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Forums: Index > Game Discussion" WTF " Moments in Dragon Age (SPOILERS)
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There have been a few moments during my time playing the DA series that have had me scratching my head. Yes they have been down to either bugs or an over-sight on the dev's part but sometimes they can be quite amusing. I just thought I would write down a couple of anecdotes and see if anyone had others they cared to share.

  • Having finished the quest where Merrill ends up having to kill the keeper when she turns into a demon, my party emerged from the dungeon, got past the Dalish at the cave entrance after agreeing to take responsibility for Merrills blood magic, walked down into the Dalish camp and Merrill pipes up with " The clan is still here after 3 years ? What on earth is the keeper thinking of, she must know it's dangerous, surely " - Hmmmmmmmmmmm
  • I remember one from DAO where Alistair confessed to me in the camp that he was upset because he didn't have a memento to remember Duncan by, this was literally minutes after I had just equipped him with Duncan's sword lol !!
  • After comleteing Isabella's quest and getting her ship, all the party banter AFTER that mission was about how she didn't have a ship and was trying to get one !

I'm sure there must be others out there :O)

ARC Rorschach


Duncans sword was just a DLC for just a better sword right? It's his shield you must give Alistair--Tj2592 (talk) 12:24, April 1, 2011 (UTC)

They're not referring to the quest to give Alistair Duncan's shield as his companion-specific gift, but just remarking on how odd it is to hear Alistair say he has nothing to remember Duncan by right after you equip him with Duncan's sword.

Hawke berating Merrill for using Blood Magic mere seconds after using it herself and with the sustained Blood Magic ability still active... I don't remember selecting the "hypocrite" dialogue option!

Alistair saying "I never wanted this, I didn't want to be king" at the post-coronation despite being hardened and actually saying that he did in fact want to be king before the Landsmeet.

Leliana asking my Elven mage about the Alienage I grew up in with no reply to mention the Circle of Magi when earlier dialogue established my character had no memory of her life before the Circle.

My character saying "Warden sense tingling" during their Origin despite there being no Darkspawn and not being a Warden yet.

Leandra telling Hawke that she'll try to find her a husband... after Hawkes female elf lover has just moved in.

Leandra telling Hawke off for having an Elven slave despite the fact that she's a servant and not a slave.

After sending Anders away in Act 2 for killing an innocent mage girl I walk into the Hanged Man at the start of Act 3 to talk to Varric who's happily chatting to... Anders. Hawke expresses surprise at seeing them together but not at Anders being back in Kirkwall or the fact that Varric describes the murderer as being not as bad as most apostates.

Templars completely failing to notice Hawke, Merrill, Anders or Bethany casting spells in front of their faces, even if Merrill or Hawke are stabbing themselves with sharp instruments to power their spells.

Thrask being nice to me on my arsehole character until I remind him that I'm blackmailing him and then he turns angry for one sentence before being nice again.

Sebastian giving rivalry points for killing a Templar who was caught redhanded attempting to make a mage Tranquil just so he could rape her.

Repeatedly not having an option to kill Sister/Mother Petrice.

Carver wanted to be a Templar despite having just learnt that the Templars may have been infiltrated by demons.

Varric asking Isabela about the contents of the "Qunari box" in Act 1 before anyone should know about the Relic.

Merrill insisting that the mirror and blood magic are perfectly safe and harmless but refusing to bring the mirror to Hawkes mansion after moving in because it's too dangerous...Rayvio (talk) 13:38, April 1, 2011 (UTC)

During A Bitter Pill, Fenris' voice coming out of no where, because I didnt bring him along on his own quest, (my fault lol), and Hadrianna standing still and motionless, despite being killed.

During a smuggler quest, after fighting some guards, and a guard captain, Aveline seems perfectly content despite knowing she is murdering maybe some friends and a superior.

During the same quest, a guard was dead, but he was still standing up motionless, without any way to interact with him, his eyes closed. It was an ugly guard.

Anders just moved in with my male hawke, and I talk to Leandra, and she says "Now all I need is to find you a suitable wife!" and I think "mom.... cant you see the guy walking around the house???? Or hear maybe me+anders talking saying "I love you... Want a sandwich?" lol.... (talk) 16:03, April 1, 2011 (UTC)

Sebastian bantering with Fenris about how it should be their duty to turn in the "malificarum" traveling with them...with my Hawke being a mage... "I can hear you, you know!"

Having my Hawke specialize in blood magic, be in a relationship with Fenris, and not have him say ANYTHING about it, while I have the Blood magic mode ON when talking to him. Last time I checked blood on white floors was kind of hard to miss...

When I finally sleep with Fenris with my male Hawke and talk to Leandra, not only does she acknowledge that she notices how we look at each other, but after saying this she tells me that she should start looking for a suitable wife... um, did we not just establish that I was IN A RELATIONSHIP 5 seconds ago?!

Me being a blood mage and telling Merrill off when she lowers the barrier on Sundermount by using guess what? blood magic. It also doesn't help that my companions say absolutely NOTHING about the fact that, once again, I'M COVERED IN BLOOD! I swear, I shouldn't be allowed to be this hypocritical.

When doing the quest "Justice" while in a relationship with Fenris, Anders confronts me about my choice, and tells me that "I deserve someone who is more open-minded", to which Fenris replies "a mage and a hypocrite. What company you keep." REALLY? because the last time I checked, you were dating a MAGE, who is covered in blood, who is traveling with not 1, not 2, not 3, but FOUR of the worlds biggest hypocrites, with you included. *facepalm* lol Sevarian10 (talk) 16:56, April 1, 2011 (UTC)Sevarian10

"Hey Hawke, your mum's involved with a serial killer!" "Oh, I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. I'll try to check that out somewhen between killing spiders in The One Cave and wooing Anders." And general laid-back attitude of Hawke during that quest. Also, banters triggering in the middle of the battle can be amusing:

"Anders, I love your coat!" *KRRRZZZZT!* "You do?" *FWOOSH, SPLAT!* "Totally! It's like an anting crow!" *KABOOM!* Dorquemada (talk) 18:20, April 1, 2011 (UTC)


My first brain cramp was the that we were even allowed to play a Mage class in a game that clearly is highly charged on said subject of mages and has it as its primary focus. You don't even make any effort to hide that you're a mage by say, oh I don't know, being smart and NOT wearing robes & carrying a staff openly to advertise it?

It makes no sense that the Templars don't try to come after you at least during ONCE during the entire game for being an apostate. Heck, at one point Meredith blatantly states that she knows what you are. If they are that idiotic how exactly are they a force to recon with in the game?

I did the same thing you did, I made a mage, had Fenris in full friendship, and romanced him out of spite. That so shouldn't have been do-able with his viewpoints on magic. At best, the rivalry romance should have been the only option. It makes him look hypocritical and weak.

My other brain cramp comes from the majority of the interactions of DAO/DAA characters with Anders. Several of them had met him (and/ or traveled with him depending on your choices) and they acted like it was a first meeting or had very little to say. They glossed it over a little too much. I'd have liked to have seen his reason for leaving the Wardens to have been tied into these convo's. Vhardamis (talk) 18:26, April 1, 2011 (UTC)

Merrill not talking after A New Path (when you kill her marethari and possibly her clan) [though thats going to be fixed] and Anders in awakening ALWAYS asking velanna about her damn tattoos. (talk) 18:48, April 1, 2011 (UTC)

Ways to be a hypocrite are indeed overabundant. My mage was a no-nonsense templar apologist whenever there was Anders in the party and die-hard pro-mage activist when with Fenris. "I don't give a shit about politics, you guys. I just love annoying you all." Dorquemada (talk) 18:52, April 1, 2011 (UTC)

I remember I romanced Fenris and Isabela just for fun, then I went on to romance Anders. He then goes to ask about my relationship with Fenris and if its serious or not. My Hawke then replies with "She is just a friend, there's nothing to worry about" or something like that. Obviously referring to Isabela, but very strange when responding to a question about Fenris. At the end of the game, in Varric's little epilogue, the subtitles said "Well...everyone except Anders" but I swear I heard TWO SEPARATE VARRIC VOICES. One said Anders, and the other one said either Fenris or Isabela, as I couldn't make out what he was saying because he said them both at the same time. It was really bizarre, but funny at the same time. (talk) 19:40, April 1, 2011 (UTC)

The hell? I mean, yeah, Fenris does have some feminine features, but still unless there's something he's not telling us that's a bit sad, and hilarious. I swear I can't tell whether I should find these discrepancies a problem or lol worthy. Sevarian10 (talk) 19:46, April 1, 2011 (UTC)Sevarian10

My WTF comes from the fact there are so mny bugs and they put this out. My other one was Morrigon and Venlanna and the wayhey treat others. Let tick off people who kill for a reason or more so Venlanna she begs to be a Warden ad then treat other lie crap but still has the gall to ask for there help. IRL I know I would of endded up running her through.--IceStar100 (talk) 21:22, April 1, 2011 (UTC)

After killing every single last member of her clan, Merrill cheerfully says "that was exciting!". Few seconds later she says in a heartbreaking voice that she wishes it was all a terrible dream.Rayvio (talk) 23:32, April 1, 2011 (UTC) And it gets worse! Walking away from the massacred clan, Isabela starts to ask Merrill about her relationship with Hawke, leading to "So, did you get naked?"Rayvio (talk) 23:41, April 1, 2011 (UTC)

-In a world where the fastest mode of travel is boat and communication is postage, it's a miracle worthy coincidence that Hawke and The Warden are "missing", but it's not at all suspicious that these immensely important people are both mages and are closely related? Sure, Cassandra. You're a great Seeker.

-Every single Qunari looks exactly alike with all the same horn lengths, except for one dude with massive horns and several dudes with no horns.

-That Hawke's use of Blood Magic is NEVER addressed, even though Ander's use was addressed in Awakening.

-Meredith was designed with blonde hair

Gaikang (talk) 00:55, April 2, 2011 (UTC)

Clicking on Isabella during "The Last Straw" and hearing "I'm bored of this. We should do something fun." Really, Isabella? Is being persecuted by a crazed Templar hyped up on pure lyrium not fun enough for you?! And then hearing Varric say that Anders never left Hawke's side...despite Hawke killing him. Denevari (talk) 04:45, April 2, 2011 (UTC)

I imagined that it was a "Weekend at Bernie's" situation, so that my head wouldn't explode. I'm pretty sure that the dead Leliana showing up, explaining that it wasn't her time to die, caused me physical pain. The only thing in DA:O that had me scratching my head was the sheer volume of sociopaths that Arl Howe had setting up torture franchises across Thedas.

Well, the inability of everyone in Kirkwall to do any of their tasks/jobs without runing crying to Hawke so he/she might do those was bit awkward, and after finishing their jobs they still we're whining that they don't need no one and they can do everytihng them selfes just fine.

After basicly whiping the asses of every companion, if you don't help them in their final quest they start bithcing that i never did anything for them and i'm just a god damn hipocryt just because i think killing the Grand Cleric or restoring a mirror wich hase already a prety nasty past is a bit stupid.

These and those things you others have wrote gave me a serious head ache becaus now i'm whising that there was an option at the end of act 2 wich alowes me to say "**** this ****, Arishok you can rase this god damn city for all i care, i quit!" and then walking to the docks all pissed and returning to Ferelden, or going to some other place with less....arogant hipocrits who can't whipe theire own asses without help.

-- (talk) 05:31, April 2, 2011 (UTC)Anatolj

In DAO during the sloth demon thing I found morrigan and demon flemeth talked then fought demon flemeth who was decapitated then the previous conversation restarted and flemeth still didn't have a head yet could speak and slap. at the time it was just WTF is going on... with laughter. and the game still worked so it was all good CentiumCuspis (talk) 06:51, April 2, 2011 (UTC)

Mine was afert Merril moving in were in love. And in the end it say all but Isabella...wtf, then the same happened on another character who romanced Fenris..wtf isabella.

