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Written Elvish upon a column

The Elven language, or "Elvish",[1] was largely lost when Elvhenan fell to the Tevinter Imperium and its people were enslaved around two millennia before the Dragon Age. When the elves settled their second homeland, the Dales, they aimed to restore their lost language and lore, but the Dales fell after an Exalted March declared by the Chantry in the early Glory Age. The Elvish of the Dragon Age is thus a fragmented remnant, a few words that are thrown into conversation rather than a working language used to conduct everyday life. The Dalish Elves, self-appointed custodians of the elven language and lore, use more Elvish than their City Elf brethren. Some clans, such as the ones encountered in Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne, speak it fluently and exclusively. Living among humans, the City Elves now retain only a few old Elvish words whose origin is almost forgotten, such as shem—derived from shemlen, the old Elvish term for humans meaning "quickling" or "quick children,"—and hahren—the leader of an Alienage, meaning "elder" in Elvish.

A differentiating factor between Elvish and other languages in Thedas—particularly as regards aspects like names—is the avoidance of hard consonants.[2]

It has been observed that "Elven is often a game of intents, not direct mapping of phonetic meaning. That means it's a mess" and that it tends "to meander".[3]

Written Elvish

Last Flight Battle Map

Battle map from the Fourth Blight, featuring a rare example of written Elvish

Though a number of ancient sites, including the Temple of Mythal, have recently been found to contain examples of Elvish writing, these are few and far between, and jealously guarded by the Dalish. Some Circles have also come to possess old elven texts.[4] In the Dragon Age, clan Keepers are generally the only ones who know the secret of writing Elvish.[5]


Elvish phrases

This section contains spoilers for:

  • Amae lethalas: Meaning unknown.[6]

  • Andaran atish’an: "Enter this place in peace." A formal elven greeting.
  • Aneth ara: A sociable, friendly, informal greeting, more commonly used among the Dalish themselves rather than with outsiders.
  • Ara seranna-ma: A way to excuse oneself, such as after a sneeze or belch.[7]
  • Ar dirthan’as ir elgara, ma’sula e’var vhenan: Meaning unknown.[7]
  • Ar lasa mala revas: "You are free."[8] More literally "I give you your freedom."
  • Ar lath ma, vhenan: "I love you, heart/my heart"[9]

This section contains spoilers for:

  • Ar-melana dirthavaren. Revas vir-anaris: Fen'Harel’s secret greeting. Meaning unknown.[10]

  • Asha'bellanar: "The Woman of Many Years." How the Dalish refer to Flemeth.[11]
  • Atish'all vallem: Meaning unknown.[12]
  • Atish'all Vir Abelasan: "Enter the path of the Well of Sorrows."[13]
  • Banal nadas: Nothing is known for certain./Not necessarily.[14][15]
  • Bellanaris Din'an Heem: "Make you dead."[16]
  • Dareth shiral: farewell; literally "Safe journey."
  • Din elvhen emma him?: Meaning unknown.[7]
  • Dirth ma banal. Mar solas ena mar din: "You have learned nothing. Your pride will be your death/downfall." A Dalish saying.[17]
  • Dirth ma, harellan. Ma banal enasalin. Mar solas ena mar din: Roughly means: "Your pride is responsible for everything that has gone wrong; you will die alone."[18][19]
  • Dirthara-ma: "May you learn." Used as a curse.[21]
  • Emmasalin var suledin evanura: Meaning unknown.[22]
  • Ellasin selah: Meaning unknown.[23]
  • Falon’Din enasal enaste: A prayer for the dead.[24]
  • Fenedhis lasa: Meaning officially undefined as of yet. A common curse.[7][25]

This section contains spoilers for:
Dragon Age: The Masked Empire.

  • Fen'Harel enansal: The Dread Wolf's blessing. The password set by Briala to activate eluvians.[26]

