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The Elven language, or "Elvish",[1] was largely lost when Elvhenan fell to the Tevinter Imperium and its people were


Written Elvish upon a column

enslaved around two millennia before the Dragon Age. When the elves settled their second homeland, the Dales, they aimed to restore their lost language and lore, but the Dales fell after an Exalted March declared by the Chantry in the early Glory Age. The Elvish of the Dragon Age is thus a fragmented remnant, a few words that are thrown into conversation rather than a working language used to conduct everyday life. The Dalish Elves, self-appointed custodians of the elven language and lore, use more Elvish than their City Elf brethren. Some clans, such as the ones encountered in The Stolen Throne, speak it fluently and exclusively. Living among humans, the City Elves now retain only a few old Elvish words whose origin is almost forgotten, such as "shem" - derived from "shemlen", meaning "quickling", or "quick children" the old Elvish term for humans - and "hahren" - the leader of an Alienage, meaning "elder" in Elvish.

With the release of Dragon Age II, and Merrill's speech patterns, it has been determined that pronouns most likely carry an implied possessive. What this means for translation is that words like "ma" and "ar" can carry a "have" with them - "you have", "I have" - without actually needing to add in the "have" as a separate word.

According to David Gaider, a differentiating factor between Elvish and other languages in Thedas--particularly as regards aspects like names--is the avoidance of hard consonants.[2]

It has been observed that "Elven is often a game of intents, not direct mapping of phonetic meaning. That means it's a mess" and that it tends "to meander".[3]

Written Elvish

Last Flight Battle Map

Battle map from the Fourth Blight, featuring a rare example of written Elvish

The clan Keepers are the only ones who know the secret of writing Elven Language.[4] The spelling system for Elvish contains an apostrophe to mark register tone, not to mark stress or to decorate text as per the usual usage of the apostrophe. It also indicates contraction points between two full words that cannot be reduced by adjoining letters.

Many of the words in the following list are extrapolations and deconstructions of words found in the games, done by parsing the order of meanings versus given words and comparisons of fragments to the meanings given.


Elvish phrases

  • Amae lethalas: meaning unknown. [5]
  • Andaran atish’an: Enter this place in peace. A formal elven greeting. Literally: "I dwell in this place, a place of peace."
  • Aneth ara: A sociable or friendly greeting, more commonly used among the Dalish themselves rather than with outsiders. Literally: "My safe place".
  • Ara seranna-ma: "Excuse me," as in after a sneeze or belch; this phrase may be differently conjugated depending on the speaker[6]
  • Ar lasa mala revas: "You are free."[7]/"I give you your freedom."
  • Ar lath ma: "I love you."[8]

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  • Ar-melana dirthavaren. Revas vir-anaris.: Fen'Harel's secret greeting. Meaning unknown.[9]

  • Arlathan: The major city of Elvhenan, original homeland of the elves, from the phrase "ar lath’an" meaning "This place of love".
    • Asha'belannar: "The Woman of Many Years." How the Dalish refer to Flemeth.[10]
    • Atish'all Vir Abelasan: "Enter the path of the Well of Sorrows."[11]
    • Banal nadas.: Nothing is inevitable.[12]
    • Bellanaris Din'an Heem: "Make you dead."[13]
    • Dareth shiral: Used as a "farewell" it means, "Safe journey".
    • din'anshiral: A journey of death.[14]
    • Dirth ma, harellan. Ma banal enasalin. Mar solas ena mar din.: translation unknown. [15]
    • Dirthara-ma: "May you learn." Used as a curse.[17]
    • Emma lath: My love.
    • Ellasin selah: meaning unknown.[18]

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    Dragon Age: The Masked Empire.