DA:O - Alistair flirting with my Male Noble Rogue (not kidding)

DA:2 - Merrill crying about her clan's death... before we killed them. While killing the Dalish clan, Merrill comments on the Dalish graveyard being on top of the mountain. King Mattitude24 (talk) 12:23, April 2, 2011 (UTC)

The Chantry. Sebastian is having a chat with the Grand Cleric when in strides Hawke & Co and destroys evil thome. Nobody even turns their heads at the following noisy battle with a bunch of abominations. Repeat the scenario with guards in Viscount's Keep.

Fade. Hawke taunts the Pride Demon: "Abominations are UGLY!" If I were Anders (who is standing right there), Hawke would have slept on a couch for weeks. Dorquemada (talk) 13:06, April 2, 2011 (UTC)

Well, technically Anders isn't an abomination, he's something similar but different. Abominations ARE ugly, I think he'd agree actually. When Justice (Vengeance) comes out, Anders glows blue from cracks in his skin and his eyes... AbsolutGrndZer0 (talk) 08:12, November 5, 2011 (UTC)

When Anders told me he might go see the Grand Cleric and could try to control Justice... but still blows up the Chantry. I mean, most likely it was the doing of Justice, but still... >_>

Then stupid Merril was like, everywhere. True, she lived with my Hawke, but it said to go to her house, then she wasn't there so I went the estate and found her, then had to go back to her house, in which is cried and starting talking about driving people away when she... didn't... do anything.

I'm a blood mage, though if I'm against any mage I'm against blood mages... xD

And I find it funny on quests you can take as long as you want on them... Isabella has been captured for quite sometime... Muthaphukkin Jake (talk) 16:31, April 2, 2011 (UTC)

Meredith and Orsino are face to face in the Gallows courtyard at the end and Meredith just tells the mages to go inside their fortifiable building rather than fight the disorganised mages out in the open? And nobody thinks "I've got a clear shot at the psycho bitch, eat fire Templar!". Seriously they're not only both insane and evil, they're also both incredibly stupid. What's worse is that Hawke is just as stupid half the time with no option to take sensible decisions.Rayvio (talk) 17:30, April 2, 2011 (UTC)

Right after being stopped from seeing the Grand Cleric by Petrice, Hawke says something like "you can't keep me from her forever." I then immediately walk up some stairs to see the Grand Cleric talking with Sebastian. When I try to talk to her and tell her what I came to tell her in the first place, Hawke seems to be in the mood for discussing something else entirely. (talk) 18:10, April 2, 2011 (UTC)

I got another one; during the 3rd act when Anders has finally moved into my awesome mansion with my male Hawke, I turn to talk to him (to see if he says anything interesting) only for him to say "it's not the prettiest house, but at least it's clean"....TO THE COUCH WITH YOU, ANDERS! Sevarian10 (talk) 23:29, April 2, 2011 (UTC)Sevarian10

My best one this far has been in act 1, if you sided with the mercenaries and the leader sends you after Lord Harimann. Playing a tad differently this time, I decided to keep my promise and send the lord to the maker. So, I threw a dagger at him and it hit him in the forehead. The funny part is that there was a random woman in the background, calm throughout the encounter even though she only stood a meter or something away from him...and, if I heard correctly, she even hit on Carver after it happened =) Jaarlitar (talk) 01:31, April 3, 2011 (UTC)Sevarian10

Refusing to give Merrill the arulin'holm, resulting in her (I assumed) giving up her foolish endeavour. My hopes were up even more when she smashed the mirror at the start of Act III. But no, A New Path still started, and there she was, standing in front of it, saying "Look at it. Do you think it's just supposed to sit there and not show anything?" Why was there no dialogue option to say "Well yes, actually Merrill, I do. Do you know why? Because it's got no glass because you smashed it!" I am glad the quest did start though, because as soon as I refused to give her the arulin'holm, I had the realisation that I wouldn't be able to get the felandaris. But I did, but still, it was weird. Weak Spot (talk) 12:32, April 3, 2011 (UTC)

Bodhan mentioning that the Hero of Fereldan is a fine man and he wishes him success... except that since I imported an Orlesian Warden that means the Hero of Fereldan commited the Ultimate Sacrifice and is consequently dead and not likely to have any success no matter how much a mad dwarf wishes it.Rayvio (talk) 16:48, April 3, 2011 (UTC)

When siding with the mages and Avaline is conviced to join me she said that Donic had the city guards working damage control so none would be with the templars or stand against me. X ammount of play time later Fenris appears backed by several city guards who proced to attempt to kill me and their good captain.--Tedder12 (talk) 17:08, April 3, 2011 (UTC)

Following suit of Weak Spot, the exact same thing happens if you choose to give the arulin'holm to her. I went to check up on her at the beginning of Act 3, and then as soon as I entered her house, the cutscene in which she is crying because Marathari is dead triggers....even though I haven't even received "The new path" quest yet. If it wasn't for the fact that I had already done one playthrough before this that didn't glitch before this quest, I would have had no idea what the fudge she was talking about. Sevarian10 (talk) 18:44, April 3, 2011 (UTC)Sevarian10

The biggest WTF moment for me was the whole game.--KarlGambolputty (talk) 01:09, April 4, 2011 (UTC)

For me it was rather strange to see Zevran since my warden killed him at the first chance he got on DA:O, to even more ridicule when the Antivan Crows yell that there is no warden now to protect you! --Ayatollahzarathustra (talk) 01:46, April 4, 2011 (UTC)

Isabela left me when I tried to help her find the relic, and in the end, Varric says that she was the only one that stayed by my side. -- (talk) 05:05, April 4, 2011 (UTC)

Templar hunters doing ninja backflips in full plate armor and a skirt. Dorquemada (talk) 09:33, April 5, 2011 (UTC)

Fenris' Companion quest "Alone" after killing waves of abomination, corpses and Danarius himself surrounded by lootable piles of bodies you get a cutscene and suddenly get transported outside the Hangman. You rushed inside to loot but no more bodies and filled with patrons. Warrapper (talk) 12:17, April 5, 2011 (UTC)

The spell horror works on the undead now, and I'm having a hard time picturing the nightmare of a zombie... Maybe those big skeletons crumble in fear when dreaming about Jill Valentine or something like that-- (talk) 19:10, April 5, 2011 (UTC)

I threatened some douche at the dock and he said: "You wouldn't kill me in broad daylight. No one's that stupid". OH YES I'M THAT STUPID!. Why there's no option like "Do you see that pile of bodies over there?".Hpa tqn (talk) 19:17, April 5, 2011 (UTC)

you can actually successfully threaten him but only if you've picked aggressive options the majority of the time in previous conversations.Rayvio (talk) 21:25, April 5, 2011 (UTC)

One of the first WTF moments in DA2 is Flemeth (insert wolf whistle) She looks like she's had a "Hotter than my daughter" make-over lol ARC Rorschach (talk) 20:49, April 5, 2011 (UTC)

"Look, there's a fire over there!" "What?" "Come on! Go! don't you hear the screams?" "... No." "Just go! You don't need to leave anyone behind to keep me from going into your warehouse! I won't go in! Promise! These weapons are for show!" "Oh crap, a fire? LET'S GO." -- (talk) 01:36, April 6, 2011 (UTC)

^^^ LOL !! Have you tried pulling that bluff when you have Merrill in your party ? It's a major facepalm moment !! ARC Rorschach (talk) 02:23, April 6, 2011 (UTC)

The biggest WTF moment to end all WTF moments for me.. Playing through DAO, I harden Alistar, I say he'll be king and his "I thought we were friends" speech started turning towards the weird...my warden was a MALE, Alistar is a MALE yet he was talking about how the two of them couldn't start family and have kids. Aside form the whole birds and bees misconception with alistar I was a complete ahole to him and he hated me in that playthrough.


For DA2 it was finding out Isabella had been kidnapped while she was standing behind me also finding out that she had been kidnapped, then she was nice enough to come with me to rescue herself then they both just ran off to the hanged man. Well one was in the hanged man the other just liked to read my mail with a quest I couldn't get.

Then there are the "ummkay" Friendship/Rivalry points. like...Verric and Avaline don't like that you killed that noble in act 1. Yet they don't care that you took the contract, took the money for the kill and said you'd be happy do do more just the tossing the knife in to the guy head they weren't happy about. Oddly they neither care that you betray and kill a dwarf noble from Orzammar.TheSabi (talk) 04:26, April 6, 2011 (UTC)

My femHawke got stuck in a ridiculous position right before the Deep Roads quest - she looked exactly like a scarecrow, arms all akimbo, waddling around the plaza. She didn't show any signs of unsticking either, so I had go back to a previous save point. I also had a serious WTF moment with Fenris during the second Questioning Beliefs quest in Act III - I was supposed to have the option to tell him that I didn't care what he did as long as we was at my side, but it wasn't there. So apparently we're still broken up? And I still can't get over the cognitive dissonance of being a pro-templar mage being in love with a mage-hating former slave of a mage-arcy who broke up with me but still obviously wants my junk. Or how Merrill and femHawke are on the rivalry path but she's totally stoked when I bring her the Sylvanwood ring, which I somehow get rivalry points for anyway. It's all madness. Keightdee (talk) 04:40, April 6, 2011 (UTC)keightdee

I just got the mind **** of my DA2 experience. I went to do the quest "A noble agenda" in Act 3, and while I was heading to the meeting spot, I notice that a group of the Followers of She were hanging around where I needed to go. So I figure "all right, I'll just kill these dudes and then continue the quest", but then all of a sudden, the cutscene for the mission when the templars come in triggers, so when it ends, guess what? Not only am I stuck fighting the templars for the mission BUT I'm also stuck fighting wave after wave of the Followers of she! I was completely taken by surprise. Keep in mind I was playing on hard, with only enough portions to deal with the templars, and everyone was aiming for Anders, my only healer of the group. I only managed to survive because I had tanked out Fenris and Aveline, and because the two nobles helping me made up for the fact that Anders and I were killed by the last guy on the field. This battle I think lasted 10 minutes. WTF. Sevarian10 (talk) 05:21, April 6, 2011 (UTC)Sevarian10

You own a mine that you get no money from... Even if you take it completely over in Act 3. Oh wait I did get 4 gold after I completed a quest in Act 2 and was already a partner.

I've also had a few WTF bugs. I went into The Gallows in Act 3 and half the NPCs weren't textured, they were just grey models of people. Also before sieging the Templar Hall there were several invisible objects in The Gallows that I would walk into.

I just found one. Maxed out Rivalry with Merrill, but still gave her the arulin'holm. When we get back, she's says she knew I'd understand, etc, but then when I trigger her "Questioning Beliefs" she says that I "threw her sacrifice in the garbage". What? How? When? —ErzengelLichtes (Contribs) 08:46, April 6, 2011 (UTC)

I just remembered a WTF moment from act 3 where you meet Fenris's sister in the hanged man, turns out to be a trap and you end up confronting Danarius. A conversation ensues between Hawke, Danarius and Fenris and at a very tense and situation deciding moment, you get the option to say " TAKE HIM " on the conversation wheel. I assumed that this was directed at Fenris ( IE - Go get him tiger, kill the barsteward ) Turned out it was aimed at Danarius and you are actually telling Danarius to take Fenris back as a slave ( and the wimp goes without a fight as well lol ) I immediately face-palmed and re-loaded from a previous checkpoint !!! ARC Rorschach (talk) 12:12, April 6, 2011 (UTC)

I know this isn,t a bug or anything but for me its when i went into the black emporium the first time & clicked on some kid standing near the enterence & the creepy voice in the back ground said "don't manhandle the urchin, he is not for sale, find your own". Why does he have a young boy standing there in the first place, & why call him an urchin. yeah i was like WTF.

