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Dragon Age Wiki

A dragon thrall is a dragon that has been corrupted by the darkspawn taint, and thus been turned into a ghoul.


Dragon Age: Origins[]

Only two dragon thralls appear in the entirety of Dragon Age: Origins. During The Battle of Denerim, the Warden must ascend Fort Drakon in order to reach and confront the Archdemon. At the foot of the tower, the Warden is beset by a pair of dragon thralls and a contingent of darkspawn. Only by slaying them is the Warden allowed access to the fort.

Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening[]

Just like the normal game, only two dragon thralls appear in Awakening. Fought at the end of the Righteous Path quest, they are considered both Boss-level enemies and the Warden-Commander must defeat them in order to escape the Silverite Mine.


The Battle of Denerim The Battle of Denerim
The Righteous Path The Righteous Path


Fort Drakon Fort Drakon (entrance)
Silverite Mine Silverite Mine


Aura of Pain Aura of Pain
Blood Frenzy Blood Frenzy
Flame Breath Flame Breath
Buffet Buffet
Devour Devour
Frightening Appearance Frightening Appearance
Overwhelm Overwhelm
Rake Rake
Roar Roar
Shred Shred


  • When dragon thralls appear in Origins, there is no visual difference between them and normal dragons. But in the expansion pack, Awakening, the dragon thralls are dark crimson and red. It's possible that the ones in Awakening were experimented on by the Architect, had a more advanced taint, or BioWare wanting to separate them out from normal dragons.

See also[]

Fauna and flora