    • Fen'Harel enansal: The Dread Wolf's blessing. The password to activate eluvians.[19]

  • Fen'Harel ma ghilana: "Dread Wolf guides you" Indicates someone being mislead/making bad life choices.
    • Fen'Harel ma halam: "Dread Wolf ends you" A threat.
    • Garas quenathra: "Why are you here?/Why have you come?" Spoken by the voices of the Vir'abelasan
    • Ghil-Dirthalen: "One who guides seekers of knowledge true."[20]
    • Ghilan'him banal'vhen: "The path that leads astray": a derogatory term for Arcane Warriors among those elves who eschewed physical combat[21]
    • Ghilas dennar!: meaning unknown [22]
    • Halam'shivanas: The sweet sacrifice of duty[23]
    • Ir abelas: I am sorry.
    • Ir abelas, ma vhenan: "I am filled with sorrow for your loss, my heart."
    • Ir tel'him: "I'm me again."[24]
    • Lasa ghilan: Grant/give guidance. Spoken by a Dalish Inquisitor to Solas with low approval in conversation with Solas.
    • Lathbora viran: Roughly translated as "the path to a place of lost love," a longing for a thing one can never really know.[25]
    • Ma banal las halamshir var vhen.: You do nothing to further our people. [26]
    • Ma ghilana mir din'an: Guide me into death.[24]
    • Ma melava halani: You helped me.[24]
    • Mala suledin nadas: Now you must endure.[24]
    • Ma nuvenin: As you wish.[27]
    • Ma vhenan: My heart (a term of endearment).
    • Ma serannas: My thanks (Thank you).
    • Mana. Ma halani.: Spoken by a Dalish Inquisitor in the quest Measuring the Veil. "Ma halani" is "Help me". In this context, "Mana" is an imperative verb, like "Stop" or "Wait".
    • Masal din'an.: a threat, meaning unknown.[28]
    • Melana en athim las enaste: Now let humility grant favor.[29]
    • Mythal'enaste.: Mythal's favor. [30]
    • Na din'an sahlin!: Your death now (Now you die)![31]

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    • Nuvenas mana helanin, dirth bellasa ma.: meaning unknown.[32]

  • Penshra! Ghilas vellathan!: politely translated as "I prefer that you remain close."[33]
    • Seran viar malas shivera mellavar!: meaning unknown [34]
    • Sulevin ghilana hanin: Guide to certain glory / Guide of Glorious Purpose [35]
    • Tel'abelas: "I'm not [sorry]."[24]
    • Tel'dellan sa Vir Dirthara!: meaning unknown [36]
    • Tel garas solasan: Come not to a prideful place.[29]
    • Telanadas: Nothing is inevitable.[37]
    • "Viran se lan'aan? Ir annala for ros... Nae! Ga rahn s'dael! Ga rahn! Ir emah'la shal! Ir emah'la shal!": Spoken by the ghostly elven mother in the crypt where you get the Juggernaut armour. See "Deconstructing Elvish", below, for details on both ghosts' possible meanings.
    • Vir sumeil: "We are close." [38]
    • Virthar ma. Na din'an sahlin!: meaning unknown.[40]

    Elvish Vocabulary


    Abelas: Sorrow. Also used as an apology.[41][42]
    Adahl: tree/bush.
    Adahlen: forest.[43]
    Alas: earth, dirt.
    -An: suffix indicating place or location.[44]
    Annar: year.
    Ar: personal pronoun: I, me.
    Aravas: journeys.[45]
    Aravel: A wagon used by the Dalish; literally a physical and spiritual path, a journey with purpose.[42] Humans call them "landships."
    Arla: home.
    Arlathvhen: Meeting of the Dalish clans, every ten years.[46] Means "for love of the people."[42]
    Asha: woman.
    Assan: arrow.[43]
    Atisha: peace, peaceful.
    Athim: humility[29]
    Aval'var: Our journey.[47]
    Awell: meaning unknown[48]


    Banal: nothing, not, no
    Banalhan: "The place of nothing", a name for the Blight or its place of origin.[42]
    Banal'ras: Shadow.[49]
    Bel: many.
    Bellanaris: Eternity[42][50]
    Bora: to throw, project, lose.
    Bor'assan: bow.[43]


    Da: small, diminutive prefix.
    Dar: to be.
    Da'len: little child, or "little one"
    Dareth: be safe.
    Dahl'amythal: : The tree of Mythal. According to Velanna, Dalish Keepers staffs are cut from it's like.
    Delltash: meaning unknown, perhaps used as a curse.[51]
    Din: "not", or "isn't"; also used to indicate someone who has died: someone who is not.[42]
    Din'an: death[24], end[29]
    Dirth: tell, speak. A term for knowledge, secrets.
    Dirthara: learn, seek truth.
    Dirthavaren: "The promise"—Elvish name for the Exalted Plains.[52]
    Dirthera: tell.
    Dorf: grey.
    Durgen: stone.
    Durgen’len: Children of the stone. The original Elvish term for the dwarves.[53][42]