Because he is an urchin. One meaning of the word is a scruffy child, often homeless or poor. Urchin is his servant, who he sends to give messages to people (cruel, mocking messages) but since Urchin can't or won't talk they never get delivered.Rayvio (talk) 16:37, April 6, 2011 (UTC)

Got another, this time from DA:O. I was playing a male city elf warden, and I finally get to the battle of Denerim with Alistair, Zevran, and Morrigan as my final party. Well, on the way up Fort Draken, I need Alistair to heal an injury he got from a trap he stupidly walked into. Now of course, unlike in DA2, when you switch to party members they say something about the warden, so I was expecting a witty remark of the sort. Instead, I switch to him and he says "yes, my love?" O_O It took me a few minutes to stop laughing. Sevarian10 (talk) 18:37, April 6, 2011 (UTC)Sevarian10

I had that happen with my most recently finished character who was in a relationship with Zevran. I seriously think she is sleeping around without me knowing. Jessica Sutter (talk) 22:02, April 7, 2011 (UTC)

Whenever hawke delivers the corpse of a loved one to someone and so tactfully says "hey I think you lost this"

Yeah, I did "The Remains of Sister Plinth" and my Hawke says "I think I found your garbage."

At least one of the writers is aware on the inanity of these "quests", because upon returning, methinks, "The eyes of Azure Jamos", you get a response of "Hey, don't wave those around! Er, I mean, thank you for returning this perfectly normal item."

In other news, good ol' Gamlen has this to comment on his nephew's love life: "So, you moved in with that apostate boy? I guess I don't have to ask which one of you is the girl?" Why by all means, uncle, do elaborate, because damned if I can figure out which one of the two scruffy, perma-stubbled apostate boys is "the girl". Dorquemada (talk) 16:49, April 7, 2011 (UTC)

I laughed when he said that. I was expecting him to talk about how grateful he was to meet his daughter, but no, he comments on the apostate boy who's been living there for oh, I don't know, THREE years. A little late on the news. Denevari (talk) 21:57, April 7, 2011 (UTC)

I remembered quite a few more like...

At the end siding with the mages. First there's the First Enchanters "Oh noes Hawke and his men are actually kicking the Templar army's rear so I guess that means we're losing so I'm just going to use blood magic for no reason and it's immediately turn into a super abomination and turn on hawke...who is helping me." Mind you at this point I didn't side with the templars so I didn't know the First Enchanter was a blood mage so this is totally out of left field and a cheap attempt to squeeze a boss in to the ending.

One time I sided with the mages Fenris turned on me, the whole game bitching and moaning about how mages are bad and need to be dealt with. He seemed pretty strong in his beliefs since nothing you do in this game can change your companions minds like in DAO. then comes the scene where Meridith and Oronzo have the smack talking moment. There's Fenris in all his "I hate mages and nothing you can say will make me change my mind cause I don't like or hate you" glory.

What does Hawke say? "I thought you hated slavery" and Fenris goes..pretty much "Oh yeah I forgot about that I was just being dramatic! HA! Gotcha!" and comes back to my side.

Also when fighting through the streets at the end why are mages attacking me if I'm trying to help them?

Siding with the Templars I let Anders go. Sabastian, the "prince" who wants to kill everyone and anything in his way for his righteous cause, yet when Anders does the smae anders is the devil and must die now. Sabastian actually threatens hawke and kirkwall. So the town that survived a Qunari invasion and the man who lead the charge is supposed to be afraid of a little spoiled bible thumping prince who couldn't take car eof the bandits that killed his family...really? no no...REALLY? hahahahahaha. Oh and Sabastian wants to kill Anders, who I let go..this is more of a rushed WTF then anything else..

You get to the point where 3 mages beg you for mercy you can kill them or spare them. Meridith doesn't like you spared them but ASS SOON as ou turn around Anders tries to kill you. so much WTf here you can make a game called "WTF Age". Did he forget I spared him? Did he forget we're friends? Did he forget he used me to kill innocents? Did he not just see I spared a handful of mages against meridth's wishes cause I'm not doing this for her but to protect Kirkwall? Did he forget this is all his fault?

I assume yes to all cause he also forgot he was a Grey Warden Mage fused with the spirit of justice and just fell over when I said boo. A corrupted spider put up more of a fight. Now this gives me the unfinished feeling, this was the perfect place to put a "player chooses between helping anders escape or siding with a now returned sabastian and killing anders" but since EAids stepped in and of course you need a release DLC they probably didn't bother to finish the ending battle with Sabastian.

Speaking of Sabastian, I got a huge WTF with how badly his reaction to the chantry exploding was acted and poorly tacked on to the other things going on. It's like a bad Youtube mash up.

another For DAO and which probably explains why no one knows where my warden is. I said Zevran could accompany me on my journeys as could Lelianna then I told Allistar I was going after morrigan right after the ceremony was over but some how I ended up in the free marches 6 months later. So no one knows where the warden is cause he confused everyone.

Grey Wardens WTF? DAO they can sense darkspawn, darkspawn can sense them. They have a shortened life span and even if they try to run from the calling they WILL end up in the Deep roads where they will go to die. Umm...hmm. Well. Anders, Nathan and Allistar seem to be doing well you know with the whole shortened life span thing. Granted it's 30 years after the joining but the only person in DA@ who's aware that being a warden is a death sentence is Bethany. Anders in the deep roads also seemed to forget he can sense darkspawn and they can sense him as well has the taint means he can be tracked so hiding is pointless all you would really need is an intelligent self aware darkspawn. Hey look at that I had one in my imported DAO:A save.

Which brings me back to where could the Warden have gone? Hmm..dark ritual strangely surviving what should have been an insta kill, which mind you according to Allistar was going to be investigated..but never is. Not one of these people looking for the Warden thinks...oh I dunno the calling happened early cause of the dark ritual and he's dead? Naw everyone convinetly forgot about Morrigan, the ritual and apparently the calling.

And finally one that always annoys me. No matter what I do to the ashes they're found in the ending.

OH one more! I promise this is the last typo filled babble on this subject..

Duncan. So the dark spawn respected/feared the mans power they left his pyre burning but then just tossed his body out with the trash yet kept the kings body?? My warden senses tell me that one of the other expansions or DLCs that didn't happen would have had something to do with that.

EDIT: I lied.

When you finish helping Fenris he talks about how one of us are a mage. Wow! Really? Which one? The dwarf with named cannon cross bow? no. The guy in blood dragon armor witha sword and shield? NAW! could it be the girl in the robe and staff? hmm...I dunno it's not like EVERY MAGE hiding or not is running around in a robe wielding a staff. It's not like they're hard to pick out of a crowd. Good job Scooby Doo you figured out Bethany was a mage, it's not like her attire gave her away or anything.

It's like Sith in Star Wars. Oh noes that guy turned to the darkside. It's not like we didn't have any warning like he got pissy and started dressing in black...oh wait..

Speaking of robes. No matter what your skin color is or the skin color of the mage wearing the robes their hands are pale white. Mages are powered by bleach?

TheSabi (talk) 18:18, April 7, 2011 (UTC)

For me the big one is that it took one year for the hero of ferelden to defeat the blight, then awakening happens, yet you meet Anders right after the blight is over. Doesn't seem to add up for me. (talk) 19:30, April 7, 2011 (UTC)LivT68.188.89.10 (talk) 19:30, April 7, 2011 (UTC)

Well if we factor in "travel" time we gain at minimum a month. Then add in 1 year of servitude. Plus, i would add in a little bit of time between when we actually begin controlling the character to when we get anders (based on doing quests would take time IRL) All in all i believe that there is ample time for Anders to go around in Awakenings before rushing off to Kirkwall :) Doriceliya (talk) 20:09, April 7, 2011 (UTC)

OK, I can overlook 98% of what's here, and I know this is done to move along the plot and give people a reason to side with the Templars, but what exactly is WRONG with every mage's ego in Kirkwall? It seems like everytime you sneeze someone is turning into an abomination, maleificarum, opening an artery, or building an alter to Cthulu (OK, wrong universe, but you get the point). I can't think of ONE mage, other than Bethany, that doesn't demon out and go crazy (Grace maybe?). Seems like their Harrowing needs to be against something other than the Demonic Fade Bunnies.

OK, one more, when using the blood magic powers in DA:O and Merrill's Blood Keeper powers, they STAB THEMSELVES IN THE HEART with a huge gout of blood everywhere. I mean, IRL, I can only donate blood every 56 days, but these peeps lose quarts every 15 mmins. Now THAT'S good rejuvenation :) Snackinzack (talk) 20:48, April 7, 2011 (UTC)

Grace somehow managed to be my least favorite character. After I let her escape, she showed up in the Gallows and, every time I passed by, kept yelling about how I'd betrayed her. What an ugly ungrateful polygon she is. I knew from the first time the loading screen came up that Orsino was leading a cult of blood mages... his staff is the symbol that all the blood mages in Denerim had in their lairs. That was definitely a WTF?! moment when the entire plot was spoiled before I'd even clicked "New Game." Futonrevoltion (talk) 22:29, April 7, 2011 (UTC)Futonrevoltion

One of my personal favorites happened just recently. I was talking to Wynne after sleeping with Zevran and she mentions our relationship. However, instead of talking about him, she goes on about Alistair. I'm like "woah, wait a minute, is there something going on that I should know about?!" Jessica Sutter (talk) 21:58, April 7, 2011 (UTC)

(To avoid too much of a spoiler, I am going to be somewhat vague)

(Hanged Man: @ some point during Act 2) Hawke comes upon a drunken templar named Ser Roderick. She starts a conversation him, then proceeds to ask him about a Ser Conrad. Ser Roderick babbles drunkedly. Hawke responds with "Are you all right?", then she said her part. Ser Roderick will drunken babble some more. Hawke responds to his babble with "He's been sacrificing goats". Roderick gets concerned and says he must report it then walks away. All I can say is, after that encounter i was rolling on the floor LMAO! (talk) 05:48, April 8, 2011 (UTC)

One was the dwarf in da:o that needs the regicide potion to recover, but when i walk back in the room to complete the quest she is STANDING on the bed itself, HA! And a lot of the same hypocritical moments listed above me is pretty much the same in da:o making wynne a blood mage for example, but not nearly as obvious.

Also when talking to eamon at the coronation he'll ask you if conor seems strange/quiet, and if you had his mother kill herself with jowan's blood magic, that would certainly explain it!

I liked when giving gifts before a fight and having Leliana yell out "that's a wonderful thought!" in the middle of the fight when your switching between chars was pretty entertaining. (happens with all of the party members)

Oh and the SCHLEETS!!!! Tommyspa (talk) 07:56, April 8, 2011 (UTC)


Had a mage with someone elses hands. End of Act 2 and most of act 3 I tell Meridith to shove it, I'm not friend of her's even though for some reason I help her hunt down apostates (!?!?!?!) I do First Enchanter's quest line and EVEN THOUGH in front of EVERYONE at the beginning of Act 3 I told her to go screw, almost Every NPC during FE's quest chain said I was working with Meridith.