  • Fen'Harel ma ghilana: "Dread Wolf guides you." Indicates someone being misled.
  • Fen'Harel ma halam: "Dread Wolf ends you." A threat.
  • Garas quenathra: "Why are you here?/Why have you come?" Spoken by the voices of the Vir'abelasan
  • Ghil-Dirthalen: "One who guides seekers of knowledge true."[27]
  • Ghilan'him banal'vhen: "The path that leads astray": a derogatory term for Arcane Warriors among those elves who eschewed physical combat.[28]
  • Ghilas dennar!: Meaning unknown.[29]
  • Halam'shivanas: The sweet sacrifice of duty.[30]
  • Ir abelas: I am sorry.[31]
  • Ir abelas, ma vhenan: "I am filled with sorrow for your loss, my heart."[32]
  • Ir annala for ros: I cannot see you.[33][34]
  • Ir emah'la shal!: I will kill you! [33][34]
  • Ir tel'him: I'm me again.[35]
  • Lasa ghilan: Grant/give guidance.[36]
  • Lathbora viran: Roughly translated as "the path to a place of lost love," a longing for a thing one can never really know.[37]
  • Mamae na mara san: Mother is gone.[38][34]
  • Mamae, se vara sal: Meaning unknown.[38][34]
  • Ma banal las halamshir var vhen: You do nothing to further our people.[39]
  • Ma halani! Se vara lassa'val! Nae mal: Rough meaning of "calling for help, and calling on her gods to save her" [40][34]
  • Ma harel, da’len: You lie, child.[41]
  • Ma harel lasa!: You lied to me.[42]
  • Ma ghilana mir din'an: Guide me into death.[35]
  • Ma melava halani: You helped me.[35]
  • Mas enasalin lasa revas evanura: Meaning unknown.[43]
  • Mala suledin nadas: Now you must endure.[35]
  • Malas amelin ne halam: I hope you find a new name.[44]
  • Ma nuvenin: As you say.[45]
  • Ma vhenan: My heart; sometimes shortened simply to vhenan, "heart"; a term of endearment.[46]
  • Ma serannas: My thanks./Thank you.
  • Mana. Ma halani: Help me.[47]
  • Masal din'an: A threat, meaning unknown.[48]
  • Melana en athim las enaste: Now let humility grant favor.[49]
  • Mythal'enaste: Mythal's favor.[50] (also used as an epithet like "Good lord!") [51][34]
  • Na abelas: You'll be sorry.[52]
  • Na din'an sahlin!: Your death is come![53]
  • Na melana sahlin: Your time is come.[54]
  • Nae! Ga rahn s'dael! Ga rahn!: No! Get away from me! Get away! [33][34]

This section contains spoilers for:

  • Nuvenas mana helanin, dirth bellasa ma: Meaning unknown.[55]

  • Penshra! Ghilas vellathan!: Politely translated as "I prefer that you remain close."[56]
  • Seran viar malas shivera mellavar!: Meaning unknown.[29]
  • Sulevin ghilana hanin: Roughly translates to "purpose guides to glory". This is an inscription on the back of the Dalish shield called "The Path to Glory".[57]

This section contains spoilers for:

  • Sylaise enaste var aravel. Lama, ara las mir lath. Bellanaris.: Dalish marriage vows.[58]

  • Tel'abelas: I'm not sorry.[35]
  • Tel'dellan sa Vir Dirthara!: Meaning unknown.[29]
  • Tel garas solasan: Come not to a prideful place.[49]
  • Telanadas: Nothing is inevitable.[59]

This section contains spoilers for:

  • Var lath vir suledin!: Our love will endure[60]

  • Vir enasalin!: We [will] win![61]
  • Vir sumeil: We are close.[62]
  • Viran se lan'aan?: Who are you? [33][34]
  • Virthar ma: Meaning unknown.[63]

Elvish Vocabulary


Abelas: Sorrow; to be sorry.[64]
Adahl/Adhal: Tree.[65]
Adahlen: Wood.[66]
Alas: Earth, dirt.[citation needed]
-an: Suffix indicating place or location.[67]
Ar: First person pronoun; I, me.[68]
Aravas: Meaning unknown.
Aravel: A wagon used by the Dalish; also a physical and spiritual path, a journey with purpose.[64] Humans call them "landships."
Arlathan: The major city of Elvhenan, original homeland of the elves; from the phrase "ar lath’an" meaning, "This place of love".
Arlathvhen: Meeting of the Dalish clans that occurs every ten years. Means "for love of the people."[64]
Assan: Arrow.[66]
Atish’an: Peace.[69]
Athim: Humility.[49]
Awell: Meaning unknown.[70]


Banal: Never.[71]
Banalhan: A name for the Blight or its place of origin; the place of nothing.[64]
Banal'ras: Shadow.[72]
Bellanaris: Eternity.[64][73]
Boranehn: Lost joy.[74]
Bor'assan: Bow.[66]