    El: our.
    Elgar: spirit.
    Elgara: sun.[45]
    Elgar'arla: a spirit-trap, a binding circle to hold a Spirit or Demon.
    Eluvian: mirror. Literally, "seeing glass."[54]
    Elvarel: longer, more effort.
    Elvhen: "Our People". Elven name for their own race.
    Elvhenan: Place of our people. The name of the elven civilization before the arrival of humans in Thedas.[55] Also could be translated as: "Our hearts".
    Emma: I am/my or within/full of.[56][57]
    -en: suffix indicating plural.
    Ena: appear; emerge.
    Enasal: joy in triumph over loss; a variation of joyful relief[42]
    Enasalin: victory.
    Enansal: gift or blessing.
    Enaste: favor, approval.[29]
    Enfanim: to fear.
    Era'harel: demon-mage; similar to an arcane horror.
    Eth: safe.
    Evanuris: mage leader.[58] What the elvhen called their gods.[59]


    Falon: friend.
    Felas: slow.
    Felandaris: demon weed.[60]
    Felassan: slow arrow.[61]
    Fen: wolf.[62]
    Fenedhis: undefined common curse. Possibly the equivalent of "crap."[63]
    Fenedhis lasa: an expansion on Fenedhis, a common curse.[64]


    Garas: come.[29]
    Ghilan: a guide.[65]
    Ghilani: to guide.
    Ghilas: to go.
    Glandival: wish, to believe.[66]


    Hahren'al: A gathering of hahrens during arlathvhen.[67]
    Hahren: Elder. Used as a term of respect by the Dalish, but more specifically for the leader of an alienage by the City Elves.
    Halam: the end, finished.
    Halamshiral: The end of the journey. Also the name of the capital of the second elven homeland in the Dales.[68]
    Halani: help.[24]
    Hamin: rest, relax.
    Hanal'ghilan: "the pathfinder;" Elvish name for the mythical golden halla said by the Dalish to appear during times of great need[69]
    Hanin: glory.
    Harel: To trick or deceive. Dreaded, frightening, causing fear.[42]
    Harellan: trickster, traitor to one's kin.[70][42]
    Harillen: opposition[71]
    Hellathen: noble struggle[72]
    Him: become[29]


    In: with or inside; dwell.
    Inan: eyes. Literally: "inside place" or "dwelling place" - i.e. windows to the soul.
    Ir: very, more; I'm/I am[24]
    Iras: where.[45]
    Irassal: wherever.[45]
    Isala: in need of.


    La: and.
    Las: grant, give.[29]
    Lath: love.[42]
    Len: child.
    Lethallin; Lethallan: Casual reference used for someone with whom one is familiar. Lethallin is used for males, while lethallan is used for females,[73] but this is not always the case. [74] Akin to "cousin" or "clansman" since "lin" is the word for blood. See talk page for more information.
    Lin: blood.


    Ma: my, mine, OR you, your
    Mahvir: tomorrow.
    Mala: your.[45]
    Mamae: Mother.[75]
    Mana: distant past; long amount of time.
    Melana: time.
    Melanada: all time. [76]
    Melava: time, past tense.
    Mi: blade.
    Mi'durgen: diamond, literally 'blade stone'.
    Mien'harel: rebellion (or else a violent call for justice, depending on the interpretation), normally a city elf term; a concept that when humans push the elven population too far they must remind them that even a "short blade" must be respected.[77]
    Mir: my.
    mirthadra: honored.[78]


    Na: your; is
    Nadas: Inevitable[42]. Also used as an expression of obligation (i.e. "must").[24]
    Nan: revenge; vengeance.
    Ne: you.
    Nehn: joy.
    Numin: cry, tears.
    Nuvenin: want, need.


