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“We tried to be good! We did everything we were told! She loved papa's soup. I don't understand...”

Orana is a former slave of Hadriana's, a Tevinter Magister, sent to Kirkwall to hunt down an escaped slave.


Both Orana and her father were slaves to Hadriana, Danarius's apprentice, and were brought to Kirkwall from the Tevinter Imperium.


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Dragon Age II.

Orana is involved in Fenris's companion quest A Bitter Pill. Orana and her father are brought by Hadriana to an Abandoned Slaver Den on the Wounded Coast outside the city. When Hawke and Fenris storm the slaver den, they encounter Orana cowering behind several slain Tevinter soldiers. Orana tells Hawke that Hadriana killed her father to fuel her blood magic, explaining that she needed his life for power. Hawke can choose to release Orana; give her gold and tell her to go (though Fenris comments that she will be easily robbed); take her back to the Hawke Estate as a slave; or hire her as a servant (with no actual loss of gold). If you talk to Orana at the Hawke estate, you have the option of setting her free once again (with no loss of gold).

If Orana was told to leave:
Orana can later be found employed at the Blooming Rose.
If Orana was told to speak with Leandra Amell for help:
Leandra informs Hawke that she has sent Orana to the chantry.
If Orana remains with the Hawke family:
Orana brings her lute, one of the few items she owns. Hawke comments that Orana plays beautifully. If Hawke is in a romance with Merrill or Anders, Orana will attempt to instruct them on how to play, with little success. In Act 3, Sandal comments that Orana smells of cinnamon buns, in response to Bodahn saying she's quiet enough to never know anyone was there and that she never gets out.


A Bitter Pill A Bitter Pill


  • Leandra will make a comment about taking an elven slave when talked to, even if Orana is hired as a paid servant. This statement, though ambiguous, is likely a reference to Orana's background, rather than a comment on her actual status with the Hawke family.


Bug icon Bug! Even if Orana was hired after Leandra's death, she will say that she misses Hawke's mother.
Bug icon Bug! Orana may vanish at the beginning of Act 3 if you made her your slave during the quest A Bitter Pill, though Bodahn will comment as if she's still present in the Hawke estate. If Orana is paid as a servant, she will permanently stay in the Hawke Estate and move to the second floor during Act 3.