Da: Diminutive prefix; small.[71]
Dar: To be.[citation needed]
Da'len: Little child; little one.[75]
Dahl'amythal: Tree of Mythal from which Dalish Keepers’ staves are cut.[76]
Delltash: Meaning unknown; possibly used as a curse.[29][77]
Din: The dead.[64]
Din'an: Death[35]; end.[49]
Din'anshiral: A journey of death.[78]
Dirth: A term for knowledge or secrets; tell; speak.[citation needed]
Dirthara: Learn;[21]
Dirthavaren: The promise; the Elven name for the Exalted Plains.[79]
Dirthera: To tell tales.[80]
Durgen: Stone.[citation needed]
Durgen’len: Children of the stone; the Ancient Elvish term for the dwarves.[64][81]


Elgar: Spirit.[82]
Elgara: Sun.[75]
Elgar'arla: Spirit-trap; a binding circle to hold a spirit or demon.[83]
Eluvian: Mirror; literally "seeing glass."[84]
Elvhen: Elven name for their own race; our people.[85]
Elvhenan: The name of the elven civilization before the arrival of humans in Thedas; the place of our people.[86]
Enasal: Joy in triumph over loss; a variation of joyful relief.[64]
Enasalin: Victory.[87]
Enansal: Blessing.[26]
Enaste: Favor.[49]
Enfenim: To fear.[75]
Era'harel: Demon-mage; similar to an arcane horror.[88]
Eth: Safe.[citation needed]
Evanuris: Leader;[71] Translated by Dorian in context as "mage leader";[89] what the elvhen called their gods.


Falon: Friend.[90]
Felandaris: Demon weed.[91]
Felassan: Slow arrow.[92]
Fen: Wolf.[93]
Fenedhis: Meaning officially undefined as of yet; a common curse.[94]


Garas: Come.[49]
Ghilana: To guide.[35]
Ghilas: To go.[75]
Glandival: Meaning unknown.[95]


Hahren'al: A gathering of hahrens during the Arlathvhen.[96]
Hahren: Elder; used as a term of respect by the Dalish as well as by city elves for the leader of an alienage.
Halamshiral: The capital of the second elven homeland in the Dales; the end of the journey.[97]
Halani: Help.[35]
Hamin: Rest.[98]
Hanal'ghilan: Elven name for the mythical golden halla said by the Dalish to appear during times of great need; the pathfinder.[99]
Harel: To trick or deceive;[64]
Harellan: Trickster;[64] used by the Dalish to mean "traitor to one's kin".[100]
Harillen: Opposition.[100]
Hellathen: Noble struggle.[100]
Him: Become.[49]


In: In.[98]
Ir: I am.[101]
Iras: Where.[75]
Irassal: Wherever.[75]


La: And.[98]
Las: Grant; give.[49][71]
Lath: Love of being; to be in love.[64]
Lethallin/Lethallan/Lethallen: Casual reference used for someone with whom one is familiar; generally, lethallin is used for males while lethallan is used for females;[102] lethallen has been stated to be the appropriate gender neutral term unless otherwise stated later in canon, though it is likely to remain the same.[103] Lethallin can also mean "brother" while lethallan means "sister".[34]
Note: Though "lethallin" is usually used for males and "lethallan" for females, as stated above, there are instances where this is not the case. For example, in the Dragon Age Dalish Elf Origin opening scene on pcPC, your fellow clansman, Tamlen, will once refer to you as "lethallin" for a female warden, and as "lethallan" for a male[104]. And in Dragon Age: Inquisition, Solas will refer to a female elf Inquisitor as lethallin a few times, as does Minaeve in Haven. However it is unclear if this is intentional or a production error.
Lethanavir: Another appellation of Falon'Din.[105][106]


Ma: Meaning unknown[107]
Mamae: Mother.[38][34]
Mala: Your.[75]
Mana: Meaning unknown; see “Mana. Ma halani.”
Melana: Time.[98]
Melanada: All time.[108]
Melava: Time;[75]
Mi: Blade.[citation needed]
Mi'durgen: Diamond; literally 'blade stone'.[109]
Mien'harel: Rebellion; depending on the interpretation, a violent call for justice; a concept that when humans push the elven population too far they must remind them that even a "short blade" must be respected; most commonly a term used by city elf.[110]
Mir: My.[75]
Mirthadra: Honored.[111]