    Renan: voice.
    Revas: freedom.[42]
    Revasan: "The place where freedom dwells". [79]


    Sa: one.
    Sahlin: now, in this moment.
    Samahl: laugh, laughter.
    Sa'vunin: a single day.
    Serannas: grateful, appreciative.
    Seth: thin, tenuous.[80]
    Setheneran: Land of waking dreams. A place where the Veil is thin.[81] Literally: "Tenuous waking dream place".
    Shem: quick, fast.
    Shemlen: Literally "quick children". The original name of the elves for the human race. It continues to see use as a slang term amongst the City Elves ("Shems") even though its meaning has largely been lost.
    Shiral: journey.
    Solas: Pride, to stand tall.[42]
    Solasan: a prideful place.[29]
    Somniar: to dream.[45]
    Souveri: weary, tired.
    Sumeil: close, near.
    Suv: happen.
    Sulahn'nehn: joy/happiness.[42]
    Sulahn: sing.
    Suledin: endure, strength to withstand loss.[42] See enasal for doing so successfully
    Sulevin: certain, purpose.[82]


    Tan: three.[43]
    Tarasyl'an Te'las: the place where the sky was held back. Original elven name for Skyhold.[83]
    Taren: mind.[45]
    Tasallan: meaning unknown. Merrill's staff in Dragon Age II is called Vir Tasallan.
    Tel: not; often used to negate the noun/verb that proceeds it.[84]
    Then: awake, alert.
    Theneras: dream.[85]
    Tu: to make, to cause.


    U: alone.
    Uth: long, forever, never ending, eternal.[86]
    Uthenera: Waking sleep; immortal.[42] Uthenera was the name of the ancient practice of immortal elves who would "sleep" once they tired of life. Literally: "Eternal waking dream".


    Vallas: writing[87], set.[45]
    Vallasdahlen: Life-trees. Trees planted in remembrance of those who dedicated their lives to the Dalish kingdom, that grew into a mighty wood.
    Vallaslin: Blood writing. The art of tattooing adopted by some elves to more prominently (and some might say belligerently) display their worship of the traditional elven pantheon.[88]
    Var: our.[29][50]
    Ven: to go.
    Venavis: stop. [89]
    Vhen: "people of" or "belonging to the elves, the clans, elven society".
    Vhenadahl: The tree of the people.[90]
    Vhen'alas: The land itself, as in "the ground". Literally: "our earth".
    Vhenallin: “friends of the People” [91]
    Vhenan: heart.
    Vhenas: home.
    Vir: way or path.[92]
    Vissanalla: translation unknown[93]
    Vunin: day.

    The Elvish Eulogy

    hahren na melana sahlin
    emma ir abelas
    souver'inan isala hamin
    vhenan him dor'felas
    in uthenera na revas
    vir sulahn'nehn
    vir dirthera
    vir samahl la numin
    vir lath sa'vunin

    elder your time is come
    now I am filled with sorrow
    weary eyes need resting
    heart has become grey and slow
    in waking sleep is freedom
    we sing, rejoice
    we tell the tale
    we laugh and cry
    we love one more day

    Note: These are also the lyrics to the song Leliana sings for you in camp during Origins , and its beginning is played in the end of the Dalish Elf Origin. From in-game explanation, plus the fact that elves can no longer undergo the Uthenera, since they are no longer immortal, it seems this is a song used to mourn the dead now.

    Suledin (Endure) - an Elven Song

    The elven song Suledin is played during the dungeon escape portion of the Leliana's Song DLC. (This is yet to be confirmed, for the only thing close enough to Suledin in Leliana's Song is Inon Zur's "Captivity". It does include the lines "lath aravel ena" and "ir sa lethalin", but otherwise the lyrics are different - the ni-la/neela part, for example) The song is about enduring and emerging from sorrow, tied to the elves' loss of their ancient lands. It is adapted to personal struggles, as well.[94]

    Melava inan enansal
    ir su araval tu elvaral
    u na emma abelas
    in elgar sa vir mana
    in tu setheneran din emma na

    lath sulevin
    lath araval ena
    arla ven tu vir mahvir
    melana ‘nehn
    enasal ir sa lethalin

    Time was once a blessing
    but long journeys are made longer
    when alone within.
    Take spirit from the long ago
    but do not dwell in lands no longer yours.

    Be certain in need,
    and the path will emerge
    to a home tomorrow
    and time will again
    be the joy it once was

    Note: This is an extremely loose translation. For instance, "lath" means "love", and yet "lath aravel ena" is translated as "and the path will emerge".

    I Am the One

    Played at the end credits of Dragon Age: Origins and included in the soundtrack, 'I Am the One' features elven lyrics written by Inon Zur. A translation for the song can be found in Codex entry: "I Am The One".

