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Flowers for Senna is a side quest in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

An elderly widower visits his wife's shrine each year, but the fighting between the mages and templars has prevented him from making the trip.


Talk to the elven widower in Redcliffe Village and agree to return the flowers.

Note: Redcliffe Village cannot be entered until the main quest the Threat Remains has been completed.


If the Inquisitor offers to make the trip for him they must visit a shrine located up the hill from the Forest Inquisition Camp situated in Hafter's Woods. Simply place the flowers and return to the elf to complete the quest. The shrines text reads:

Senna, beloved,
May your ashes be gathered by Falon'Din
and carried safely,
after all the long years you carried me.


Reading the text on Senna's Shrine grants:

  • 50-150 XP

Completing the quest yields:

  • 128 XP
  • Influence 80


  • DAIApproval Blackwall Slightly Approves
  • DAIApproval Iron Bull Approves
  • DAIApproval Solas Approves (having Blackwall in the party will have his approval overrule Solas'.)
  • DAIApproval Cole Approves (does not have to be in the active party)