Na: Is.[98]
Nadas: Inevitability; something that must be;[64] used as an expression of obligation, i.e. "must".[35]
Nadas Dirthalen: The inevitability of knowledge.[112]
Nae: No.[33][34]
Nan: Elven suffix, meaning unknown.[113]
Numin: Cry.[98]
Nuvenin: Say, as in “as you say”.[35]


Renan: Voice.[75]
Revas: Freedom.[64]
Revasan: The place where freedom dwells.[114]


Sa: One; one more.[98]
Sahlin: Now; is come.[98]
Samahl: Laugh.[98]
Sa'vunin: One more day.[98]
Setheneran: Land of waking dreams; a place where the Veil is thin.[115]
She'va dhal: Exclamation, meaning unknown.[116]
Shem: Quick. Also used as a slang term for humans by both the Dalish and City elves. It can sometimes be intended as a derogatory term or an insult, especially with elves who are distrustful of humans.
Shemlen: The original name elves use for the human race; continues to see use as a slang term amongst the Dalish clans and the City Elves ("shems") even though its meaning has largely been lost; literally "quick children".
Shiral: Journey.[97]
Solas: Pride; to stand tall.[64]
Solasan: A prideful place.[49]
Somniar: To dream.[75]
Somniari: Dreamer.[117][118]
Sulahn'nehn: Rejoice; joy.[64]
Sulahn: Sing.[98]
Suledin: The concept of finding strength in enduring loss or pain;[64] endure.[35][119]
Sulevin: Purpose.[120]


Tan: Three.[66]
Tarasyl'an Te'las: The place where the sky was held back; Ancient Elven name for Skyhold.[121]
Taren: Mind.[75]
Tasallan: Meaning unknown; Merrill's staff in Dragon Age II is called Vir Tasallan.
Then: Awake; alert.[citation needed]
Theneras: Dream.[122][71]


Uthenera: The name of the ancient practice of immortal elves who would "sleep" once they tired of life; immortal;[64] waking sleep; literally "eternal waking dream".[citation needed]


Vallas: Set, as in the setting of the sun.[75]
Vallasdahlen: Trees planted in remembrance of those who dedicated their lives to the Dalish kingdom that grew into a mighty wood;[123] life-trees.
Vallaslin: Blood writing; The art of tattooing adopted by some elves to more prominently display their worship of the traditional elven pantheon.[124]
Var: Our.[49][73]
Venavis: Meaning unknown[125]
Vhen: Essence of people.[126]
Vhenadahl: The tree of the people.[127]
Vhen'alas: The land itself, as in "the ground"; literally "our earth".[citation needed]
Vhenan: Heart; often used as a term of endearment.[128]
Vhenas: Home.[75]
Vir: Way;[66] we.[98]
Vir'abelasan: The place of the way of sorrows; refers to the Well of Sorrows.[129]
Vissanalla: Meaning unknown.[130]
Vunin: Day.[98]
BioWare canon
The following information is only mentioned in Dragon Age Tabletop. Certain portions of this media may no longer reflect currently established lore.

Vhenallin: Friends of the People.[131]


Suledin (Endure)

Suledin is "an elven song about enduring and emerging from sorrow, tied to the loss of their ancient lands, but commonly adapted to express personal struggles as well".[119]

Melava inan enansal
ir su aravel tu elvaral
u na emma abelas
in elgar sa vir mana
in tu setheneran din emma na

lath sulevin
lath araval ena
arla ven tu vir mahvir
melana ‘nehn
enasal ir sa lethalin

Time was once a blessing
but long journeys are made longer
when alone within.
Take spirit from the long ago
but do not dwell in lands no longer yours.

Be certain in need,
and the path will emerge
to a home tomorrow
and time will again
be the joy it once was

Note: The translated lyrics are described as a "rough" translation in World of Thedas Vol. 1, and shouldn't be used as a guideline for translation purposes.

Mir Da'len Somniar

A traditional Dalish lullaby found in the children's book The Seer's Yarn, collected by Seer Agata.[132]


Elgara vallas, da'len
Melava somniar
Mala taren aravas
Ara ma'desen melar

Iras ma ghilas, da'len
Ara ma'nedan ashir
Dirthara lothlenan'as
Bal emma mala dir

Tel'enfenim, da'len
Irassal ma ghilas
Ma garas mir renan
Ara ma'athlan vhenas
Ara ma'athlan vhenas

Sun sets, little one,
Time to dream
Your mind journeys,
But I will hold you here.

