Can you impress the Divine with symbol's of the marquisate's dangers and glory?
Note: The goal of the feast is to gain as much Divine's Favor as possible in order to re-establish Serault's dignity.
Available actions[]
Drape warm furs on every seat Soft and enfolding.
Requires: 3 Trophy
Result: Comfort By dawn they'll be crusted with food stains and candlewax, but for now the guests can sink into the thick furs, warm and pampered.
+1 Divine's Favor, -3 Trophy
The walls bristle with hunting trophies Testimony to the wealth and peril of Serault's forests.
Requires: 6 Trophy
Result: Fruits of the chase Stag and doe, boar, hare, wolf and bear. There is no land in Orlais with hunting like Serault.
+1 Divine's Favor, -3 Trophy
Trim your armor with fur and stud it with Bereskarn spikes It's unwieldy, but guarantees you're never lost in the crowd. Unless the crowd wants a scar to remember you by.
Requires: 6 Trophy
Result: Legends The tale has grown in the telling. Now the bereskarn has become a king of its kind. Apparently, you faced it unarmed before killing it with one of its own severed spikes. It makes a good story.
+2 Divine's Favor, -6 Trophy
Give the Divine a splended mantle of furs It gleams like pearl under the lamplight.
Requires: 6 Trophy
Result: A princely gift There is a murmur of approval from the assembly. The Divine's gasps, softly. 'I have never seen the like,' she tells you. 'Not among Rivaini silks, nor Sehedron cotton.'
+2 Divine's Favor, -6 Trophy
The doors burst open and a Wyvern slithers into the hall It is a pretence, of coures - a troupe of mummers hidden inside the beast's skin. But your guests shriek in delight.
Requires: 6 Trophy, cured The Acerbic Dowager of her poisoning.
Result: From king to fool A man within the head makes the fanged jaws snap. He roars through a funnel that makes his voice blare. The 'wyvern' chases a jester around, over, and occasionally under the tables while the feasters roar with laughter. Even in death and in jest, the wyvern retains some of its majesty. Firelight runs like a river otter over its glistening scales. Its claws are still sharp as daggers. Children are terrified of it, and your dogs whine and slink away.
+2 Divine's Favor, -6 Trophy