the lyrium formed there because of the temple?

Personally, I think the game lets you make your own decisions about the divine and Andraste, at least for the moment. I believe the Maker, the Elven Gods, and the Dwarven Ancestors exist. Who says one belief is mutually exclusive in Thedas? --Almostinsane (User talk:Almostinsane) 22:06, December 5, 2012 (UTC)

Of course there is the posibility that the elven gods are the real gods and the golden city was their home. There is something there acording to Avernus, something that sings and has something to do with the taint. As we know, the old gods sing too ( that is how the darkspawn finds them). Another tainted being? ( The source of the taint and possibly the one who contacted Andraste?) I hate how David Gaider is against continuing the Darkspawn plot in favour of the lousy templars and mages......--GreyWardenMortimus (talk) 04:15, December 7, 2012 (UTC)

I also hate Gaider for this and for making comics which solve nothing and make the series more absurdal and delays answers on questions asked for years. I was never interested in this idiotic war between templars and mages, to me DA series will always be DS, not mages. (talk) 12:50, December 7, 2012

The darkspawn is the reason that the first game was unique. Now..with templars and mages fighting for control the dragon age universe has become another generic fantasy game. Ahh, and the comics..I don't even bother with them. First they ruined Anders with DA2 and now Alistair ( and soon the whole franchise). If they were not going to commit themselves with the darkspawn storylne then why introduce so many mysteries that hinted at a possible sequel?. The game is going in the wrong direction and the original fans like I, will leave dragon age and move on. dragon age 2 was boring and generic.--GreyWardenMortimus (talk) 01:51, December 8, 2012 (UTC)

Wish there were more people like you.--ErgoXill (talk) 03:10, December 8, 2012 (UTC)
There are. I think the same way like GreyWardenMortimus. (talk) 06:56, December 8, 2012 (UTC) Just call me Dalish fan.