Where will you go, little one
Lost to me in sleep?
Seek truth in a forgotten land
Deep with in your heart.

Never fear, little one,
Wherever you shall go.
Follow my voice--
I will call you home.
I will call you home.

Where Willows Wail

An elven version of a lullaby local to Denerim and nearby villages to the south.[133]

Tel’enara bellana bana’vhenadahl,
Sethen’a ir san’shiral, mala tel’halani
Ir sa’vir te’suledin var bana’vallaslin,
Vora’nadas san banal’him emma abel revas.
Ir tela’ena glandival, vir amin tel’hanin.
Ir tela las ir Fen halam, vir am’tela’elvahen.

We/it lost eternity or the ruined tree of the People
Time won’t help when the land of dreams is no longer our journey
We try to lead despite the eventual failing of our markings.
To the inevitable and troubling freedom we are committed.
When we could no longer believe, we lost glory to war.
When the Wolf failed/won, we lost the People to war.

Note: The above translation is described as not being a literal translation, as "some form of lyrical shorthand is employed throughout" and it is completely different from modern formal Dalish. Thus it is impossible to use it to try to deconstruct the language.

Codex entries

Codex entry: In Uthenera Codex entry: In Uthenera
Codex entry: On Skyhold Codex entry: On Skyhold
Codex entry: Tracing from Temple Doors Codex entry: Tracing from Temple Doors
Codex entry: Torn Notebook in the Deep Roads, Section 3 Codex entry: Torn Notebook in the Deep Roads, Section 3
Codex entry: "I Am The One" Codex entry: "I Am The One"


  • The elven language as used in the games is actually a cipher.[134] As such, it doesn't always follow traditional linguistic rules.