I don't even..TheSabi (talk) 12:52, April 8, 2011 (UTC)

Yeah, that would make sense if they were all living in caves gobbling up Grace's vindictive line of bs, but at least half of them are still in touch with what's going on at the Gallows. But the only one who speaks up is Thrask, and he doesn't even try to call her out on her crap. DokEnkephalin (talk) 15:54, April 8, 2011 (UTC)
Grace's storyline along with Orsino's stunt were my two largest (also in all caps, neon and sparkly effect) WTFs of the plot. It's as if the writer team took a peek at gameplay after Act 2 and went "Pshaw, if level designers can phone in so bad, why should we put an effort?" Dorquemada (talk) 16:10, April 8, 2011 (UTC)

Replaying Awakening, and it's reminding me why I spewed such bile over it before. Amaranthine alone is wall-to-wall WTF. If you choose to go help Anders raid a templar warehouse (already a pretty stupid and needless plan,) you run into Rylock. She claims that she can execute Anders as a maleficar on the spot, and that The Crown does not supersede Chantry Law. Does it have to? If there isn't a treaty in Val Royeaux exempting Warden mages from templar authority, a whole lot of plot holes are opening up everywhere. Granted, I doubt any treaty provides immunity for burglary, but I also doubt templars are authorized summary execution for felonies. To top it all off, this is yet another encounter that robs the player of points spent in coercion. DokEnkephalin (talk) 18:36, April 8, 2011 (UTC)

Oh, and Wynne scoffing at her esteemed colleague's botany as just an eccentric hobby. I find it hard to imagine there are any mages who haven't done any academic work at some point, enthusiasm or no, but let's suppose Wynne is strictly a field operative. Every non-botanist knows that the recipes for their potions were granted to them by the Maker, so actually studying herbs must be a silly waste of time. DokEnkephalin (talk) 18:40, April 8, 2011 (UTC)

I assumed that the scorn was because the botanist was having no truck with Wynne's preachy control-freak tendencies. Wynne seems to get really catty for the rest of her unnatural life about each and every person who stands up to her. Futonrevoltion (talk) 15:41, April 10, 2011 (UTC)Futonrevoltion

Another Merrill one for me (I'm doing some videos with her, so I'm seeing a lot of her conversation paths). Upon starting A New Path properly, I went and talked to Keeper Marethari. I asked her to help us with the mirror, and after Marethari said it already robbed the clan of "life and promise", Merrill said "No on is pained more by Mahariel's loss than I". Seriously Hawke, you need to interrupt here and say "Who in the name of the Maker is Mahariel? You've been bemoaning Tamlen all this time, who's this new person lost to the mirror?" (I of course know Mahariel is the Dalish Warden, but I imported a human noble female married to Allistair. I'm certain of this because literally two scenes ago Allistair said he wasn't afraid of his ball and chain, just because she had killed an archdemon.) If Mahariel exists either as a grey warden or (in this case) as someone killed by the taint, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US ABOUT HIM/HER EARLIER???? Or, WTF Hawke, say "Wait, wait, I thought the mirror only 'disappeared' one person. Now you're telling me there's someone else it killed?".—ErzengelLichtes (Contribs) 19:06, April 8, 2011 (UTC)

Here's another. When walking around your estate and -examining- things. At the upstairs window Hawke will stand there and say I should really buy some curtains. ....Really? WTF are those big red things hanging with tie backs on each side of the window then spare cloth for when you feel the need to spontaneously redecorate?!?Vhardamis (talk) 15:28, April 10, 2011 (UTC)

Lol I had noticed this too when my Hawke said this line. Right after he finished saying it, I literally looked at the curtains with the camera, looked back at Hawke, then back to the curtains, and just stared at them both for a few minutes, flabbergasted. Even Anders in Act III refers to them in a conversation... so tell me Hawke, WHAT BE WRONG WITH YOU EYES MAN?! Sevarian10 (talk) 17:53, April 13, 2011 (UTC)Sevarian10

I was in the deep roads looking for Nate. We met a dwarf, who said, Dude, I put explosives everywhere in here. All you have to do is put the lever and BOOM!!! I thought, Cool I wanna pull lever, I wanna pull lever!! Well, I pulled the lever and I killed my party. I laughed.--KarlGambolputty (talk) 06:45, April 11, 2011 (UTC)

"Chantry involvement! It couldn't be worse!" "As bad as this is it could have been a lot worse if you weren't here." ...? WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?--Reese777 (talk) 07:36, April 12, 2011 (UTC)


Okay I had a lot of these moments, too the point that I haven't actually finished the final chapter because I'm hoping like hell that bioware makes a patch to fix it all.

First of all - Anders. Him and my warden were great friends at the end of awakening. Now however the only time he mentions her is to say 'a friend gave me a cat once' and to tell Merrill (since my warden was Dalish) that 'the hero of Fereldan probably won't write you because she is a very private person'. My warden was friendly as hell dammit!

And that wasn't the end of it. A warden in the middle of nowhere says his dead. He was made by the wardens to give away his cat like hell my warden would have allowed that to happen. According to the short story written by one of the writers he had a templar turned warden watching him wherever he went, who said the Grey Wardens volunteered to turn him over to the chantry - once again, hell no! My warden would have kept them away from him and would never have allowed him to be taken away.

Meeting Alistair. Now I dont know if anyone else got this but at the end of DA:O I left Alistair as a warden, he was deeply in love with my warden and the only time they were apart was when he went to put flowers on Duncans grave (I'd actually told him I would go with him in game, but I let it slide as it gave me a perfect excuse for why he wasn't with my character in awakening - and I imagined her pining for him through out the game). And yet here he is in Kirkwall with no mention of the love of his life, who he promised never to leave and the only indication of anything was a necklace he gave Hawke from 'a dear friend'. A dear friend? Love of your life! I was so excited to see Alistair and he doesnt even mention my character as anything other then a dear friend? When my awakening epilogue said that they reunited and were never apart again? I can only assume that she was in Kirkwall somewhere at the time, but dammit bioware could you not have given me some indication?!? If DA3 does focus back on the warden again like is rumoured I am going to spit chips if Alistair isn't there with her.

Which brings me back to another Anders moment. Alistair doesnt say anything to him at all. Not even a 'where the hell have you been. Or more appropriately 'Mahariel has been worried sick about you idiot!' But they must have met since Alistair and my warden reunited right after awakening.

Zevran In my DAO epilogue Zev stayed on with my warden, finding her and the wardens to be a great source of entertainment, which I could only assume ment that he too came to Amaranthine, possibly with Alistair, after Awakening. After all his whole thing was staying with the wardens and helping to train them. Yet when Anders meets him, they apparently have never even met. How is this even possible? And why is he no longer with my warden? Once again no mention of how close he and my warden are.

Lelianna Now this may just be one for me but I heard in spoilers that Lelianna was meant to mention that she and the warden commander were great friends but hadnt seen each other in a long time. Instead Lelianna talked about some great ballad she had made of their adventures. did this happen to anyone else?

The Big Awakening Bug Now this is one that has already been confirmed as a patch but the whole Nathaniel mission not showing really ticks me off. From what I've heard for whatever reason the game assumes that if you saved Amaranthine the Keep was destroyed, even if you did all the upgrades, and if Nathaniel was at the Keep at the time he died (nope, he lived because I worked my ass of to get those upgrades bioware!) which means you don't get the deeproads quest starring him in it. This is just ridiculous and its pretty terrible that they haven't even tried to patch that yet.

These are just a few of the ones that I can remember, but I found it greatly dissapointing that they didn't make more of an effort to talk about your warden. There was huge hype about 'all the effects your previous choices made on DA2' but from what I can see it's only basic stuff like how the blight was ended and who rules Fereldan that were actually mentioned within game at all. And I don't know about you guys but every time I saw a DA:O character I would get really excited, only to be completely disappointed by the lack of any kind of mention of them and my warden.

~ Killashandria, Dalish Warden since 2010

I'm pretty sure this has been said before, but the fact that everyone seems to simply overlook the fact that Hawke himself is a blood mage, including Hawke himself (if given the specialization obviously). After recruiting Merrill, when she asks if Hawke will visit, I chose the "I don't think so" option. Now, the dialogue for that is "I have enough problems, without being seeing with a blood mage". Umm... okay, guess what Hawke, I've made you a blood mage, so you know... you can't get all high and mighty. And in the Act of Mercy quest, if you take Carver, after killing Decimus and in the conversation where Grace is trying to convince you to kill Thrask, Carver says "These are blood mages, not like you or Bethany". Again, yes I am. Why does no-one react to Hawke being a blood mage BioWare?!?! Weak Spot (talk) 16:16, April 13, 2011 (UTC)

My favorite has been that even though I killed Zevran in Origins he is there to meet me in the caves at Sundermount in ACT III...what? Bum88 (talk) 16:37, April 13, 2011 (UTC)

My top ten WTF moments. Some bugs, some not. The last one is not from a game.

I.) Anders blows up the fucking chantry to prove that it is wrong to fear mages and lock them away. II.) Orsino goes all harvester using the bodies of his friends when none of them died in the battle. III.) Alistair goes schizo and thinks he's king even though I put Anora on the throne. IV.) Anders is a warden even though I gave him to the templars in awakening. V.) First glance of a flesh golem. Damn that thing was ugly! VI.) Having to kill Uldred a second time. VII.) The first time I walked through a recycled dugeon. WTF is going on here? VIII.) Carver/Bethany charges the Ogre. You dumb BASTARDS! IX.) Dog floating six feet above the ground at Ostagar. (Good boy!) X.) Five minute chase scene in the last Warden's fall video. (Really? That's the best you've got?) --Isolationistmagi (talk) 18:43, November 5, 2011 (UTC)

Welllll it appears this thread has been brought back from the dead. So I'll add my 2 cents. "Carver/Bethany charges the Ogre." Definitely the first WTF moment.

Biggest WTF moments: The whole Golems of Angorakk DLC I recently played. Oh, and the Leliana's Song DLC ending. Oh and the whole Darkspawn Chronicles DLC. Thank God DA2s DLC is way better. I was just confused at the point of these DLCs.

But most of these listed above are bugs or oversights or have specific reasons but some have no excuse. When Anders blew up the Chantry, it didn't make any logical sense to me. It just seemed quite random, no matter how many times I play it, especially when you convince Anders there is another way and he pretty much agrees, or when you kick him out after Dissent or refuse to help him he somehow manages to go through those sewers BY HIMSELF with all those enemies, all the way to the Bone Pit BY HIMSELF with all those dragons, and somehow manages to distract the Grand Cleric by himself long enough to somehow plant the bomb? Ugh. Why is Hawke even there sometimes, I have to wonder. I defend this game on a near weekly basis but it was a big EFF you to the player.

Oh, and when Orsino or Meredith turns on you at the most convenient point for a boss fight, even though you were working to help them. Or when I helped Grace escaped and she blamed and hated me anyway. It felt oft times like BW was saying "Lol you thought you mattered to this game j/k." /end rant for now. Xelestial (talk) 20:28, November 5, 2011 (UTC)

I'm sure it's been mentioned before, but in my recent DA2 import where I did the sacrifice myself (my story wise, she was very Templar loyal and did not trust Morrigan (in fact, I used the "Morrigan Restoration Mod" and it basically restores a option to turn her over to the Templars. She escapes, but she leaves your party at that time, returning for the ritual), plus... SHe loved Alistair and was not about to TELL him to sleep with some crazy blood mage (my Morrigan was a blood mage lol), Olivia Cousland died killing the Archdemon. Then she married Alistair and rules jointly as his Queen. Apparently Alistair is a necrophiliac, who knew? 00:12, November 6, 2011 (UTC)

In my last DA:O playthrough I romanced Alister, but was friends with Zev and did flirt with him once or twice. I think doing that confused the game because when I killed the Archdemon after doing the ritual and talked to Anora, I said that the Wardens should never be forgotten again. She says something along the lines of building a statue to "honor Alister and all of the others who had fallen to the blight". Um...Alister is standing up next to your giant chair...

I have another one, this time from my current DA2 playthrough but it happens every time I play as a mage. After you rescue Keren from the blood mages and go to the Gallows to talk to Cullen, he says "mages can't be treated like people. They aren't like you and me"...Um, I guess he didn't notice the staff and the robes my character was wearing...and he had his eyes closed and his ears plugged during the fight with Wilmod...WTF!!! If the friggin Knight Captain can't see an apostate standing right in front of him, the Templars need to seriously up their training and standards...Devilkat (talk) 00:37, November 6, 2011 (UTC)

I thought of one more. Hawke lets Meredith kill Bethany. WHO THE FUCK MAKES THAT KIND OF CHOICE?! (Saw this one on youtube.)--Isolationistmagi (talk) 03:58, November 6, 2011 (UTC)

One real sadistic mutha-trucka.-XeroSnake (talk) 22:41, November 6, 2011 (UTC)

Playing as mage!Hawke, supporting the Templars every chance I could, Anders never once called Hawke out. Granted, I left him in his clinic except for the Deep Roads and his personal quests, but every time I talked to him he was all how much I supported mages rights and such. Gruedragon (talk) 23:04, November 6, 2011 (UTC)

My WTF moment: Qunari: "You may enter, but not in this number" (Directed to Hawke and his 3 companions) Aveline: "I will take Hawke and a small compliment of my guard. Is this enough?" (Adding up to 6 people in total) Quinari: It is.

