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“Falon'Din guide your steps—or the Maker, as you like.”

The Elven Widower is encountered near the docks of Redcliffe Village in the Hinterlands.


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Dragon Age: Inquisition.

The Elven Widower can be encountered in Redcliffe Village. He informs the Herald that he fears he will not be able to take flowers to his wife's grave, something he has done every year since her passing, due to the demons and bandits plaguing the region. The Herald can offer to perform this task for him, in which case he tells them that her shrine is located on a hill to the west, near the table stones.

After the Herald places the flowers on her grave and informs the Widower of having done so, he thanks them for their kindness to an old man, and says that he hopes the Inquisition will be as good for the land as the Herald has been to him. If the Herald is of elven origin, the Widower says that he and his wife tried to stick to the old ways, though he knows they are as children to the Dalish. Otherwise, he says that he never expected someone not of the blood to care.


Flowers for Senna Flowers for Senna