  1. Tamlen refers to the language as "Elvish" at the beginning of the Dalish Elf Origin
  2. BWF David Gaider"Elven naming conventions" . The BioWare Forum. (offline).
  3. According to one archivist's notes on Skyhold.
  4. In Witch Hunt, Ariane tells the Warden that her clan had been guarding the book since the days of Arlathan. The book later ended up in a Circle before being reclaimed by an elf.
  5. Pramas, Chris. "Chapter Three: Focuses and Talents: Talents". Dragon Age RPG, Set 1 - Player's Guide. p.37.
  6. Elven guardian spirit’s response to the Inquisitor correctly saying Fen'Harel’s greeting in the Elven Mountain Ruins
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Banter between Solas and Sera
  8. What Solas says to Lavellan when taking away her vallaslin
  9. Spoken by Solas to Lavellan if romanced
  10. Spoken by an Inquisitor who drank from the Well of Sorrows in the Elven Mountain Ruins
  11. Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne, p. 76.
  12. Greeting of the elven spirits in the Elven Mountain Ruins
  13. Translated by Solas at the Temple of Mythal
  14. Solas' response to the Nightmare in the Fade
  15. Translation per The Story Behind Solas with Dragon Age Lead Writer Patrick Weekes, 35:32
  16. Gatsi's translation of Note: Bellanaris Din'an Heem
  17. Heroes of Dragon Age: Nexus Event, Facebook fanpage
  18. The Nightmare addressing Solas in the Fade
  19. Translation per The Story Behind Solas with Dragon Age Lead Writer Patrick Weekes, 35:16
  20. According to Solas when acquiring the Knight Enchanter specialization
  21. 21.0 21.1 Banter between Solas and Vivienne
  22. Written to an elven Inquisitor when receiving The Red Hart.
  23. Said by Morrigan after drinking from the Well of Sorrows
  24. Codex entry: Epitaphs for the Lost
  25. Twitter icon Patrick Weekes Twitter.
  26. 26.0 26.1 Spoken by Briala in The Masked Empire, Epilogue
  27. As explained by the Archivist spirit in the Vir Dirthara
  28. According to Solas after acquiring the Knight Enchanter specialization
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 Spoken by attacking Librarians in the Vir Dirthara
  30. As explained by Morrigan in the Temple of Mythal
  31. Spoken by various characters, including Merrill to Marethari Talas right before Merrill stabs her in the shrine of Pride's End during A New Path.
  32. Said by Merrill if romanced after All That Remains
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 33.4 Spoken by the Shade in the crypt where you get the Juggernaut armor set.
  34. 34.00 34.01 34.02 34.03 34.04 34.05 34.06 34.07 34.08 34.09 34.10 Translation from the developer Voice Over/Localization comments in the game files in Dragon Age: Origins
  35. 35.00 35.01 35.02 35.03 35.04 35.05 35.06 35.07 35.08 35.09 35.10 Spoken by the Spirit of Wisdom to Solas during the quest, All New, Faded for Her
  36. Spoken by a Dalish Inquisitor to Solas with low approval in conversation with Solas. Paraphrase says: “You could teach us.”
  37. Dragon Age: Last Flight, p. 27
  38. 38.0 38.1 38.2 Said by the ghostly boy in Dragon Age: Origins
  39. Spoken by a Dalish Inquisitor with low approval in conversation with Solas. Paraphrase says: “You have abandoned us.”
  40. Spoken by a shade in the Elven Tombs in Dragon Age: Origins
  41. Solas to Mihris during Measuring the Veil
  42. Spoken by Lavellan during the final conversation with Solas in Trespasser
  43. Written to a non-elven Inquisitor when receiving The Red Hart.
  44. Solas to Abelas during What Pride Had Wrought
  45. Spoken by Solas to the Spirit of Wisdom during the quest, All New, Faded for Her
  46. Said by Merrill and Solas to a romanced PC
  47. Special dialogue option for Lavellan or Solas during Measuring the Veil.
  48. Spoken by Abelas after the Inquisitor has refused the alliance
  49. 49.0 49.1 49.2 49.3 49.4 49.5 49.6 49.7 49.8 49.9 Codex entry: Tracing from Temple Doors
  50. Spoken by the elven sentinel guide in the Temple of Mythal
  51. Spoken by Athras
  52. Merrill battle cry
  53. Elven guardian spirit’s response when the Inquisitor does not know Fen'Harel’s secret greeting.
  54. Codex entry: In Uthenera
  55. What the elven guardian spirit says when asking for Fen'Harel's secret greeting
  56. Translation by Solas of what the elven sentinel guide in the Temple of Mythal says, but he seems to have translated it more politely
  57. Inscription on Path to Glory.
  58. Spoken by an elven Inquisitor in the Trespasser DLC if she decides to marry Cullen.
  59. According to Inquisitor Ameridan during the quest Where Once We Walked
  60. According to the paraphrase in the final conversation with Solas in Trespasser, if romanced.
  61. Spoken by Neria in combat.
  62. Translation by Solas of what the elven sentinel guide in the Temple of Mythal says.
  63. The elven guardian spirit's response when the Inquisitor does not known Fen'Harel's secret greeting
  64. 64.00 64.01 64.02 64.03 64.04 64.05 64.06 64.07 64.08 64.09 64.10 64.11 64.12 64.13 64.14 64.15 64.16 Dragon Age logo - new Dragon Age: The World of Thedas, vol. 1, p. 32