Whaaaaa- (talk) 00:22, November 7, 2011 (UTC)

I get such a feeling nearly every time I used the dialogue wheel and the character would say something both completely off the wall and nothing like how I wanted to respond to the situation. And if it was bad enough to warrant reloading a save the other option would be just as irrelevant to what I want...I hated the damn wheel in mass effect but even there it wasn't as bad as this game. (talk) 03:18, November 7, 2011 (UTC)

The dialogue wheel in Mass Effect usually just gave one- or two-word responses or topics. Shepard isn't meant to be witty, he/she's meant to be a badass space marine who got kicked in the balls by life over and over again. ME didn't have witty/cutesie/thumb-up-ass personalities to play with, so The Wheel actually worked okay. Dragon Age 2 not only slapped a voice to my character, but it also made him/her a raging moron who says terrible things at the wrong times.
Also, every time Hawke flirted. Every time. The lines are just... awful. --Nettie Amell (talk) 17:40, November 7, 2011 (UTC)
I guess I'm in the minority on the Mass Effect wheel. About halfway through my first (and so far only) ME1 playthru, I started picking responses at random, because what Shepard said hardly ever corresponded to what the wheel offered. They improved the wheel for ME2, and in DA2 there were only a couple of times I went "That's not what I meant to say". Gruedragon (talk) 18:38, November 7, 2011 (UTC)

Walking into Fort Drakon during the final battle and getting through to the storage and there I see Sandal all alone surrond by Darkspwan corpes and I was like"Wtf is this kid just epic?"

I thought that was awesome in the first game. Then he showed up again in the second and pulled the exact same shit with a lot less cool, and I suddenly liked him a lot less. --Nettie Amell (talk) 17:40, November 7, 2011 (UTC)

The Sandal moment for sure. Then I see him in DA@2 and he did the same thing!!! WTF!!!! Or the I side with Templars and Meredith still goes crazy. Or Orsino going crazy after i destroyed the Templars. WTF....I wanted to cry when i first saw that. I was so lost...Galen Guerrin (talk) 23:37, November 9, 2011 (UTC)

DA:2 - At some point in Act 3 I went into the Viscounts Keep. I noticed someone standing on the top landing... it was Saemus Dumar (you know, the viscount's son... who was just murdered by Petrice!). Only one thing popped into my head at that moment: "ZOMBIE!" RavenMoon21 (talk) 22:42, November 11, 2011 (UTC)

Woah, such a long a forum. I'll just contribute this one for now.

I was playing I think my male rogue character and was in a relationshop with Morrigan. When I got Zevran to the party, I wanted him to learn me the Assassin specialisation. In order to do that, when he said I was handsome and if I mind, I just said I don't mind to not hurt his feelings. I did not want to have gay sex with him, but I don't mind him being gay and calling be handsome. But when I talked to Wynne, she started all nagging to "keep it down at night" with Zevran. And I was, like, did he rape me when I was out or something? :P Henio0 (talk) 23:14, November 11, 2011 (UTC)

For me, the WTF moments in DA2 are too numerous to keep track of, but I have to agree with most of them here. My favorite/most hated irony has to be running a blood mage through, romancing Fenris, siding with the Templars and helping them with the Rite of Annulment, which leads to my blood mage becoming the new Viscount... Tevinter Lite, with a Tevinter ex-slave at my side, in control of the entire city-state of Kirkwall, and then giving it all up and walking away?!? Hell no! I would have sent an ambassador to Tevinter, asking them if they'd like to have their lost province back in exchange for some advanced mage tutoring or something. Good grief. Win the complete loyalty of the people and then just give it up a short while later because I got bored? I don't think so... JaceCar (talk) 15:01, November 13, 2011 (UTC)

My biggest WTF moment in DAII was Sebastian. I mean where the F are my dialogue options with him? I always wanted to tell him in act II, that his prayers for guidance from the Maker were completely futile. You see, the Chantry itself teaches us that the Maker is apparently so pissed off at the world, that he doesn't answer prayers. That means no guidance for you, Seb, grow some brains in that religion-filled head. In the end of act III, right after the big kaboom, he starts to rant about Elthina's death. Again, I have no dialogue option to tell him that Elthina was the only one who could resolve the whole situation peacefully, but instead she had chosen to sit on her anointed ass and do nothing, so yes, she had it coming to her one way or another. Than Sebastian swears revenge on my Hawke and SIMPLY WALKS AWAY. WTF??? I have a choice to execute Anders (which I never do), so where is my choice to neutralize a threat to me and my city? Templar favoritism much, Bioware?---Algol- (talk) 12:52, November 14, 2011 (UTC)

Another one for me: In the quest Inside Job, after Hawke goes with Lilley to the ambush, Lilley says she recognizes one of Brekker's men. Lilley must have X-ray vision in order to recognize someone through a full-face helmet. Gruedragon (talk) 13:41, November 14, 2011 (UTC)

It's a pity the game doesn't show us the whole process of looting corpses :) I guess they removed his mask off screen. Yet, good point with the x-ray vision :)---Algol- (talk) 13:48, November 14, 2011 (UTC)

And there I just thought of another one. King Cailan.. Seneschal Varel.. Then one of Hawke's siblings. We all get the message that charging an ogre head-on is a very bad idea. Why repeat this again? I think it would be much more dramatic if Bethany\Carver was backstabbed by a shriek. Seing this for the third time just makes me think something like: -One of the siblings headrushes an ogre -Sarcastic Hawke: "Le-e-eroy Jenkins!!!" ---Algol- (talk) 17:04, November 14, 2011 (UTC)

Yet another one. In my umpteenth replay of Origins, in Redcliffe, I still don't understand why they have a drydock with a partially built boat halfway up a hill and no where near the lake. Gruedragon (talk) 13:45, November 15, 2011 (UTC)

I'm standing there in my Uncles home in Kirkwall, talking to my mother when she says 'You three are Ferelden'. At this point she only has two surviving children, so I can only conclude she is including the Dog.

Pointing out to Varic that my only reason for wanting to go on the expedition is that I need money, and therefore if I had the 50 gold he's asking for I would not need to join him. Even so I agree to walk off, collect the 50 gold and join him anyway....-- (talk) 21:02, January 3, 2012 (UTC)

Meredith: Bleep Mages!

Orsino: Bleep Templars!

Hawke: Get over yourselves.

Orsino: Bleep that! Elthina will fix this

Anders: Bleep all of you!


That about sums it up. ----Isolationistmagi 04:01, January 4, 2012 (UTC)

Anders: DAA: Look a cat, bla bla freedom. DA2: F**k peace, lets have a massacer. WTF did i miss in between??? --Icemoomoo (talk) 15:19, January 4, 2012 (UTC)

@Icemoomoo: it sounds like what you missed was Anders being possessed by the spirit of Justice (regardless of the fact that they may both be dead and never met) and becoming the abomination Vengeance and the fact that Kirkwall drives practically everyone nuts.

1 WTF moment for me was when I heard Cullen was the voice of reason in DA2. I guess if it drives sane people crazy maybe it can drive crazy people sane?

I gotta join in on the blood mage problem too. I just try to comfort myself by saying the Warden is using their blood magic to control the others minds so they don't notice they're using blood magic.

A multi-WTF moment was when Leliana and more surprisingly Wynne both tried to kill the Warden and Alistair after dumping the dragon's blood in the urn of sacred ashes. I kinda expected it with Leliana but Wynne? Also that I could intimidate Leliana into not attacking but Wynne will always attack. Then after scaring Leliana into not attacking having her say something along the lines of 'I hate you, you're a monster, I will never forgive you for this' but if I talk to her after she'll calmly mention the ashes and then just go back to being her 'normal' ditzy, suspiciously friendly self. Also if the Warden didn't take Wynne to the urn, then returns to camp she'll say something like 'i hope the spawn take you because your just as bad as them' and just leaves. the biggest WTF of the situation being what the hell Wynne and Leliana were thinking when they attacked. Let's say they succeeded and killed the Warden and Alistair, what would happen then? Ferelden would have had no Wardens to end the Blight. And i can't imagine Flemeth or Morrigan being too happy since it would have ruined their plans. I'm sure Loghain and Howe would have twisted it into another grand Orlesian scheme after the Archdemon destroyed Denerim. Not that would have mattered to Wynne and Leliana because they would have probably been killed by either Kolgrim and his Reavers or the high dragon. The last WTF with this choice was that they don't attack for almost anything else. The Warden can slaughter elves and mages, abandon demon infested villages, kill a child, support blood magic at every turn and free imprisoned demons and they go along with ALL OF IT but the Warden dumps some blood in some ashes and they try to kill the Warden and possibly Alistair as well? Even if they had succeeded, it was already done. They would have accomplished nothing by killing them besides dooming their country.

Another WTF moment with Wynne that made me dislike her was when the Warden gets the chance to recruit her and Morrigan is in the party. She will attack for no other reason than the Warden having an apostate with them. But if Morrigan is put into the party after the initial conversation, she's suddenly ok with her . Also the Warden has a former junior Templar with them and there are Templars just outside that room, they seemed ok with letting her in there. Again, if she'd have somehow succeeded in killing them, what then? She would have had little choice but to just wait until either she got tired and couldn't hold the barrier up anymore and the demons attacked her and the kids or until the Right of Annulment showed up and the Templars killed them all anyway just to be safe. Wynne just seems incredibly stupid and short-sighted, if not completely blind. I suspect however that may have been more the spirit of Faith possessing her. She seemed far more reasonable at Ostagar but it's not like we got to talk to her much there. --Vampire Damian (talk) 17:29, January 4, 2012 (UTC)

Having a spirit inside you sometimes makes you do strange things...-Algol- (talk) 09:27, January 5, 2012 (UTC)

[1] > Justification for the entire squel as a WTF moment. ----Isolationistmagi 03:51, January 5, 2012 (UTC)

I thought of it during my last playthrough.. Imagine you're in some district in Kirkwall. Suddenly the fight starts. And all common folks around just continue to stand there, when spells and arrows are flying around and all hell breaks loose. The best example for me was a prostitute in the Docks, who continued her advertising, while a Firestorm spell was pouring right on her head. I mean that's some professional dedication! Couldn't they just make "civilians" flee, screaming, for the safety of their houses?-Algol- (talk) 09:27, January 5, 2012 (UTC)

On my latest playthrough as a dwarf commoner, at the end the sister Rica tells the Warden that he'd been granted his own house and is now warrior caste; in the epilogue it says that they named him a Paragon. I thought it was a very cool thing how life turned out for my castless warden. BUT then there come the DLCs like Awakening, and no-one, even the dwarves, mentiones that I am a paragon. I'd think Sigrun would have something to say about a caastless becoming a Paragon, but no... Anyway, what takes the cake is the Golems of Amgarrak. The Dace guy tells me that he doesn't want anyone in Orzammar finding out about the place. So he fricken tells it to an opportunist fellow noble from recently founded warrior caste! If I had any choice, I'd have killed him and claim the thaig as my own. Speaking of lack of choices in the DLC, what's up with The Witch Hunt? The smug templar who greets you - if you helped the templars with the right of anulment, he says something like "We know what you did". What did I do? I di your job for you! Plus, you can't yell at him for being racist against the Dalish. Origins is a great game, but the DLCs lack the detail. I guess they got lazy after the release of DA:O. Henio0 (talk) 12:36, January 5, 2012 (UTC)

The templars are holy warriors of our beloved Chantry. You can't yell at them (*sarcasm*) -Algol- (talk) 12:46, January 5, 2012 (UTC)

One extreme WTF moment was in the DAO Circle Tower, where my party actually managed to slay the Desire Demon on the 3rd floor, but leave the Charmed Templars alive by using Paralysis Explosion, concentrating all fire on the Demon and then closing the door and running back to Great Hall. It was very complicated mechanic and I had to quick-load several times, but it worked... at least until I returned to that same place AFTER killing Uldred and the Templars STILL attacked me! Honestly, what is the point of making them "charmed", rather than possessed, if their charm remains even when anyone capable of sustaining that charm was slain?!!4Ferelden (talk) 11:17, January 20, 2012 (UTC)

On the other hand, maybe I shouldn't be surprised, given that this is the same game/location where abominations are hyped up to be extremely formidable opponents, but are practically the WEAKEST enemies in the tower, as blood mages can cast spells, templars have more health and anti-mage abilities, demons and Undead have same or more health plus special abilities, and Dragonlings have much more health plus Fire Breath. In this light, Uldred's speech about mages being a larval form of abominations was simply laughable.4Ferelden (talk) 11:17, January 20, 2012 (UTC)

(Minor Spoilers) I loved at the very end of Origins when Eamon died in the battle against the archdemon (for me, anyway), and then during celebrations I spoke to Anora and she said "but I think I see Arl Eamon beckoning me..." and I was thinking, wait didn't he die? Oh, Anora, you are so mean... I also loved when the sloth demon sends you to the Fade, and you find Morrigan and help her kill Flemeth, and you decapitate her then talk to Morrigan and it initiates the scene again, this time while Flemeth doesn't have a head. And when I was breaking into Redcliffe Castle, and fought with Bann Teagan, I used Winters Grasp and Morrigan used Flame Blast, and we defeated him and initiated the dialogue and he was frozen and on fire at the same time xD Verargern (talk) 22:33, January 18, 2012 (UTC)

Worst thing to me was when Alistair says he's worried if Morrigan's dark ritual doesn't work and we die , then at the epilogue bit he goes , how did we survive that , riordan must of been wrong. Happens everytime aswell. Pisses me off.