    Heruamin lotirien
    Alai uethri maeria
    Halurocon yalei nam bahna
    Dolin nereba maome

    Ame amin
    Halai lothi amin
    Aloamin Heruamin

    Heruamin oh lonai
    Imwe naine beriole

    Ame amin
    Halai lothi amin
    Aloamin Heruamin

    Ame amin
    Halai lothi amin

    Ame amin
    Halai lothi amin
    Noamin Heruamin


    Scratchings Found Under a Pillar in Skyhold

    from the codex entry On Skyhold

    Var'landivalis him sa'bellanaris san elgar
    Melanada him sa'miras fena'taldin (word missing)
    Nadasalin telrevas ne suli telsethenera
    Tarasyl'an te'las vehn'ir abelath'vir (word missing)

    Partial translation:

    Our belief transformed into everything. (assertation/problem? uncertain)
    All time is transformed into the final/first death (uncertain),
    Inevitable/threatened victory and horrible/promised freedom in the untorn veils, (uncertain)
    Where the sky is held up/back, where the people give/gain love that is an apology/promise from/to....(missing subject, uncertain)

    Note: This is only a partial translation of a fragment of elven found underneath a pillar. The archivist made notes while translating: "Elven is often a game of intents, not direct mapping of phonetic meaning. That means it's a mess. The rhythm is strange, not like others I've recorded. Perhaps less a poem than a statement? The elven language does tend to meander."


    Mir Da'len Somniar - a Dalish Lullaby

    Found in Dragon Age: The World of Thedas Volume 2 and The Seer's Yarn.

    Elgara vallas, da'len
    Melava somniar
    Mala taren aravas
    Ara ma'desen melar

    Iras ma ghilas, da'len
    Ara ma'nedan ashir
    Dirthara lothlenan'as
    Bal emma mala dir

    Tel'enfenim, da'len
    Irassal ma ghilas
    Ma garas mir renan
    Ara ma'athlan vhenas
    Ara ma'athlan vhenas

    Sun sets, little one,
    Time to dream
    Your mind journeys,
    But I will hold you here.

    Where will you go, little one
    Lost to me in sleep?
    Seek truth in a forgotten land
    Deep with in your heart.

    Never fear, little one,
    Wherever you shall go.
    Follow my voice--
    I will call you home.
    I will call you home.


    Where Willows Wail

    An elven version of a lullaby local to Denerim and nearby villages to the south. [95]

    Tel’enara bellana bana’vhenadahl,
    Sethen’a ir san’shiral, mala tel’halani
    Ir sa’vir te’suledin var bana’vallaslin,
    Vora’nadas san banal’him emma abel revas.
    Ir tela’ena glandival, vir amin tel’hanin.
    Ir tela las ir Fen halam, vir am’tela’elvahen.

    We/it lost eternity or the ruined tree of the People
    Time won’t help when the land of dreams is no longer our journey
    We try to lead despite the eventual failing of our markings.
    To the inevitable and troubling freedom we are committed.
    When we could no longer believe, we lost glory to war.
    When the Wolf failed/won, we lost the People to war.

    Note: The above translation is described as not being a literal translation, as "some form of lyrical shorthand is employed throughout" and it is completely different from modern formal Dalish. Thus it is impossible to use it to try to deconstruct the language.

    Constructing Elvish: Examples of Phrases

    Note: The following are possible phrases based on known definitions of elven words; they do not appear in any canon references.


    da'assan: little arrow
    da'mi: little blade
    da'vhenan: little heart
    emm'asha: my girl
    ma sa'lath: my one love
    ma'arlath: my love
    ma emma lath: you are my love
    vhenan'ara: heart's desire


    elvhen'alas: dirt elves
    len'alas lath'din: dirty child no one loves
    seth'lin: thin blood


    Ar'din nuvenin na'din: I don't want to kill you.
    Ar tu na'din: I will kill you.
    Ar tu na'lin emma mi: I will see your blood on my blade.
    Emma shem'nan: My revenge is swift.
    Halam sahlin: This ends now.
    Ma emma harel: You should fear me.
    Ma halam: You are finished.

