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Elemental Mines is a rogue ability from the Artificer specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition.


  • Damage: 50% weapon damage
  • Chill Duration: 8 seconds
  • Fire Damage: 50% weapon damage per second for 8 seconds
  • Shocked Duration: 8 seconds
  • Cooldown time: 24 seconds
  • Cost: 50 Stamina


Throw Everything Throw Everything
Requires: Elemental Mines
It's now or never. You use every ounce of stamina you've got to litter the battlefield with traps. The more stamina you use, the more traps you throw.

Throw 1 additional trap for every 5 stamina
One-Shot One-Shot
Requires: Trespasser
You now throw only one elemental mine at a time, to significantly greater effect. Each throw changes the element of the next mine.


  • Deals friendly fire damage, although allies cannot trigger the mines themselves. Does not deal damage or status effects to the user.
  • Without upgrades, 3 fire mines, 3 ice mines and 3 electricity mines are thrown
  • Mines will detonate if not triggered after some time
  • Mines are affected by passive abilities such as Pincushion, Opportunity Knocks, Looked Like It Hurt and Unforgiving Chain


  • Some players reported that sometimes some sort of "temporary glitch" happens when using the skill: Instead of throwing mines of diverse elements, the character will throw one big mine, as if the player has the One-Shot Upgrade from the Trespasser DLC, even without having it installed. Usually, after using the "glitched" skill, it turns back to normal. This bug only seems to occur when the AI is casting the ability while in combat.
  • Large enemies, such as Pride Demons, Behemoths, Giants and Dragons, will not trigger the mines when stepping over them.
  • Occasionally, some of the mines that are thrown will float upward instead of falling to the ground. It is unclear what causes this to occur although elevation appears to be one factor and usage of certain items such as Kitty's Collar may also contribute.