More on abominations: does ANYONE find it surprising that demons vary vastly in appearance, power and approach to fighting (i.e, rage demons are burning teardrop-like creatures, hunger/sloth demons AKA lesser/greater shades are of the same form but grayish-black, while desire demons are pink horned women)... yet ALL abominations LOOK the same and fighgt practically the same!(minor difference in Triple Strike effect hardly counts.) The chances of 4 totally different demons all transforming their host in exactly the same way are infinitesimal (especially when this transformation has to completely bury creature's left eye in flesh for some incomprehensible reason.), this is nothing more than pure laziness on Bioware's part, so much that in 2 rooms they don't even bother with specifying the abomination type.

The Magi Origin also has fair share of WTF moments. I became truly disillusioned with Irving not when he risks Jowan's escape to imprison Lily, but when he sends us into that basement and seemingly forgets to call off the guards. Yes, the Sentinels were pretty easy enemies, but that's only because our Warden is supposed to be an exception and Jowan is a blood mage, while Lily is neither. I really doubt it would strengthen Irving's case if she died on the way to phylactery.The fact that Sentinels seem to be a mixture of living people (as evidenced by Survival screen describing them as humans and their dead bodies bleeding just like humans) and mages' ghosts is quite a big WTF in its own right. Even if the melee sentinels are no more than suits of armor and bleeding is an oversight, what gives them sentience? Do Magi use ghosts of their dead brethren and random warriors to defend the basement? Do they integrate wisps inside and buff them with magic in the same way that Sloth Demon got all those mabari/priests/golems during the Lost in Dreams quest? (Why would any proper demon agree to lose his powers to fight as a household servant/priest inside its master's realm?). Either way, it was wildly irresponsible of Irving to let them stand there and hope that Warden's group kills them all without sufering casualties. 4Ferelden (talk) 11:17, January 20, 2012 (UTC)

The Magi Origin is in my opinion by far the worst when you choose to tell Irving about Jowan's plans. If you do, there's absolutely no reason for Graegoir to be angry with the Warden. Pure laziness so they didn't need to record extra dialogue for the Warden's return in Broken Circle. Kestrella (talk) 13:05, January 20, 2012 (UTC)

"hunger/sloth demons AKA lesser/greater shades"

Hunger demons, sloth demons and shades are 3 different types of spirits. Shades can be any demon who has grown strong enough to have substance on it's own in the physical world. Physical appearance means very little in the Fade. Spirits are used to being able to change their form (and the Fade's) at will with enough power. They take the most useful physical form for their goals. The difference between the types of demons is basically the same as specializations to mortals. Rage demons could be compared to berserkers, sloth demons to bards, pride demons to champions, etc.

Not all abominations look the same, some (like Uldred and Matthias'daughter) look human. Even Anders, Wynne and Flemeth could arguably be called abominations. Their appearance in the Fade is a manifestation of their own will and is their form, with an abomination, a spirit enters another being's form in another world while remaining partially in their own. The twisted appearances of most abominations may be what happens when they attempt to change their new physical form and fail at getting the desired result. As for most them looking exactly the same, it was probably just to save time. As for the sentinels, maybe it's a similar process to golem-making. We know the Chantry has no problem using blood magic when it suits their purpose.

As for Lily, it's not like Irving forced her to go. If she died it would more than likely be blamed on Jowan. Aeonar is most likely a sentence worse than death for someone like Lily. He might have even hoped Jowan and Lily would both die in the basement and that would be the end of that problem. If she survived and if she had defended Jowan, the Templars likely would have killed her (or at least tried) for consorting with a blood mage. The more relevant crime to them (since Jowan being a blood mage was just hearsay) is that an initiate was dating an apprentice. For this crime, it seems likely they would have imprisoned Jowan and let Lily walk, but if she helped Jowan destroy his phylactery and attempt to escape, they would both be imprisoned.

"Why would any proper demon agree to lose his powers to fight as a household servant/priest inside its master's realm?"

Why would a human? I'm not sure exactly what you mean by 'proper demon' but wisps are fairly weak and some may be willing servants/slaves to the stronger demons, similar to Mouse (who was ironically a pride demon most likely using the rage demon). The sloth demon could also have given them power in exchange for help. Demons are not as different from humans as most seem to think.

"The Magi Origin is in my opinion by far the worst when you choose to tell Irving about Jowan's plans. If you do, there's absolutely no reason for Graegoir to be angry with the Warden."

Just because Irving knows doesn't mean Gregoir did. It would have been counter-productive at that point for him to tell Gregoir if he wanted to embarass the Chantry and see Lily punished for her part in what happened.--Vampire Damian (talk) 16:05, January 20, 2012 (UTC)

"The difference between the types of demons is basically the same as specializations to mortals."

Wrong. Demon's type explicitly defines what it is, how it behaves and how it fights, in a way that no specialisation can define a person. (Being a blood mage doesn't FORCE you to use mind control or summon demons, but rage demons would mindlessly attack anything undemonic (Mouse was just a pride demon in disguise, so rage demon in origins was able to negotiate with him.)

"Hunger demons, sloth demons and shades are 3 different types of spirits. Shades can be any demon who has grown strong enough to have substance on it's own in the physical world."

Really? Then how can you fight Shades in the Fade during the The Fade: Lost in Dreams quest? The Codex entry: Demonic Possession clearly states that Shades are Sloth Demons. Given that the Codex research is often frought with mistakes and difficulties (remember the Codex entry: Rat, where the researcher openly laughed at the threat of Blight Rats, only to be eaten by one 2 years later.), it is reasonable to assume that only Greater Shades are sloth demons, while the lesser shades are demons of hunger. After all, none of the lesser shades display the ability to speak, presumably because feasting is their main concern, but greater shade in Leliana's nightmare engaged in prolonged discussion. If you awaken Gazarath in Korcari Wilds, he will say "Who rouses me from my slumber!" before attacking, which is exactly what a sloth demon would say. Their abilities also correlate with that idea, as hunger/sloth Undead use Entropy spells on their enemies, and shades spells' are nothing but.

On a side note, demons do die when they get killed in the "real" world: when the [Shah Wyrd]] is killed, the Codex says that he was destroyed forever. Demons also die when the Undead they possess are slain: the Codex entry: Skeleton says that dead bodies are unable to sustain demons, and unless the Veil is particularly thin, someone's lifeforce is necessary for the demon to cross the Veil, whether to possess someone, linger on, or in a best-case scenario, lose all its power and degenerate into a wisp before it can hurt someone.) The moment the abomination/sylvan is slain is essentially a moment when demon decides that the damage to a host is too grievous and uses the rest of its lifeforce to escape. The corpses/skeletons, however, are dead, and so there is no lifeforce required for the escape, meaning that they have to fight on until the very end, which is why corpses have so much more life than abominations. Also, when a corpse is slain, the same gaseous black substance into which dead shades dissolve leaks from the wound, which signifies the end of a demon. (Interestingly, that would make abandoning the Redcliffe Village a worse outcome for the demons, as more of them will be trapped inside the dead host, with no ultimate future, but death.)

Regarding the Sentinels, the blood magic similar to golem-making is a good explanation, but, if anything, makes Irving's actions even worse, as the Chantry now has to sacrifice 15-20 more people in order to make up for the slain guards, and Irving would be directly responsible for that. I wouldn't be surprised if he foresaw that and intended it to be another "screw you, Chantry" move. On the other hand, these casualties would surely explain why Greagoir is so angry with the Warden.

Finally, when I said "proper demons", I meant ones that are able to cross the Veil and possess something, i.e. not wisps. I suspected that golems/priests/skeletons are just buffed-up wisps, but unfortunately the game never proves that. 4Ferelden (talk) 07:00, January 22, 2012 (UTC)

On demon types: Fair enough, but it would still make about as much difference class types then. My main point is that one spirit, regardless of type differs from another just as much as one human differs from another. Spirits likely have as much reason to work together or fight each other as humans.

On shades: The codex entry for shades says nothing of them being sloth demons, so I would guess this is some kind of mix up with whoever wrote the codex entries. Gazarath is referred to as an earth spirit but he could have become a sloth demon or a shade over time. Who the character is that wrote a codex entry may be a factor as well. For example, anything written by a Chantry scholar on the Dalish would be most likely extremely biased and filled with lies. Mortals know very little about the spirits of the Fade and it's entirely possible much of the information obtained is wrong.

On demons dying: An interesting possibility but Riordan also said a Warden killing an Archdemon destroys both souls, which seems to be wrong since Urthemiel was in the Fade and Dumat and the others may be too (possibly even in the Black City) for all we know. Codex info isn't infallible, as we've both established. We really wouldn't have any way of knowing if something was destroyed forever unless we searched through time and space. In DA's case, 'destroyed forever' seems to mean 'gone from the mortal realm and hasn't returned...yet...as far as we know.'

On Irving: Being held prisoner doesn't usually bring out the best in people, even if you're the prisoner with the most benefits/responsibilities. I'm not sure I'd agree with how Irving handled himself there but I understand it and I may have done the same in his position. --Vampire Damian (talk) 09:45, January 23, 2012 (UTC)

I would say destroyed forever seems to mean "irrevocably crippled in the Fade". Slain demons remain in the Fade as wisps, losing their defining emotion and abilities associated with it, as well as being unable to cross the Veil and possess anything. I would say Dumat and Urthemiel's souls in the Fade are of form of wisp, as while they are still powerful, they are just a fraction of their former selves, incapable of initiating another Blight. Regarding Gazarath, he cannot possibly be an earth spirit, as all spirits come from the Fade and are defined by emotions; this is one of the cornerstones of the game's lore. I think it's quite clear that Gazarath is a sloth demon, and him being an earth spirit is an elaborate lie he told to the Astia while draining away her lifeforce; note how his hold over her was enough to make her slay her beloved. I guess he let that legend take hold to lure victims to his pile, so that he doesn't even have to bother with hunting and can slumber in (relative) peace, waiting for his next meal.

