Evanura is a unique sword in Dragon Age: Inquisition.
- Multi-leg acquisition: First acquire Codex entry: The Silver Knight from Ville Montevelan in the Exalted Plains. Next travel to the Emerald Graves and interact with the Lindiranae's Tree landmark located in Firewater Garden (the large open area with the roaming giants and brontos).
Note: See the bugs section below prior to claiming all of the landmarks in the area, as doing so may potentially render the sword unobtainable.
Master Frost Rune (+16 Cold Damage)
Codex entries[]
- When claiming Evanura via the Lindiranae's Tree landmark the player may not receive the sword. This may be due to the player not having obtaining Codex entry: The Silver Knight prior. Simply head to the Exalted Plains, grab the codex and return to the Lindiranae's Tree landmark to claim the sword.
- If Evanura doesn't appear after obtaining the Silver Knight Codex entry and claiming the landmark, proceed to claim the other eight elven landmarks in the area. Return to Lindiranae's Tree and attempt to interact with the location again.
- Reloading a save after claiming all the landmarks, but prior to revealing and looting the sword may still prevent the sword from appearing. Potentially reloading a save prior to claiming all of the landmarks may rectify this.
- If all of the aforementioned have been attempted after returning to the Lindiranae's Tree landmark and the option to interact no longer becomes available, or interacting does nothing, Evanura may remain irretrievable.