    Deconstructing Elvish

    Many words of Elvish are made up of contractions of smaller words. For instance, "Arlathan" means, "this place that I love". Deconstructing it, we arrive at Ar: I or me; Lath: love; and An: place. We know that this is correct, because: "lath" is used later in the eulogy poem to mean "love"; "an" is seen as a suffix in the word "Elvhenan", meaning "the place of our people", which is a direct extension of "Elvhen", meaning "our people". By elimination, "Ar" becomes the personal pronoun. In the same way, many other words can be deconstructed into their individual components.

    While "ar" exists as a personal pronoun, often times in a sentence, that pronoun is dropped. For example, "Ir abelas," can translate to "I am filled with sorrow for your loss," or, more colloquially, "I'm very sorry," with "ir" meaning "I" and "abelas" meaning "sorrow." So the predicate itself is enough to imply that "I" am the one who is expressing the sorrow.


    • "Mamae? Mamae na mara san...": The panicked phrases of a lost child. It is known that "mamae" means "mother", and "na" is "your", but "Mara" and "san" are a different matter. "Ma" (you) and "ar" (i, me) don't offer any clues. "San" looks like a contraction of "sa" and "an", so, one place. Since the boy seems to be in a panic, and it is clear that he's looking for her, it's reasonable to assume that this is the gist of his statement, as well. So, "Mother your [mara] one place...", so "mara" can be parsed as "i can't find" or "where is". A reasonable translation would be, "Mama, I can't find you..." or "Mama, where is the place..."
    • "Viran se lan'aan? Ir annala for ros... Nae! Ga rahn s'dael! Ga rahn! Ir emah'la shal! Ir emah'la shal!": These sentences are spoken by the ghostly elven mother in the crypt where you get the Juggernaut armour. A possible translation: "How did you people find the path to this place? This place has been lost for centuries. No! Get away from our tree! Get away! You are desecrating my grave! You are desecrating my grave!"
    • "Viran se lan'aan?": "Vir" and "an" mean "the path" and "this place", respectively, so "the path to this place". If "se" is assumed to be a pronoun (since "lan'aan" is a bit long for that), then, going off of "sa" as "one" and "-en" as a plural, one could extrapolate "se" as possibly a plural "you". In that case, since it is a question, it can be assumed that she is asking "How did you people find the path to this place?", since that is a reasonable thing to be asking. Then, "lan'aan" would mean "how to find".
    • "Nae! Ga rahn s'dael! Ga rahn!": This is a very difficult part, because there's so little to go on. "Nae" might be "no", but "na" means "your". There is no precedent for "ga rahn", but "s'dael" could be broken down as: "sa" - one; "adahl" - tree; and "el" - our. Taking that on faith, the sentence might read something like, "No! Get away from our tree! Get away!"
    • "Ir annala for ros...": "Ir" means "very", and "annar" means "years", so it is reasonable to assume that "annala" has to do with a measurement of time in years. Perhaps it means "centuries". So, it begins with "A very many years or centuries", and then "for ros" has no precedent. Taking it together with the last line, it is highly probable that it means "This place has been lost for very many centuries."
    • "Ir emah'la shal!": "ir" (very). Deconstructing "emah'la": "emma" (my); "alas" (dirt, earth); "halam" (ending); "shiral" (journey) - all of these words contain elements similar to this compound word. It could possibly mean "the ground of my end", or, more loosely, "my grave". So, "My grave is very..." something. Perhaps "shal" means sacred, or desecrated. So, loosely, "You are desecrating my grave!"
    • "Ir tel'him": "Him" means "become" or "transform," and "tel" seems to be often used to negate the verb/noun that follows - for example, tel'abelas translates into "I'm not sorry." So, here, "tel'him" could mean, "not changing/transforming." "Ir" usually means "very" or "more," but, in this case, it can be indirectly translated as "any more." So, put together, "ir tel'him" could translate into, "I'm not changing/transforming anymore," which would be another way of saying, "I'm me again."
    • "Dar'Misu; Dar'Misaan": "Dar" means "to be", and they both have "mi" in common, so it is possible that "mi" is "blade", and "su" means "happen", and "u" means "alone". So, "dar'misu" could translate, roughly, to "this blade acts alone" or "this blade happens". "Sa" is "one" and "an" is "place". A possible translation: Dar'Misu: "to be a blade that acts alone" - daggers being the weapon of choice for rogues; Dar'Misaan: "to be a blade of one place" - long swords being the weapon of choice for a sword-and-shield defender.
    • "Dirth ma, harellan. Ma banal enasalin. Mar solas ena mar din.": "Dirth" relates to knowledge,truth, and secrets and "ma" is used for both first person singulars and possessives so "Dirth ma" could mean "my truth" or "I know" with "harellan" translating to trickster or traitor. "Ma" is again you or I, "banal" is a negative so no, none, nothing, etc., and "ensalin" is victory so "Ma banal ensalin" is probably something like "You will not have victory" or, colloquially, "You will lose." The final sentence, uses "mar", similar to "ma", "solas" or pride, "ena" like "to lead to" or "will lead to", and "din" meaning death. Therefore, the whole thing should be something like "I know, traitor. You will fail. Your pride will lead to your death."