  65. As in Vir Tanadhal, “The Way of the Three Trees” and Vhenadahl, “the Tree of the People”
  66. 66.0 66.1 66.2 66.3 66.4 Codex entry: Andruil: Goddess of the Hunt, Codex entry: Vir Tanadhal: The Way of Three Trees
  67. As in the phrase "vir'abelasan," "the place of the way of sorrows"; or "Solasan," the "place of pride."
  68. As in “ar lath ma vhenan” and “ar lasa mala revas”
  69. Codex entry: Vir Atish'an
  70. Said by attacking temple guardians at the Temple of Mythal.
  71. 71.0 71.1 71.2 71.3 71.4 Codex entry: Torn Notebook in the Deep Roads, Section 3
  72. Vir Banal'ras
  73. 73.0 73.1 Description of Var Bellanaris.
  74. Tumblr icon Nunzio DeFilippis. "Clan Boranehn from Knight Errant translation" . Tumblr.
  75. 75.00 75.01 75.02 75.03 75.04 75.05 75.06 75.07 75.08 75.09 75.10 75.11 75.12 75.13 From Mir Da'Len Somniar in Dragon Age logo - new Dragon Age: The World of Thedas, vol. 2, p. 217
  76. Conversation with Velanna in Amaranthine
  77. Also said derisively by the limping sentinel guide in the Temple of Mythal in response to Sera's attempt at elven translation.
  78. Final conversation with Solas in Trespasser
  79. As mentioned by Keeper Hawen
  80. Codex entry: In Uthenera
  81. When first speaking to Varathorn, it is mentioned by him to Oghren.
  82. From “elgar’arla” meaning “spirit trap”
  83. Dragon Age: The Masked Empire, Chapter 12.
  84. According to Finn in Witch Hunt.
  85. Dragon Age logo - new Dragon Age: The World of Thedas, vol. 1, p. 27
  86. Codex entry: Arlathan: Part One
  87. Codex entry: Enasalin
  88. Dragon Age: The Masked Empire, Chapter 15.
  89. Dorian's translation of the word. Note that it is not a literal translation, only his approximation of its meaning based on external context; he also compares them to magisters.
  90. From Falon’Din, friend of the dead
  91. Codex entry: Felandaris
  92. As explained by Felassan in The Masked Empire, Chapter 3
  93. From Fenris meaning “little wolf” and Fen’Harel meaning “Dread Wolf”
  94. Twitter icon Patrick Weekes Twitter.
  95. Used in conversation by Solas with Mihris during Measuring the Veil if he is in the party and his special dialogue is selected
  96. Dragon Age logo - new Dragon Age: The World of Thedas, vol. 2, p. 108
  97. 97.0 97.1 Codex entry: The Long Walk
  98. 98.00 98.01 98.02 98.03 98.04 98.05 98.06 98.07 98.08 98.09 98.10 98.11 98.12 Codex entry: In Uthenera
  99. According to Keeper Hawen's clan in the Exalted Plains
  100. 100.0 100.1 100.2 Codex entry: The Rebel God
  101. As in “ir abelas” meaning “I’m sorry” and “ir tel’him” meaning “I’m me again”
  102. During the Dalish Elf Origin, Tamlen refers to the Warden as "lethallin" if male, and as "lethallan" if female.
  103. Twitter icon Patrick Weekes Twitter.
  104. See also the talk page.
  105. Elven Prayer for the Dead
  106. Codex entry: Song to Falon'Din
  107. As in “ma vhenan” meaning “my heart”, “ma harel” meaning “you lie”, and “ma melava halani” meaning “you helped me”
  108. Codex entry: On Skyhold
  109. Dragon Age: The Masked Empire, pg. 132
  110. According to Briala in Dragon Age: The Masked Empire, Chapter 5.
  111. The Archivist greets an elven Inquisitor or Sera by calling them "mirthadra elvhen" or "honored elvhen."
  112. Game Informer, Issue 367, pp. 28-39
  113. See Elgar'nan, known as the God of Vengeance, the All-Father, the Eldest of the Sun.
  114. Banner at Fort Revasan
  115. According to Tamlen in the Dalish Elf Origin if asked about the walking corpses.
  116. Said by Merrill when she first sees Ketojan in Shepherding Wolves
  117. According to Keeper Marethari during Night Terrors. Marethari makes the following remark about Feynriel: "The magic he possesses makes him what the Tevinters called "somniari," a dreamer." This indicates that somniari is possibly a loan word from Tevene.
  118. Dragon Age: The Masked Empire, chapter 12, chapter 15. Felassan and Mihris bring up the rituals of the somniari; neither of them suggests the word is Tevinter in origin.
  119. 119.0 119.1 Dragon Age logo - new Dragon Age: The World of Thedas, vol. 1, p. 29
  120. Sulevin Blade description
  121. According to Morrigan, and Solas' in notes on Skyhold.
  122. Inscription at Razikale's Reach in the Frostback Basin according to Bram Kenric
  123. Landmarks in the Graves#Vallasdahlen
  124. Codex entry: Vallaslin: Blood Writing
  125. Spoken by Abelas.
  126. Patrick Weekes. Etymological link between "Elvhen" and "vhenan". Bluesky.
  127. Codex entry: Vhenadahl: The Tree of the People
  128. Spoken by Solas to a romanced Inquisitor.
  129. Spoken by Abelas at the Temple of Mythal, translated by Morrigan
  130. Spoken at the Well of Sorrows
  131. Dragon Age (tabletop RPG), Game Master's Guide, set 1, p. 56 ('[After the players save the clan of Dalish elves], the Dalish make the characters adopted members of their clan, offering them tokens showing them to be vhenallin, or “friends of the People.”')
  132. Dragon Age logo - new Dragon Age: The World of Thedas, vol. 2, p. 217
  133. Dragon Age logo - new Dragon Age: The World of Thedas, vol. 2, p. 201
  134. Tumblr icon David Gaider"Incidentally, the big reason I am the One..." . Tumblr.