“A slave should never harm her betters!”
Enrichetta Ammosine[1] is a Tevinter mage and the mother of Rezaren Ammosine.
Enrichetta raised her only son, Rezaren, as the heir of House Ammosine. When Rezaren was still a child, Enrichetta selected two elven slaves that she owned, the twins named Miriam and Neb, to serve as her son's personal bodyguards, spies, and assassins in the future. Although Rezaren was allowed to play with the elven siblings and thought of them as family, Enrichetta regularly mistreated them, especially Miriam. She would punish them for the slightest mistakes to remind the twins that they were their slaves, not their equals. Enrichetta also put Miriam and Neb through a harsh combat training.
Dragon Age: Absolution[]
When Rezaren was a teenager, he had to undergo the Harrowing. Enrichetta, Miriam, and Neb were present in the Harrowing chamber. Rezaren faltered and the demon that he faced in the Fade began possessing him. Enrichetta urged him to fight it, stating that no member of House Ammosine has failed a Harrowing in the last three hundred years; but when it became clear that her son would not be strong enough to repel the demon, she transferred it into Neb who was standing nearby. Horrified by what happened to her twin, Miriam attacked Enrichetta and killed her.