Finally, I would have to agree with you on Irving: prison definitely doesn't bring out the best in people. Overall, I would say Irving is hardly better than the Chantry: both provide a measure of care and protection to groups of people (Irving to his mages and Chantry to the needy), but feel no qualms about killing people, whether directly like Chantry, or by engineering their demise like Irving did with Sentinels and blood mages in his care (his journal reveals that he deliberately tempted his apprentices with blood magic studies to weed the most suspectible ones and discourage the rest when those suspectible would be handed over to the Chantry.) 4Ferelden (talk) 10:56, January 23, 2012 (UTC)

Dalish lore tells of many earth spirits. Most of the old elven gods could even be described as such. The Lady of the Forest is another example. Gazarath could have been a spirit of the wilds twisted into a shade by jealousy and rage, possibly even Chasind or darkspawn magic or he could have been a demonic spirit playing with it's food, I doubt we'll ever know for sure. It seems fairly similar to any other lover's triangle situations however. All that is necessary for a benevolent spirit to become a demonic spirit (and vice versa) is for it's mood to change. The old oak tree is a good example of this. That all spirits come from the Fade and are defined by emotions is not a cornerstone of the game's lore, just the Chantry's lore. We know very little that can be confirmed about spirits.--Vampire Damian (talk) 12:15, January 23, 2012 (UTC)

I've just got a hilarious one. The Chantry has been blown up, pro-mage Hawke is clearing her way to the Gallows through templars and blood mages. Party banter in Lowtown:

Varric: So, three templars walk into a tavern.
Anders: Not right now, Varric.
Varric: You feeling all right, Blondie? You're always in the mood for templar jokes.

Yeah, Varric, perfect timing, really :) Asherinka (talk) 09:45, January 28, 2012 (UTC)

I'm playing DA:O and using my really cool Alistair head morph that has a Warden tattoo on the right side of his face around his right eye. Suddenly I get to a spot and a conversation strikes up between Alistair and Zevran that goes like this:

Alistair: So those... designs you have all over your back...

Zevran: They're called tattoos. And I have them in many more places than just on my back, my friend.

Alistair: Err... right. I hear that someone gets those by having needles put the ink under your skin?

Zevran: A great many needles, amongst other things. Yes, that would be true.

Alistair: Didn't that hurt?

For the Maker's sake Alistair! Look in a mirror! Lewsbabe (talk) 15:17, January 28, 2012 (UTC)

As I haven't played DAII in a while, I can't recall much off the top of my head, but DAO I have played recently and there were a few:

DAO:A. When the First and my party battle in Blackmarsh Undying, Sigrun casually lopped his head off with her axe. Then the headless body began talking. Um, that's a very spiffy trick there. How did you do it, darkspawn?

For some reason I had letter from Zevran in my codex. As I recall, I was a straight female and was going to waltz off with Alistair and gave "we're friends, nothing more speech" to the assassin. My Warden must be a slut.

... Actually, why WASN'T Alistair there? He just ran off while my Warden had to fight for her life against what seems to be one of the very first darkspawn who nearly killed a party of five Wardens in the novel? Alistair, you don't care about my Warden, do you?! And if he was away, why no letter or message or anything? Leliana and Zevran bothered to write. Is Alistair so dumb he can't write?

HFN (or mod "Anyone can marry Alistair"): Yes, she became the queen of Ferelden. And then she disappeared. Yes, disappearing queens are quite the norm in Ferelden. Alistair, her beloved husband, isn't sending out the entire country to search for her. She remains forgotten by all but Leliana. Psh. I should have romanced the bard to begin with.

DAO: Alistair still loves my Warden, despite her being a blood mage. And then he threw a hissy fit when I let Jowan go. My Warden gets a freebie because she warms his bed but Jowan doesn't because he isn't gay?

Morrigan's on/off bra. Sexy time: bra magically comes on. Non-sexy time: she's bra less. What kind of play are you doing, witch?

Soris: My Warden saved your family and friends, cleaned out the Alienage, gave tons of money to the starved veterans, saved you from the dungeons, and all you have to say is "if you didn't save me, I'd be calling the guards"? My warden should have left you there to rot.

Vaughan: I swear I stuck a knife between your ribs. So why are you here in the Landsmeet?

Landsmeet: I got all the nobles' vote, and still I lost. I know there's a gimmick going on, but the results are baffling.

Duel: I used a cheat after my game expelled Leliana from the game, only to realise that it added Loghain. For fun, I made Loghain duel himself. He did.

Anora: Wait a minute, so just because I didn't side with you I'm not upholding the good of Ferelden? You think you rule this country, do you, while your daddy is the regent? You're as much Loghain's puppet as Cailan was. And what's up with her daddy obsession anyway? Tad creepy.

Alistair: Just HOW LONG did you keep that rose? You gave it to me in Orzammar. You picked it in Lothering. It should have wilted by now.

Branka: ... you've been in the Deep Roads for two years. Where did you get the blue eyeshadow?

Bhelen (when playing as a dwarf noble): Yes, I'll so vote for you after you GOT ME SENTENCED TO DEATH. I'd rather see the nug wrangler on the throne.

Fade: ... a mouse battling a demon is just idiocy of epic proportions. Don't know on whose side.

Joining: Wait, why are you backing, Alistair? And you, Duncan? I'm not going to explode, am I?

Battle of Denerim: When fighting in the Alienage, the hurlocks just stand in line on the bridge. My mage threw a fireball. They died in droves without doing anything. The same thing happened at the gates of the Redcliffe Castle.

Dwarf Female Noble: Gorim was so in love with her, ready to die for her. A year later, he's married to a surface dwarf. Then goes on about "I KNEW YOU'D MAKE IT OUT!". Really. If you did, Gorim, WHY DIDN'T YOU WAIT?! Why wasn't killing Gorim an option?

Captured!: ... my female Warden seduced the prison guard to break out. Alistair, the ever-possessive "are you in love with anyone else? I don't want to sound jealous but I will anyway" guy, didn't bat an eyelash as she evidently gave an eyeful to the guard. No comment was made afterwards.

Romance scenes:... why do they insist on doing it right by Morrigan's lean-to? And then Alistair says "they're going to talk. They do that". Of course they will, you're doing it out in the open!

Darkspawn Chronicles: ... why is Leliana in a Chantry robe? You didn't even give her an armour, Alistair, did you? And you brought a freakin' dog to a battle with a gigantic dragon. No wonder you got your head chopped off.

Zevran: Would it bother you to wear trousers once in a while? The panty shots were a bit too much. First proper introduction between my Warden and him and I get a full view of his derrière.

Calenhad line mystery: Warden marries Alistair: no kids. Anora marries Alistair: No kids. Alistair remains single: No kids. Anora remains single: No kids. Calenhad line is doomed either way, Eamon.

I thought those who even just touched a darkspawn got sick. Zevran was literally bathing in darkspawn blood in the end. He should be a ghoul by now.

Similarly, Wynne and Morrigan were chugging lyrium potions like kool-aid. No addiction. Yet the ancient Tevinter magisters' faces melted because of lyrium exposure. Baffling.

Zevran and Alistair party banter, after my Warden spent the night with Alistair: um, thanks for offering tips Zev, but my WARDEN'S IN FRONT OF YOU TWO. Similarly, Oghren asking Alistair what he did with my Warden's legs and my Warden just kept running. I would have socked the dwarf in the head.

I think the best one I've seen so far, though, was this clip on youtube, where the elf rogue casually kills the elf messenger in Ostagar RIGHT IN FRONT of Duncan. Duncan gives this shocked glare, then turns away without a word. It was so ridiculous I could not stop laughing. The timing was just... perfect.

Lastly: Why couldn't we make Sandal a Grey Warden and send him into battle the archdemon? Would have saved my Warden and my companions serious pain.-- (talk) 05:03, January 30, 2012 (UTC) Gab

Please tell me I'm not the only one who ended up guessing what was gonna happen when Riordorn says he'll meet you at Fort Drakon? Seriously that was my "WTF". You've said you want to make the sacrifice, but you decide to jump the gun, and try to kill the archdemon. And you end up falling to your death. Thanks alot for leaving it to me and Alistair to kill the bloody thing.

Also if Flemeth's plan was for Morrigan to have a Baby with a warden(hence saving the wardens and producing a demon baby), you think she would have saved more male Wardens just in case Alistair says no. Or better yet does the child's mother have to be Morrigan or a mage. If not why couldn't she do the ritual on a female warden, in love with Alistair, and the warden give the child to Morrigan after birth. Or better yet after the Archedemon is dead, cut off Morrigan's head and keep the child all to yourself. Hopefully Alistair won't figure out how the hell you two are still alive.

Last "WTF" Moment, when you spare Loghain's life and Riordorn says "Hey let's make him a grey warden!" Hey idiot, he killed, no murdered, your friend Duncan and the rest of the fereldan wardens. Oh AND THE BLOODY KING AND LOADS OF GOOD SOLIDERS!! No wonder Alistair loses it! What the hell was he thinking??? Phoenix96 (talk) 16:45, January 30, 2012 (UTC)

Sitting in Howe's dungeon got an impact on Riordan's mind, obviously.-Algol- (talk) 18:24, January 30, 2012 (UTC)

Just remembered another WTF moment. Going back to Ostagar and the veil not being torn. to quote David Gaider himself, "anywhere you have lots of death and emotional trauma the Veil becomes very thin" so why not at Ostagar? --Vampire Damian (talk) 11:46, January 31, 2012 (UTC)

I think it's because it didn't go on for long enough, and there wasn't any demon summoning going on. IIRC, the four places (in Origins) that have a thinned Veil are the Korcari Wilds (where the bloodshed went on for twenty years), the Brecilian Forest (where there were "many" battles), Soldier's Peak (where Avernus summoned demons, which was what caused the Veil to tear) and the Circle Tower (where, again, it was the summoning of demons that caused the weakening). If it was 'ordinary' battles that did it, then all of the Bannorn would be thin, for example, as we know that before Calenhad's time, there was near-continuous warring there. -Sophia (talk) 20:27, February 2, 2012 (UTC)

Wait... won't that mean the veil would be thin in Denerim too? You know after the darkspawn attacked it? Mind you Darkspawn and demons, not the best mix you want to be fighting.. Phoenix96 (talk) 12:53, February 2, 2012 (UTC)

Hadn't actually thought of that but it wouldn't surprise me. I don't know what the death toll in Denerim was and how it compares to Ostagar. I'd imagine the veil in Lothering is thin now too and probably Redcliffe. Honestly I'm somewhat surprised the veil hasn't completely collapsed at least in Ferelden. We can strengthen the veil in some places (Soldier's Peak, the Blackmarsh) so maybe somebody else strengthened the veil in some other places (Ostagar, Denerim, etc.)? If not fixed by someone it seems logical that at least half of Ferelden would have weaknesses in the veil now. It could at least be questioned with practically all the areas the Warden visited.--Vampire Damian (talk) 16:28, February 2, 2012 (UTC)

It seems to me that the Veil is Thedas analog of Ozon layer: it only gets thinner and thinner, everywhere :) Asherinka (talk) 16:49, February 2, 2012 (UTC)
Maybe when the veil finally just disappears people will start falling into the sky like the dwarves say. Which could mean...aliens? Maybe Dragon Effect or Mass Age? or maybe just a black hole.--Vampire Damian (talk) 17:15, February 2, 2012 (UTC)

When the Arishok skewered 3 times me and I I still just got up and kicked his ass--JD (talk) 18:56, February 2, 2012 (UTC)

Leandra saying she needs to find my male Hawke a husband. ----Isolationistmagi 20:36, February 2, 2012 (UTC)

In the same key, Hawke to Anders about Fenris - "She meant nothing to me". Emasculating a dude who dumped you? I approve. 8-) Dorquemada (talk) 22:08, February 2, 2012 (UTC)
He dumps right after sexy time too. That guy has no idea how to woo a woman. On the same note, I do recall Fenris going "We should be vewwy vewwy careful" when entering his manor for the first time... and then we go in, and Fenris is yelling at the top of his lungs that he's come after Danarius. Way to go, Fenris, you just announced our location to the entire Kirkwall. I swear, my Hawke did a facepalm.--GabrielleduVent (talk) 13:41, February 3, 2012 (UTC)

You know in DAO after Alistair gave my warden the rose. What made me laugh was later when i was wandering round Denerim, he asked Wynne for advice on admitting he liked my warden. "Get her alone in camp and give her a gift." To quote Wynne. Hang on, Alistair's already done that. Also why does Wynne try to explain to him how babies are made, later on? Does she want to babysit baby Duncan or something?