    • The elven language as used in the games is actually a cipher[96].


    1. Tamlen refers to the language as "Elvish" at the beginning of the Dalish Elf Origin
    2. Elven naming conventions. http://social.bioware.com/forum/Dragon-Age-Inquisition/Dragon-Age-Inquisition-General-Discussion/Elven-naming-conventions-17321539-1.html.
    3. According to one archivist's notes on Skyhold.
    4. Pramas, Chris. "Chapter Three: Focuses and Talents: Talents". Dragon Age RPG, Set 1 - Player's Guide. p.37.
    5. the elven guardian spirit's response to the Inquisitor saying Fen'Harel's secret greeting correctly.
    6. According to a banter between Solas and Sera.
    7. According to what Solas says to the female Lavellan.
    8. Spoken by Solas to the Inquisitor, if in a romance
    9. spoken by an Inquisitor who drank from the Well of Sorrows.
    10. Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne, p76.
    11. Translated by Solas at the Temple of Mythal.
    12. Solas' response to the Nightmare in the Fade
    13. Gatsi's translation of Note: Bellanaris Din'an Heem
    14. According to Solas.
    15. The Nightmare addressing Solas in the Fade.
    16. According to Solas when acquiring the Knight Enchanter specialization.
    17. In a banter between Solas and Vivienne
    18. Morrigan after drinking from the Well of Sorrows.[1]
    19. Spoken by Briala in The Masked Empire
    20. As explained by the Archivist spirit in Vir Dirthara in the Trespasser DLC
    21. According to Solas after acquiring the Knight Enchanter specialization.
    22. spoken by attacking Librarians in Vir Dirthara
    23. As explained by Morrigan at the Temple of Mythal
    24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 24.6 24.7 24.8 Spoken by the Spirit of Wisdom to Solas during the quest, All New, Faded for Her Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "Wisdom" defined multiple times with different content
    25. Dragon Age: Last Flight, p27.
    26. Spoken by a Dalish Inquisitor with low approval in conversation with Solas
    27. Spoken by Solas to the Spirit of Wisdom during the quest, All New, Faded for Her
    28. spoken by Abelas after refusing to ally with the Inquisitor.
    29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 29.4 29.5 29.6 29.7 29.8 29.9 Codex entry: Tracing from Temple Doors
    30. spoken by the elven sentinel guide in the Temple of Mythal.
    31. Parsed from the elven spirit guardian's response when the Inquisitor does not know Fen'Harel's secret greeting.
    32. what the elven spirit guardian says when asking for Fen'Harel's secret greeting.
    33. Translation by Solas of what the elven sentinel guide in the Temple of Mythal says, but he seems to have translated it more politely.
    34. spoken by attacking Librarians in Vir Dirthara
    35. see Path to Glory
    36. spoken by attacking Librarians in Vir Dirthara
    37. According to Inquisitor Ameridan during the quest Where Once We Walked
    38. Translation by Solas of what the elven sentinel guide in the Temple of Mythal says.
    39. Spoken by Abelas at the Temple of Mythal
    40. the elven guardian spirit's response when the Inquisitor does not known Fen'Harel's secret greeting.
    41. Mentioned by Athras if the Warden refuses to help him because of the reward.
    42. 42.00 42.01 42.02 42.03 42.04 42.05 42.06 42.07 42.08 42.09 42.10 42.11 42.12 42.13 42.14 42.15 42.16 Dragon Age logo - new Dragon Age: The World of Thedas, vol. 1, p. 32
    43. 43.0 43.1 43.2 43.3 Codex entry: Andruil: Goddess of the Hunt, Codex entry: Vir Tanadhal: The Way of Three Trees
    44. As in the phrase "vir'abelasan," "the place of the way of sorrows"; or "Solasan," the "place of pride."