Phoenix96 (talk) 17:22, February 3, 2012 (UTC)

The reason Wynne asks about the babies is because your Warden has slept with Alistair, and Wynne is teasing him. Remember, Alistair is very naive about sexuality, so these topics are sure to make him running for cover, cheeks aflame. Wynne just wanted to see that and have a laugh or two at his expense. For such a grandmotherly woman, Wynne sure knows some wicked things :P--GabrielleduVent (talk) 04:43, February 4, 2012 (UTC)

Ok Point taken, but this was BEFORE my warden slept with him!! Phoenix96 (talk) 12:20, February 4, 2012 (UTC)

Oops, now that I think about it, I think the convo can indeed trigger without the Warden sleeping with him. But the thing is, Wynne knows that sooner or later there will be sexy time. All in all, she just wanted to make Alistair blush and sputter. Actually, that's basically the reason why Wynne just brings the relationship up, it seems. I recall a particularly hilarious conversation in which Wynne pointed out that Alistair was checking out my Warden's heinie. I could almost hear my Warden yelling, "I'M RIGHT HERE, YOU KNOW!".--GabrielleduVent (talk) 07:52, February 5, 2012 (UTC)

Yeah Alistair seems to get very embrassed when it comes to romancing your character. But when i had that convo happen, i was trying to think, "Who do i slap, Wynne or Alistair. Phoenix96 (talk) 14:52, February 5, 2012 (UTC)

One more WTF moment for me: since my Warden was a mage healer with almost no offensive abilities, I had to make Morrigan (who was my primary controller) duel Loghain. I thought it made no sense lorewise, but I was allowed to do it. Asherinka (talk) 16:10, February 5, 2012 (UTC)

Another WTF from DA2: When we first meet Fenris and go into his manor, Fenris tells Hawke that one shouldn't be needlessly careless and that they should be careful, Danarius is a mage, blah blah blah. He then enters the house, and yells "HERE I COME! LEEEEEROY JEEEENKINS!" (well, he didn't, but you know what I mean). Er, didn't you just tell Hawke to be careful?

He then proceeds to live in Danarius' mansion (fine by me), but even after seven years he hasn't cleaned up the mansion. Broken tiles everywhere, dead bodies, broken statues. And then Hawke and Fenris SHAGGED in that filth. He's about as hygienic as a hurlock. It must have stank in there.

It was also equally surprising to see Cullen, very sane and clearly not reprimanded for killing three apprentices in Ferelden (my mage asked for liberation in DAO) in Kirkwall. He evidently got botox and a hair job too. Merrill evidently got a skin graft and a new tattoo.

I also remember seeing Sandal in both DAO and DA2 at the end stages of the finale right before the hero goes into the final battle, SURROUNDED by dead enemies, and thinking, "dang it, why couldn't Sandal just take care of everything? Indiscriminate murder seems to solve everything anyway. I could have just went to Orlais and ate pastries and lived in sin".

It was also shocking to hear Duncan say in The Fade that now the darkspawn are gone, the Grey Wardens will sing songs.


The sloth demon must not have been very bright. That was a dead giveaway that it was not Duncan, since he is a hard ass of epic proportions. I had a mental image of Duncan singing Barney songs and laughed hysterically. --GabrielleduVent (talk) 01:52, February 6, 2012 (UTC)

Yeah,Duncan singing,yeah when pigs make their maiden flight. Maybe Alistair, but... well, that's Alistair. That's a point, Fade Duncan makes no mention of Alistair. WHY? On second thoughts... Warden: Where's Alistair? Duncan: Oh he's somewhere dancing the Remigold in a dress. Yeah right,nobody can really see all the Wardens ( most prob big strong warriors and that) becoming sissy bards. That sloth demon deseversed to get killed. Phoenix96 (talk) 16:10, February 6, 2012 (UTC)

I can see my elven rogue becoming a sissy bard, though. Darrian didn't seem to be the type to be a gruff hard-ass veteran. It was also an WTF to see Shianni's brother for approximately three seconds, only to never see him again. What the hell happened to him?! Did Cyrion and Shianni eat him or something?--GabrielleduVent (talk) 20:04, February 6, 2012 (UTC)

For me - In DA2 Justice quest, after collecting all the stuff Anders needs, he tells me "There is something more he needs me to talk about IN PRIVATE". Since he was living in my mansion I'd assume the 2nd floor is perfectly safe for that matter . I mean - no wiretaps , no cameras, no one else is around etc. Apparently its not. The best way to plan a conspiracy to blow up the chantry is in his clinic while surrounded by 6-7 refugees. Nice move Mr. Ex-Grey warden. I had to go through 3 loading screens only for him to ask me - "Are you with me or not" ..

Second one is the last fight with Meredith - couldn't they make it at least more challenging - the high dragon in the bone pit and the pride demon at the end of the Awiergan scrolls quest were ten times harder - even though i was playing on hard

I had several WTF moments:

1. Morrigan : sure go ahead and dump dragon blood in the ashes and piss of the majority of the chantry and spare the haven people which by the way were trying to kill us. If I had a pick of people to side with and it came down with between crazy haven people that worship a high dragon and kill anyone looking for the ashes, or the chantry that probably would gladly hunt you and I down because we difiled something important to them, I'm gonna go with the Chantry.

2.Sten, wait your questioning me on being a Grey Warden even though I'm gathering an army and unifying fereldan? Can you do any better, Mr. I'll lock myself in this cage even though I lost my sword (which there are a million of on the battlefield btw) and could look for it instead of sitting there waiting for the darkspawn to kill him? and refuse to help anyone fight the darkspawn because I'm unworthy of the Qun?

3. Bhelen, sure Ill let you be king of orzammar after I ram my blade in your chest for sending me to my death you filthy duster!

4. Jowan, wait you want me to help clear your name because your not a blood mage, yet you drag me to find your phylactery and then it turns out you were a blood mage! why on earth would you do blood magic even though you knew the templars would gladly slaughter you? --SirXblade (talk) 19:08, February 7, 2012 (UTC)

Carver, when leaving Lothering, using the battle cry "That's how we did it in Ferelden!" Well, yeah, Carver...we haven't left... (talk) 15:37, February 8, 2012 (UTC)

Alistair telling me that "this is officially a Blight" after having dreams and seeing the actual archdemon in Bownammar. I don't know, Alistair... evidently nearly getting whacked in the face with the dragon's tail wasn't enough for you to become convinced. Maybe we should hold off any judgements, wouldn't want to jump to conclusions (snort).

Cauthrien coming back to life right before entering the Landsmeet Chamber. I thought I killed you in Howe's estate. I even have your sword! Oh, wait. You have a spare? Wonderful, I'll take that too.

Grey Wardens are famed warriors of legends. So why are people brave enough to attack Alistair and the Warden for a few coppers? Baffling (if I were them I'd keep well away).

If you create Alistair to focus on two-handed weapons then give him Duncan's shield, he would use the shield and NOTHING ELSE during the Battle of Denerim, unless you give him a single-hand weapon as well. It was pretty funny to watch him try to beat the archdemon up with only a shield.

This isn't about storyline, but more the gameplay: during the orphanage quest in the Alienage in DAO, the Templar cannot be controlled. Compared to the companions he was pretty puny. And then he charged in, head on, EVERY SINGLE TIME. I had to focus Wynne and my Warden not on fighting but healing that Templar while Alistair and Zevran constantly kept chugging health poultices like shots because neither mage could afford to heal them. That was very annoying.

Every single dude (apart from Sten) does not hit on Leliana, or Morrigan. Oh no. They have to hit on Wynne. Wynne is a cougar.--GabrielleduVent (talk) 04:32, February 10, 2012 (UTC)

Err... Gabrielledevent you're sorta wrong, Alistair never hits on Wynne, And Zevran actually hits on both Lelianna and Morrigan. Ok he hits on Morrigan for a bet but he's flirting with her anyway. Phoenix96 (talk) 15:40, February 10, 2012 (UTC)

Alistair does sort of hit on Wynne in the Return to Ostagar DLC, right at the end, although Wynne takes it a lot further in her response than he likely intended. :D (After making a couple of remarks earlier related to her being old, he tells her at the end, in a flirty tone, something like, "If I may say so, my lady, you appear to be getting younger by the day".) -Sophia (talk) 17:51, February 10, 2012 (UTC)
As Sophia said, Alistair hits on Wynne slightly, to which Wynne responds along the lines of "be careful young man, or you may wake up next to me tomorrow naked". I remember this because at that point my Warden was charging in (arcane warrior equipped with Fade Wall and Spellweaver, in romance with Alistair) and Leliana was letting the arrows loose, and my Warden nearly died because those two won't shut up and help out with the battle. I saved, went back to the Landsmeet and got Alistair executed out of spite.

Zevran doesn't count. He flirted with Oghren, for Maker's sake. He probably has flirted with my dog while my Warden wasn't looking too. And possibly Sandal. I think he'd do a better job as a prostitute rather than an assassin. He seems to have a better hit rate sheathing his other sword in bodies than the one in his hands. --GabrielleduVent (talk) 19:47, February 10, 2012 (UTC)

Opps! Sorry, have never had that converstation.So i'll give you guys that one.---- Personally i think executing Alistair was a tad bit over the top. Phoenix96 (talk) 09:16, February 11, 2012 (UTC)

Well, you know what Shakespeare said: "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". --GabrielleduVent (talk) 13:36, February 11, 2012 (UTC)

Just remembered some wtf moments.

On the way to the 3rd seal in legacy , nightmare difficulty , Anders turned on me. "Okay, no problem, he has so little offensive spells" I thought to myself, but that bastard dropped a glyph of repulsion on himself and with the help of the 2 shades he killed us all. My jaw dropped to the ground.

On other playthrough with a rogue again on nightmare, in a fight i got knocked back next to an enemy and at the same moment Merril uses "Sleeep" - its super effective. Looked pretty funny lying on the ground taking a nap while the rest of the party is fighting.

Third on is related to game mechanics. Bioware should at least put some kind of like 1 sec immunity to all dmg when you get revived by Anders, especially on higher difficulties. I can't count how many times I die next to one of those Lightning Orbs the mages summon and then get immediately revived in order to die again by the ball's blast while in the Jesus Christ position :D


How about when Anders murders an innocent girl without provocation (his companion quest in act 2, if he isn't a friend or rival, and Templar!Hawke, Fenris (mage hater extraordinaire) and Aveline, CAPTAIN OF THE GODDAMN GUARD, just stand there. Possibly make a few snarky comments. The distinct lack of abomination-smiting (or what is from their POV an abomination smiting) was... jarring to say the least. TheTeaMustFlow (talk) 16:05, February 25, 2012 (UTC)

Alistair calling me "My love" during a M/Warden with a Morrigan romance playthrough.Main reason I keep sparing Loghain after that(Well that and death is too quick and easy for him).Oso27us (talk) 19:15, February 25, 2012 (UTC)

After the coronation I went to Alistair to talk with him and his body was gone, leaving only his head. I was left wondering when invisibility cloaks first appeared in Thedas, and how Alistair got his hands on one. ----Isolationistmagi 02:58, February 26, 2012 (UTC)

The answer is simple: HE'S HARRY POTTER! XD Duncan is Dumbledore, Wynne's McGonagall, Anora's Pansy Parkinson, e.t.c. --GabrielleduVent (talk) 03:11, February 26, 2012 (UTC)
Well, at least he stayed in character, unable to grasp the principles of something as simple as invisicloak. Back to topic - remember how in the end Meredith stuns the party to dramatically read some stupid bullshit? Well, it appears Aveline is immune to stupid bullshit, since she kept hacking at Meredith throughout the whole delivery. It didn't reflect on a health bar, though. Dorquemada (talk) 07:13, February 26, 2012 (UTC)