    45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 45.3 45.4 45.5 45.6 45.7 parsed from the Mir Da'len Somniar on p.217 of Dragon Age: The World of Thedas Volume 2 and p.19 of The Seer's Yarn
    46. Arla: home; Ar: I, me; Lath: love; Vhen: people, us. The meaning of this title is connotative more than anything else.
    47. Name of the first Avvar Chieftan as given by the elven spirit in The Saga of Tyrdda Brightaxe
    48. said by attacking temple guardians at the Temple of Mythal.
    49. Vir Banal'ras
    50. 50.0 50.1 Description of Var Bellanaris.
    51. spoken by attacking Librarians in Vir Dirthara. Also spat derisively by the limping sentinel guide in the Temple of Mythal in response to Sera's attempt at elven translation.
    52. As mentioned by Keeper Hawen in Inquisition.
    53. When first speaking to Varathorn, it is mentioned by him to Oghren.
    54. According to Finn in Witch Hunt.
    55. Codex entry: Arlathan: Part One
    56. Suledin (Endure) and The Elvish Eulogy songs
    57. Codex entry: Torn Notebook in the Deep Roads, Section 3
    58. Dorian's translation of the word. Note that it is not a literal translation, only his approximation of its meaning based on external context; he also compares them to magisters.
    59. Codex entry: Torn Notebook in the Deep Roads, Section 3
    60. Codex entry: Felandaris
    61. As explained by Felassan in The Masked Empire
    62. Fenris
    63. Patrick Weekes Twitter.
    64. In a banter between Solas and Sera
    65. Solas thanks the sentinel guide by saying "Ma serannas, ghilan."
    66. From the lullaby "Where Willows Wail Dragon Age logo - new Dragon Age: The World of Thedas, vol. 2, p. 201.
    67. Dragon Age logo - new Dragon Age: The World of Thedas, vol. 2, p. 108.
    68. Codex entry: The Long Walk
    69. According to Keeper Hawen's clan in the Exalted Plains.
    70. Codex entry: The Rebel God
    71. Codex entry: The Rebel God
    72. Codex entry: The Rebel God
    73. During the Dalish Elf Origin, Tamlen refers to the Warden as "lethallin" if male, and as "lethallan" if female
    74. In Dragon Age: Inquisition, Solas will refer to a female elf Inquisitor as lethallin a few times, as does Minaeve in Haven.
    75. Ghostly boy in Lower Ruins.
    76. Codex Entry: On Skyhold
    77. According to Briala.
    78. The Archivist greets an elven Inquisitor or Sera by calling them "mirthadra elvhen" or "honored elvhen."
    79. Banner at Fort Revasan
    80. Breakdown of "setheneran."
    81. Tamlen speaks of it in the Dalish Elf Origin, if asked about the walking corpses
    82. Sulevin Blade description
    83. According to Morrigan, and Solas' notes on Skyhold.
    84. See "Deconstructing Elvish."
    85. According to Bram Kenric. The world is inscribed at the Razikale's Reach in the Frostback Basin.
    86. Breakdown of "uthenera."
    87. Codex entry: Vallaslin: Blood Writing
    88. Codex entry: Vallaslin: Blood Writing
    89. spoken by Abelas, meaning guessed.
    90. Codex entry: Vhenadahl: The Tree of the People
    91. Dragon Age (tabletop RPG), Game Master's Guide, set 1, p. 56 ('[After the players save the clan of Dalish elves], the Dalish make the characters adopted members of their clan, offering them tokens showing them to be vhenallin, or “friends of the People.”')
    92. As seen on the Dalish page: Vir Assan, Vir Bor'Assan, Vir Adahlen - "Way of the Arrow", "Way of the Bow", and "Way of the Forest".
    93. well of sorrows
    94. | Post by Dragon Age writer Lukas Kristjanson in the BioWare forums
    95. Dragon Age logo - new Dragon Age: The World of Thedas, vol. 2, p. 201
    96. As stated by David Gaider on Tumblr.